Monday 27 November 2000
I was introduced to Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) at the Ottawa Health show in April. Later, I attended their free nine-day workshops including instructions in the five exercises and videotaped lecture series given by the founder Master Li Hongzhi, the author of China Falun Gong and Zuan Falun, which establish Falun Gong as a practice without any religious or political affiliation.
After seven months as a practitioner, I struggle everyday with the bizarre contradictions in the demands of my daily practice and the attitude of the Chinese government to practitioners inside and outside China. Since experiencing the power of Falun Gong in so many positive changes to my mind, body, life and family, I cannot imagine being forced to give up one of the best things that has happened to me.
The knowledge that I could be tortured to death in China for my total commitment to the principles of Falun Gong is senseless cruelty.
As I learn of countless stories of the torture of men, women and children in China every day, I am reminded of how much we take our rights and freedoms for granted in Canada.
To support our Chinese fellow Canadians, my husband and I have participated in many vigils opposite the Chinese embassy on St. Patrick Street.
Clearly, the insensitivity and arrogance of the embassy officials towards numerous peaceful demonstrations are possible in part, due to a largely complacent Canadian public.
As global events impact on every aspect of the quality of Canadian life, we cannot afford to treat this as a Chinese problem.
Sharda Vaidyanath,
Category: Falun Dafa in the Media