On July 3, after I came back from my appeals for Falun Gong in Beijing, several leaders at my workplace were shocked by the fact that Dafa practitioners went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. I told them many true stories about Dafa and my steadfast determination about practicing Dafa. I said, "I can afford to lose my life, but I will not give up Falun Dafa ever. Going to Beijing to appeal is a right that I am entitled to by the PRC Constitution. I only want to tell the general public the truth about Falun Dafa. There is nothing wrong with that." During interrogation in the detention center, I told the police officers that I would not answer any of their questions. I would not tell them my age, name, workplace, or address. I would do anything that is right for the Fa and decline anything that is not right for the Fa. That night, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was doing homework and got a full score and a plus for the homework. I knew that was a sign of encouragement from our teacher. During the second night that I was detained, I said to myself: "Teacher, I could care less about anything else now. I only want to read the book Zhuan Falun." Then I pulled the detention center's door slightly. For some reason, the door was open. I ran out to my neighbor's house and brought back Zhuan Falun and Essentials for Further Advancement to the detention center. I started reading the books and practicing exercises everyday, even in front of the police officers in the detention center. One day, the Chief officer came in and saw the book, Zhuan Falun. He asked someone to take the book away from me. At the time, I was doing the sitting exercise on the floor. I got up immediately and grabbed the book back. There were three or four of them. They did not stop me and were all astounded: after being on hunger strike and not eating anything for four days, where did I get the strength? That afternoon, the Chief officer brought me to his office and asked me to demonstrate the five sets of exercises to him. In the morning of next day, he called me into his office again and said to me: "I still have the books, Zhuan Falun and Lectures in the United States you gave to me before." I said: "I would like to tell you something from the bottom of my heart, but I'm not sure if you'll like to listen." He said, "Go ahead. Go ahead." Then I said to him: "If you don't want to say anything good about Falun Gong, don't say anything bad about Falun Gong either. You probably don't think it's any big deal, but you don't know how important this attitude is to a human being. Our teacher said: "When all sentient beings treasure Dafa, they are treasuring their own lives." The Chief officer replied: "I now understand." He released me that afternoon. On July 24, I was detained again because of practicing and showing people Falun Dafa introduction flyers during a trip to Nan Mountain. They interrogated me about where I got the flyers. I refused to answer any of their questions. I was sent to the higher-authorized public security department and kept in their custody for fifteen days. They also asked me to sign the custody paper. I refused. I didn't have any food or water for the first three days. I recited Teacher's articles Lunyu, Position, True Nature Revealed, The Knowing Heart, Hongyin (Teacher's poetry) and verbal recitals for the five sets of exercises. On the fourth day, police officers used tubes to force-feed me with powdered milk from my nose down to my stomach. When they forced me down on the ground again on the fifth and sixth day, I started reciting Teacher's articles. The doctors, nurses and policemen there were all stunned. They gave me a sedative shot. They were amazed at my good memory. They said they could not understand why I was doing this since I am a college graduate and a student studying for my Master's degree. I told them the truth about Dafa. Many of them showed their sympathy and understanding. After that, I was sentenced to a two-year term in a labor camp. I refused to sign the verdict paper. I said, "Dafa is guiltless. I am innocent. It is you who are committing the crime. You broke the law while enforcing them. Not only are you breaking the law of this human world, but you are also breaking the law of this universe. I want to appeal against the government's persecution of Dafa!" During the first two days I was in the labor camp, I went on a hunger strike. The labor camp officers asked criminals to push me on the ground and force-feed me with liquid. They also asked me to memorize the labor camp regulations. The second time, the officers ordered criminals to beat me and force-feed me and not let me practice Falun Gong. I refused to eat, drink, or recite the labor camp regulations. I recited Teacher's articles everyday. No matter how tired I was because of the hard labor during the day or how severe the torture was, I felt I was able to overcome all the difficulties by reciting Teacher's articles. The superintendent said to me: "If you want to practice, practice inside your heart, but don't practice in the labor camp." I remembered that further inland, Dafa practitioners in Changchun had gone on hunger strikes and were tortured by the convicts there based on orders from the supervisor of the labor camp. They force-fed Dafa practitioners with salty and peppery soup bases. At that moment, I thought about Teacher's poem, "Pursue nothing while living, die with no regret and hesitation, cleanse all bad thoughts, practice cultivation into a Buddha is not difficult." I had a deeper understanding of "Grand talk counts for naught when it comes to life and death. Actions reveal what is true." Teacher also said, "The environment is created by you, yourself." After thinking of this, I said to the superintendent, "If you want my life, take it. But if you don't let me practice Falun Gong, no way!" I started promoting the Fa and introducing the truth of Dafa to other convicts in the labor camp. Two of them started learning with me. I recited Teacher's articles and poems for them everyday. They were deeply touched by practitioners' words and conduct. The criminals all said that Falun Gong practitioners are good people. In one detention center, convicts there said to every practitioner who was arrested: "We will stand in line to welcome you!" Most of these practitioners were sent to the camps after they went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. During 33 days in the labor camp, my feelings were that: practitioners undergoing severe torture need to read the books and study the Fa even more. In this way, they will know how to cherish the Fa even better. I hope all the practitioners, at your convenience and within your capability, send copies of all of Teacher's new articles and books into the hands of those practitioners who have lost their freedom. That will mean more than anything else to them. When I was in the labor camp, I said to Teacher in my heart: "Teacher, if I can get out of here, I will definitely let more practitioners treasure the Fa, spend more time reading the books and study the Fa. I will help more practitioners get rid of the attachment to death and life, assist Teacher in the human world, let more people know about the truth of Dafa, let all the practitioners be united and connected together to reach the state of "without any energy channels or acupuncture points in one's body." On the night of September 5, I ran away from the labor camp when the superintendent was not paying attention. I walked on foot for eight hours before I reached a road and got onto a bus. I was on my way to let more practitioners get rid of the attachment of death and life, and assist Teacher in the human world. A Practitioner in China September 15, 2000
To Better Validate the Fa to Assist Teacher in the Human World

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