[Beijing] Falun Dafa Practitioners Beaten On Tiananmen Square - Oct. 26. Case 1: Wei Yang (pseudonym), a female practitioner from Nanchang city, Jiangxi Province talked about her own experience: "I went to appeal in Tiananmen Square on the afternoon of Oct. 26. When I unfurled a banner, a group of policemen rushed over and beat me, pulled my hair, slapped my face and kicked me. My right eye, lower abdomen, waist and chest were severely injured. The right side of my head was swollen, one rib on the left side was broken, and my back was wounded. The beating lasted for about half an hour. Then two other practitioners and I were sent to the Xiaotangshan Police Team. I was beaten harshly twice there and was handcuffed for more than 8 hours. In the police station, three female police officers forced me to undress for a check but failed because of my strong resistance. Later, I was taken to Jiangxi province liaison office in Beijing. A practitioner there told me that the so-called 'undress to check' procedure actually is to electric shock the lower parts of the body. I escaped from the liaison office three days later and other practitioners said my appearance was distorted beyond recognition." Case 2: On the afternoon of Oct. 26, a 50-year-old practitioner held a banner on Tiananmen Square and spoke loudly: "Falun Dafa is good!" Police rushed towards her and threw her down to the ground. Two police beat and kicked her chest, belly and the lower part of her body. She was dragged by the collar into a police van. Her hair was pulled out, pants pulled down, and her hip was bleeding. Many tourists were shocked to see this. [Beijing] The policeman said: "We don't treat you as criminals." Several practitioners went to Jingshui Bridge [Northern side of Tiananmen Square] to hang up a banner saying "Falun Dafa is good!" and to tell people "Falun Dafa is the righteous law", "Falun Dafa is good!" Then, we were detained at Tiananmen police substation. There were already many detained practitioners from almost all regions in the country. The practitioners who didn't report their names were detained in the yard, and both the indoor and outdoors were full of practitioners. We all spoke loudly: "Falun Dafa is good", "Falun Dafa is the righteous law", "Suffocate the evil". The police dare not to beat us except for pouring water on us from upstairs. Later on, one leading police oficer said: " We all know you are good people, we don't treat you as criminals, be quiet. Premier Zhu Rongji as well as Qiao Shi have talked to us." The person from my provincial liaison office recognized me instantly. This is the fourth time that I came to appeal. The person initially in charge of sending practitioners back has started cultivating Dafa and was dismissed from his position due to releasing practitioners. The person replacing him was very fierce at the beginning but changed his attitude under Dafa's mighty power. I told him: "Everyone is arranging his position in the universe, the more you do good [for Dafa], the more you gain. If your predestined relationship with some practitioners is very strong, maybe you'll be saved to his paradise." He was very happy and let me go. It was known that some of the practitioners were released as well. [Anqiu, Shandong Province] Luo Gan Goes to Anqiu City, to Supervise the Persecution One month ago, Luo Gan came, again, in person to Anqiu city to command the escalation of the persecution, and made the city and its boundary fall, again, into horrible terror. Please see the case below: Li Jun and Li Qizhi, a couple, live in Daquan village, Jingzhi town. They were forced to leave their home because of appealing in Beijing on Oct. 1, leaving an 11-year-old son unattended. The child was taken care of by neighbors during the daytime and slept at home at night. He died in a car accident on Oct. 19. During the past year, this child was beaten by some accomplices of Luo Gan. One night in early September, he was awaken by some evil men and questioned about his parents' whereabouts. He answered no and was tortured. This time his parents went back to give him a funeral and the town police went to arrest them. The villagers were all shocked and couldn't believe it. Under the questions and pressure of the villagers, this couple was not taken away by police. [Weifang, Shandong Province] Practitioners validating Dafa One practitioner, female, in her 30's, was watched by several people during this Oct. 1 holiday to prevent her from appealing in Beijing. In order to validate Dafa, she jumped from her balcony without injury. Another practitioner, female, in her 50's, was detained in the county office for forcible education on July 20 of this year. After a hunger strike for 6-7 days, she was handcuffed to the basketball stands for five hours in the sun. Ding Li from Fangzhi district, male, 31 years old, was sentenced to three years in labor camp on Oct. 20 for appealing in Beijing this Oct. 1. Because of multiple interferences