Chinese name:
Shunyi District, Beijing
Former Employee/A Company Under Local Labor Bureau
Date of Death:
Date of Most Recent Arrest:
Most recent place of detention:
Tiantanghe Forced Labor Camp
Case Description:

( Mr. Zhang Youwei, 47, from Beijing, passed away on December 1, 2011, at home, shortly after being released on medical parole from Tiantanghe Forced Labor Camp, where he was near death.

Mr. Zhang Youwei

Mr. Zhang, from the Binhe Community, in Shunyi District, Beijing, was arrested on May 14, 2009, by officers from the Guangming Police Station. The police sentenced him to forced labor and charged him with owning Falun Gong books and truth-clarification materials. He was taken to the Xin'an Forced Labor Camp, then transferred to the Tiantanghe Forced Labor Camp. No information as to his treatment at the labor camp could be ascertained.

Medical Parole

Mr. Zhang's family received a notice from the Tiangtanghe Forced Labor Camp in mid-2011, telling them to apply for medical parole.

When he was picked up at the camp, his body was swollen and disfigured. He died shortly after his release.

Persecuted Since the Onset of the Persecution

The Chinese communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999. Mr. Zhang went to Beijing in late 2000 to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. He was arrested, and detained for one month.

As an employee of a company affiliated with the local labor bureau, he was fired from his job because he refused to renounce Falun Gong.

Mr. Zhang went to a village to distribute Falun Gong truth-clarification materials on September 2, 2001, and was arrested by officers from the Renhe Police Station. He was held at the Nihe Detention Center, where he was beaten and suspended by his handcuffed wrists.

He was sentenced to two years of forced labor and held at the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp from 2001 to 2003, where he was tortured, incarcerated in a small cell, and shocked with electric batons.

Torture illustration: Hung up by handcuffs

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