Bob Clement
Congress of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-4205
November 11, 2000
Dear Ms. XX:
Thank you for writing me to express your concern about the brutal repression of the Falun Gong by the Chinese government. I share your concern, which I have repeatedly expressed to the Chinese government. I have joined my colleagues in written appeals, including the letter about which you wrote me, circulated by Representative Chris Smith. Under the auspices of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, my office has also participated in hosting a public briefing on this tragedy. [...] I have personally spoken with Falun Gong practitioners and expressed my concern to them.
I have a strong concern for the freedom of individuals to practice and express their beliefs. I was a primary author of the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA), which passed Congress unanimously two years ago and has produced tremendous new initiatives by our government in addressing religious persecution. Among other measures, IRFA established the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. In its first term, the Commission examined China as one of its countries of focus. In addition, IRFA required the President to designate as 'countries of particular concern' those countries whose governments engage in particularly severe violations of religious freedom. China was designated as such a country both in 1999 and 2000, and the Tiananmen Square sanctions were expected on that basis.
I will continue to press for justice to be served and the repression to stop in China and other countries around the world where the tragedy of persecution continues. Thank you for writing and sharing your concern with me.
Bob Clement
Member of Congress
Category: Voices of Support Worldwide