from the work unit and the local government, his wife divorced him. [China] Practitioners from the army went to Beijing to appeal at the risk of their lives. It is reported from different sources that the army will execute practitioners who firmly practice Falun Dafa. Since the ordinary military units do not have the authority to put soldiers to death, this decision must be made by top officers from the army. The army is in conformity with the Chinese central government. So the information that China will secretly execute the practitioners is not groundless. On October 26, 2000, a soldier participated in the appealing activities in Tiananmen Square at the risk of his life; he returned safely. [Beijing] Three students from Beijing Industrial and Commercial University Participate in the October 1 activity . On October 1, 2000, three students from Beijing Industrial and Commercial University were arrested when they went to Tiananmen Square to appeal peacefully. They are, Zhu Xiaomei, female, 22 years old, department of chemical engineering; Sun Xuebing, male, 24 years old, graduate student from the department of Mechanics; and Zeng Yanxia, female, 22 years old, department of business administration. Before leaving for Tiananmen Square, Zhu Xiaomei talked about why she would go to Tiananmen, "If a person understands the meaning of Dafa and life, but he does not protect the Fa that created his own life, then his life is really distressing." Sun Xuebing is from a very poor family. He studies very hard and won the scholarship every year. He was highly trusted by his teachers and respected by his classmates. Zhu and Sun are on the blacklist at their university, because they firmly insist on practicing Falun Dafa. There whereabouts is unknown. Zeng Yanxia went to Tiananmen to unfurl the banners of Falun Dafa On Oct 1, and was arrested. She refused to cooperate with the evil and refused to tell her name, so she was taken to Miyun county detention center. She jumped out of the bathroom window and her joints were fractured. She was then sent back to the university. She is not only a great student but also respected by her classmates. The leader of the university and teachers all considered her a student of good character and scholarship. She once said that no matter what difficulties she encounters, she would be determined to continue the practice. The security section of the university threatened her that because of going to Tiananmen, she may be expelled from the university. They also said that Zhu and Sun may be sentenced. Phone Numbers of Beijing Industrial and Commercial University Chancellor Su Zhiping 011-86-10-68904767 Communist Party Secretary Lin Shaoyan 011-86-10-68904223 Security Office Director Deng 011-86-10-68904773 School Office 011-86-10-68904031 School Office Director 011-86-10-68904508 Department of Chemical Engineering Party Secretary 011-86-10-68905342 Department of Mechanics Party Secretary 011-86-10-68905250 Address: 11 Fucheng Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, 100037 [Yantai, Shandong Province] Practitioner Xie Shuling was sent to the mental hospital Practitioner Xie Shuling was recently sent into Yantai Psychology Recovery Hospital (formally Laiyang mental hospital). Hospital Office: 011-86-535-7265700 Communist Party office: 011-86-535-7265701 [Zibo, Shandong Province] Wangcun Labor Camp - Hell in the human world to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. Wangcun Labor Camp in Zibo is violating the law. They violate their own rules by not allowing relatives to visit the practitioners. The young practitioners were forced to do heavy work for as long as 20 hours every day. The elders do less heavy work or run 20 hours a day. Many practitioners are on hunger strikes to protest the illegal detention and brutal torture. The police would ask strong men to tie the practitioners up, then force- fed and physically tortured the practitioners. Some practitioners were tortured to death. We urge the relatives to request seeing your family members, maybe they have died because of maltreatment, and you are still being deceived. At the same time, we urgently hope that the all governments and the kind-hearted people can extend their support and help to stop and unmask these criminal deeds. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] Practitioner Wen Huiying was sentenced to labor camp Wen Huiying, female, 30 years old, is an employee of Shijiazhang Light Automobile Remodeling Factory. After watching CCTV's evil and false report about Dafa, she went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa the next day. She was taken back to Shijiazhang and detained in Zanhuang County. On October 24, her work unit received a notice that Wen Huiyang had been sentenced to 2 years in labor camp. The leader of her work unit knew that Wen is a good worker, and they tried to get her back by dealing with the police station. The police insisted on sentencing her to a labor camp. Many coworkers felt helpless and shocked. They could not figure out why practitioners were sentenced to labor camps just because they went to Beijing to tell the truth. