Amnesty International
Dublin Central Group
51 Church Road, East Wall
Dublin 3
November 22, 2000
The Dublin Central Group of Amnesty International is very seriously concerned for Trinity College student Zhao Ming who is now in Tuanhe Labour Camp in Beijing.
Although the reports that Zhao Ming has been severely tortured cannot be verified by Amnesty International under the present circumstances, the detailed accounts of beatings, electro-shock torture and sleep deprivation which Ming has reportedly suffered are cause for very serious concern for his safety and well being.
Since the crackdown on the Falun Gong movement by the Chinese government began, a number of practitioners have died from beatings while in detention. Many more have been imprisoned and tortured in the attempt by the authorities to crush the practice.
Falun Gong practitioners, including Zhao Ming, are being persecuted for the peaceful expression of their beliefs, contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention Against Torture.
Human rights is not a phrase that is popular with the Chinese authorities, but they must eventually realise that the protection of human rights is a priority for the Beijing government, as it is for governments everywhere. China has nothing to lose by allowing its citizens freedom to express their peacefully held beliefs.
Zhao Ming and the other Falun Gong practitioners who are imprisoned should be released. Torture and ill treatment of detainees should cease immediately.
End of statement
Category: Voices of Support Worldwide