[Beijing] Practitioners from Shandong Province stayed in sewers in Beijing in order to keep validating Dafa Several Dafa practitioners from Shandong Province stayed in sewers since they could not find lodging in Beijing. On the fourth day of their stay, someone happened to open the sewer cover and discovered them. They had to leave afterwards. Just 10 minutes after they left, it started raining very heavily and the sewers were flooded. They have now found shelter with the help from some local practitioners. [Beijing] Over a dozen practitioners from outside Beijing rented a house in Beijing. When the landlord discovered that they were Dafa practitioners, he told them: "Since you are Dafa practitioners, I will protect you!" One day, the landlord brought his dog and kept watch in the street for the practitioners while they were distributing Dafa materials. Almost a month has passed since October 1, the National Day. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Dafa practitioners have been arrested, beaten and detained. Most of them came from outside Beijing. In the past month, I had the chance to contact, exchange experiences, and work together with several hundred Dafa practitioners who came from outside Beijing. I am full of deep respect for and moved by their spiritual realm of being; able to leave everything they have behind for the sake of Dafa. Some practitioners have been staying in Beijing for more than a month. It is hard to remember how many times they have been to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. Some of them unfurled banners and distributed flyers in Tiananmen Square. After they were knocked down to the ground, they were able get up and leave the square. Some were put into custody but managed to run away from the detention center. Some practitioners did not want to be arrested easily. They found all possible ways to continue distributing Dafa materials throughout Beijing. At present, the evils in the cosmic body have already been completely eliminated. Those tiny bit of evil matters left is not enough to cover the whole country, or even the whole of Beijing. It can only cover the small patch of land of Tiananmen Square, like a small piece of worn-out cloth. If it were covering somewhere else, then it would not be covering Tiananmen Square. Many practitioners have realized: Beijing is the central nerve of the evil force; it is at present also one of the best places to validate Dafa and clarify the true facts of Falun Dafa to the public. There would not have been a way to cultivate if there were not evil and tribulations. Since we have left everything behind and came to Beijing to validate Dafa, we should make this trip a worthy one. If we loudly shout, "Falun Dafa is Good!" in Tiananmen Square, we will be brutally beaten, put in the detention center, cruelly tortured and even sent to a labor camp. This is what everyone can see. However, on the surface, its significance and its profound and lasting effects are not understood by most people.. At the moment when we make the step forward, our hearts are extremely pure. We have left life and death behind to validate Dafa. Even if it only lasts for one second, it has become part of our divine side; when we make the step forward, the evil in other dimensions have been defeated immediately. To protect Dafa the cultivators are not even afraid of death. Therefore, there is nothing that can be used to threaten them. Validating Dafa, protecting Dafa, facing evil calmly and fearlessly is bringing us to consummation and establishing the mighty virtue of future enlightened beings. Today, there are still many practitioners who do not understand the current situation in China. They wonder: if a Tathagata can eliminate all the evils on the earth by a wave of his hand, why does the majestic Lord of Buddhas let us bear and suffer so much? Think about it: if you and I are all nice to each other, how will the real Xinxing of the practitioners be tested and verified? When and how will our great aspiration of "saving all beings, and assisting the Teacher in the human world" be achieved? Shouldn't that happen at this critical historic moment of the Fa rectifying the universe? Some practitioners are still waiting for a big change of the situation, the moment of the Fa rectification in the human world. As a matter of fact, once that moment arrives and the truth is revealed, those practitioners who have been waiting through this historical period of time will have lost their chance to establish their own mighty virtue. True practitioners are making sacrifices selflessly in the course of the Fa rectifying the universe. <<Serious Teachings>> has talked clearly about the "Cultivation through Fa Rectification." Then, what have we been enlightened to? And what have we done so far? A Dafa particle that has assimilated with Dafa should sacrifice for Dafa unconditionally. Those practitioners who have obtained the Fa at the time of Fa rectification but are unable to step forward to validate Dafa have denied themselves of being qualified as Dafa particles. They probably will lose all they deserve in the new universe. No matter how vicious and furious the evil force is, it will be eliminated when Gods do not allow them to exist any more. Time does not wait for anyone. I hope that more practitioners will step forward to validate Dafa before the truth is revealed. The practitioners from outside Beijing deserve high respect because they have left themselves behind and paid out all they had for the Fa rectification. Speaking in general, stepping forward to validate Dafa is following the correct path. The more vicious the environment is, the better we have been tested, and it is more helpful to eliminate our attachments. Some practitioners from other provinces do not have very good education. They could not even express well enough how they understand the principles of Dafa. However, their hearts are very pure. Their hearts to give up anything for Dafa is shining brightly like the gold. Nevertheless, they need help from Beijing practitioners now (for food, lodging, source of Dafa materials as well as knowledge of the local environment). We are now printing large amounts of materials and providing them to the practitioners from other places. Hopefully more practitioners will get in contact with us and distribute the materials. Let the truth of Dafa spread to every corner of Beijing; let the voice of Dafa be always heard on Tiananmen Square; let the people all over the country have a chance to read Dafa materials. I wrote the above understanding and enlightenment of mine to share with fellow practitioners. A Practitioner From China October 29, 2000
The Situation of Practitioners From Outside Beijing

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