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Practitioner Shi Junhong beaten and disabled Shi Junhong is a Dafa practitioner in Tianqiao District of Jinan. On October 1, when he was doing exercise in Tiananmen Square, he was beaten cruelly by the police in plain clothes. On the same day, Shi was brought back to Jinan by the police, during the trip, he kept complaining of pains in his head. He was sent to a hospital to be checked, but nothing was done to stop the pain, which became almost unbearable. Under such circumstances, he was still sent to Dangjiazhuang Labor Camp and sentenced to three years of labor education. It was learned recently that, Shi was beaten and disabled by prisoners in the same room. His right collarbone was broken and one ear became deaf. This was, most likely, done by prisoners with orders from the camp officers. The labor camp blocked the information tightly and thus the details were hard to obtain. Around National Day (October 1), many Dafa practitioners from Jinan went to Beijing to appeal. For practitioners who had been to Beijing, regardless of what the trip was for, the police would fine RMB 5,000 (about $600), or kept them under criminal detention or sent them to labor education. It was learned that, from the orders of the National Department of Public Security, Jinan was reprimanded for too few practitioners being sent to labor camp. The Jinan police department thus assigned quotas for labor education to each district. To match this number, local police stations arrested practitioners and sent them to labor camps without any reason. Within a few days, more than 40 were sent to the labor camp. Some practitioners were sent to the Transformation Class and they would be directly sent to labor camp if they did not give up practicing after 20 days. To avoid being arrested, many practitioners have to stay away from their homes. Now, only very few practitioners are at home. Since the police are arresting practitioners everywhere, detailed information is hard to know. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Practitioner deceived into local police station and detained On the afternoon of October 22, Jin Shuangqi, the former Dafa assistant in Tianqiao District of Jinan, was deceived into coming to a Liujiazhuang police station and has been detained since then. We want to warn practitioners to be aware of this. As our teacher said in "Rationality": "Getting arrested is not the purpose. Validating Dafa is truly glorious -- it is to validate Dafa that you come forth. Since you come forth, you should try to succeed in validating the Fa-- this is the real purpose of coming forth." Phone numbers: Sheng, director of Tianqiao police station in Jinan: 011-86-13808933808 (cellular). Yang Baozhu, Director of Liujiazhuang police station, Tianqiao District in Jinan: 011-86-531-6925261. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] Experiences of practitioners in Wuhan Chen Weiqiang (pseudonym), male, 37 years old. Since the media reports of Falun Gong are contrary to his own cultivation experience, Chen went to State Appealing Bureau in Beijing to appeal on July 4. However, the plainclothes police did not allow him to enter the bureau. Thus, he went to do the exercises in Tiananmen Square. After he was put into a police van, he was inhumanly beaten and humiliated. A policeman hit him hard in the chest with a police baton and his chest turned black. The policeman then knocked his lower jaw with an iron tool, and later burned and smoked him under the exhaustion pipe of a police van. Then he was dragged into a grassy area full of water. After he was beaten to the ground and got all wet, he was bought back into the police van and cooled by the air-conditioning in the van for over an hour, during which he was so cold that his whole body shivered and his teeth chattered. The police humiliated him by drawing figures on his face, spitting on his face, clutching his nose... Chen was later sent to Hainan Province and detained there for 26 days. Liu Haimei, female, 32 years old, went to Beijing to tell the truth on October 17, 1999, and was brought back by the police on October 24th. Liu was kept in the "Isolated Transformation Class" for over half a year, where she lost personal freedom and was handcuffed and brutally beaten. To let more people know the truth so that the evil would have no place to hide, Liu now recounts the torture she received: "The 'Isolated Transformation Class' is located in Huangpi of Wuhan, Hubei Province. Because I wouldn't listen to their words that confuse right and wrong, under the order of Yan Lianshen, policeman Yang hit me hard in the face many times. He later handcuffed me in the back to a bed, and wouldn't let me sleep during the night. The next morning when I looked in the mirror, I found the left part of my face was so swollen that my left eye could barely open. There is severe hyperemia in my left eye and my eye socket turned black and blue. My lips were swollen so thick they could not be closed. I could hardly recognize myself." Yan Lianshen, male, about 50 years old, is the associate director of Jiangan Detention Center of Wuhan Police Department. Yang, male, 25 years old, is a policeman in Chezhan police station of Jiangan in Wuhan. Song Lianru (pseudonym), female, 52 years old, went to Beijing to appeal on January 18, 2000. After she was brought back the next day, Song was kept in the "Isolated Transformation Class" for over 5 months. She was handcuffed twice for doing the exercises. One time after she went on a hunger strike for 5 days, Song was hung in the air for over an hour and her heels couldn't touch the ground. Because the police found that she had Teacher's articles, she was punished with heavy shackles placed on her feet. Because of the shackles, she couldn't go to sleep during the night. Hong Mei (pseudonym), female, 43 years old, practiced the exercises at Binjiang Park in Wuhan on December 25, 1999, and was detained by police for 15 days for "Illegally Practice Falun Gong". Later, she was brought back by Siweijie police station of Jiangan District and kept in Wuhan No. 1 Hostel for over two weeks. Hong was also forced to live under surveillance. [Wuhan, Hubei Province] A partial list of Wuhan practitioners sentenced to imprisonment or labor camp The following practitioners are sentenced to imprisonment: Xu Xianglan, female, 48 years old, Director of Falun Gong Wuhan Assistant Center, 8 years Hong Weisheng, male, 47, 12 years Peng Chong, male, 25, 7 years for getting Dafa information from the Internet Fang Longchao, male, 52, cadre of Changjiang Navigation Office, 3 years Ni Guobin, male, 3 years Zhang Aimin, male, 29, employee of the Bank of China, 3 years for appealing twice in Beijing (probation) Zou Jiarong, female, 32, 2 years Shi Lei, male, 39, 1 year (completed) Chen Jing, female, 37, 1 year The following practitioners are sentenced to labor camp: Zhang Ke, female, 41, 3 years Liu Hongxiu, female, 45, school teacher, 3 years Yang Zhenwu, male, 49, 3 years Zhou Cuier, female, 29, nurse, 3 years Xu Chunzhi, female, 45, Mid-China Industrial College employee, went to appeal in Beijing three times, 2 years Lu Zhen, male, 24, cadre of Wuhan Postal Science Institute, three times appeal in Beijing, 2 year Li Jianhua, female, 46, employee of No. 4262 factory, 2 years Jing Xiu, female, 32, school teacher, 2 years Hu Shenglian, female, 2 years Li Jinlong, male, 2 years Wang Li, female, 29, reporter of Hubei Daily, three times appeal in Beijing, 1.5 years Chen Jinhui, male, 28, Wuhan Washing Machine Co. employee, 1.5 years Peng Weisheng, male, 52, appeal in Beijing twice, 1.5 years Li Wenlan, female, 40, faculty of Chinese Medicine Institute, appeal in Beijing twice, 1.5 years Qiao Chuanjie, male, 30, Mechanical Research Institute employee, appeal twice in Beijing, 1.5 years Zhang Quanhao, male, 32, Water Supply Co. employee, 1.5 years Song Gang, male, 40, school teacher, 1.5 years Wang Jinsong, male, 1.5 years Wang Kai, male, 1.5 years Lu Chao, male, 1.5 years The following practitioners are sentenced to 1 year in labor camp: Zhang Jiehong, 42, appeal in Beijing three times; Tian Chengyuan, male, 32; Liu Lina, female, 50; Wang Changhui, female, 60, appeal in Beijing twice; Xiong Guiju, female, 50; Huang Qin, female, 28; Cai Sanzhi, female, 50; Xu Guier, female; Yi Lanzhi, female; Ms. Wang, female, appeal in Beijing twice; Xu Xiangxiu, female; Zuo Cuihua, female; Liu Lihua, female; Tian Sha, female; Yao Hui, female; Zhang Jiafan, female; Yang Liping, female; Wang Liping, female Note: Currently all the Wuhan practitioners sentenced to labor camp are gathered at Hewan labor camp to attend "transformation class". They will be transferred to Hubei Shayang Labor Education Farm for harsher detention. Hewan labor Camp address: Luojiazui, Hankou District, Wuhan, Hubei Province Phone: 011-86-27-85878758, 86-27-85880417 Cheng Yankang, director of Wuhan Political and Law Enforcement Committee, 011-86-27-82402352 Hubei Province Labor Education Management Bureau 011-86-27-87316839 [China] The lamentable end of the arrogant vanguards in the persecution of Falun Gong Liang Guangbin, male, 36, worked in the Yongjun Farm Police Station of Nenjiang county, Heilongjiang province. He conducted brutal persecution against local Falun Gong practitioners and got a promotion because of that. Recently, Liang died in an a motorcycle accident. Huang Shihui, safety officer of Jinzhou Railway Station, Liaoning province, died of a heart attack on October 25. He did Falun Gong "transformation" work last October and was involved in running "transformation classes" and watching practitioners, etc.
Latest News from China - 10/29/2000

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