[China] Ms. Zhang Xueling, the daughter of Ms. Chen Zixiu, was arrested again for petitioning for her mother According to credible sources, Ms. Zhang Xueling, the daughter of Ms. Chen Zixiu, was arrested again in the aftermath of the National Day, for petitioning for her mother who was beaten to death by the police. At present, her situation remains unknown. We hope the international community will give attention to this issue, stop Jiang Zemin and his accomplices' brutality, and call for the immediate release of the innocent Ms. Zhang Xueling. The tragedy that happened to Chen Zixiu cannot be allowed to happen to her daughter. [China] The Working Committee of Government Organizations orders people to close their eyes Recently, a government department passed down an order from the Working Committee of Government Organizations regarding Falun Gong. The department ordered its employees to hand in any materials related to Falun Gong, prohibited them from browsing Falun Gong Web sites, etc. Ridiculously, the order said anyone who found Falun Gong materials should not read them, otherwise he/she would be considered as making a mistake. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Retired practitioners in Chengdu had their salary and living compensation suspended Chengdu Engine Corporation announced it had stopped paying salaries and living compensation to its retired employees who are also Falun Dafa practitioners. However, all retired Dafa practitioners persisted in the practice. Not long ago, flyers publicizing the truth of Dafa and exposing the evil conduct of Jiang Zemin appeared in the office of the disciplinary committee of the company. This fully demonstrated Dafa practitioners' determination. The agents of persecution there were greatly shocked and became even more afraid. [China] Practitioners from China expose the truth with intelligence and flexibility On the evening of September 29, Dafa practitioners from a city in China posted materials throughout the city to expose Jiang Zemin and tell the truth about Falun Dafa. After the National Day, many practitioners distributed Dafa materials widely while they visited relatives and friends, or strolled along the streets. A practitioner in his 60's bundled Dafa materials all over his body beneath his clothes. He wore a hat and carried some wallpaper paste in his pockets. Whenever there was an opportunity, he would take out a flyer and post it on the wall with the wallpaper paste. [China] A female practitioner in her 60's freed herself by climbing over 4 walls after being detained Practitioner Ye Meiyan (pseudonym), a lady in her 60's, was detained when she was distributing Dafa materials. Since she still carried some materials on her person, she jumped into a river. When she was taken to the police station, she was beaten up and handcuffed while her clothes were still wet. After the guards fell asleep, she thought that there were more Dafa materials and books at her home, so she should not be detained in the police station by the evil forces. At that time, a miracle happened: she got rid of the handcuffs with ease. This 60 year-old lady climbed onto a tree, climbed over 4 walls, and left safely. In the end, she got into the yard of a Dafa practitioner and spent a night in a hut. [Beijing] Police were planted in meeting between a Beijing practitioner and strangers A Beijing practitioner met with some "practitioners" from outside Beijing that she did not know before. However, when she returned home from outside and opened the door, people were already waiting in her house for her. In the beginning, she thought thieves had broken into her home. Then she learned that a "practitioner" that she did not know before had collaborated with the police and broken her window glass and got into her room. As a result, the practitioner was arrested. It is hoped that other practitioners will learn from this lesson. [Shiyan, Hubei Province] Around October 5, more than 60 practitioners were arrested in Shiyan city Around October 5, more than 60 Dafa practitioners were detained in Shiyan City of Hubei Province. They are still under investigation. Among them, practitioners Zi Rusong and Du Liangen have been harshly beaten up and their homes have been ransacked several times. So far, they have behaved very well. [Chengdu, Sichuan Province] Jintang County of Chengdu is illegally detaining Dafa practitioners who were on vacation On the night of July 19, 2000, the police from Huaikou police station in Jintang County of Chengdu woke up some Falun Dafa practitioners who were touring the Jinyan Lake in Guanghan and forcefully took them away to Jintang County detention center. A total of 12 practitioners (all females) were detained. Among the detained practitioners was a mother with her 2-year-old child and another young mother who was still nursing her baby. Simply because some practitioners tried to reason with the leaders of the police station, they were kicked and beaten up by the armed police and dragged into the cell by force. Even an old lady in her 60抯 was beaten black and blue all over her body. To prove that they are innocent, the practitioners went on a hunger strike and demanded unconditional release. On the morning of the fourth day of their hunger strike, practitioner Tang Meirong became very weak. When she was summoned by the procuratorate (the investigation bureau), she could not even stand up and had to squat on the ground. The working staff of the procuratorate did not take her condition into consideration. Rather, they grabbed her by her hair and slapped her face repeatedly. On the afternoon of the fourth day of their hunger strike, two practitioners were strapped onto torture beds to be force-fed. Both of them were injured during the force-feeding. Most of those practitioners have been released after being detained for 15 days. But practitioners Tang Meirong and Tan Bangqing are still being detained in Jintang County detention center. Both of them are doctors from the No.2 Huaikou Hospital of Jintang County. [Sichuan Province] Situations from some regions in Chengdu, Guanghan and Deyang 1. Huang Xincong, Zhang Chunyu, He Mingzhen from Guanghan have been sentenced to one year of labor camp, Hu daoping has been sentenced to four years in jail this September. All these cases were accomplished secretly. Huang Xueyun, the former main contact person of Deyang, has been secretly sentenced to two years of labor camp this October. 2. Zhao Xianchang, a teacher from the Third Middle School of Guanghan, went to Beijing to appeal during his summer vacation. Xiao Youqiong, a middle school teacher in Guanghan, who went to Nanjiao Park of Chengdu to share experiences with others on May 20, was fired in July. She only received 120 RMB Yuan (about US $15) fee for living per month. Her husband has been prohibited from going to the U.S. with his students for his summer vacation. Zhang Dejian, a teacher from Guanghan, was punished by having his salary reduced to 300 RMB Yuan (about US $40, a half month average wage) per month just because someone reported that he said "Zhen, Shan, Ren" in his class. Even the director of the local education department was implicated and his business trip to Britain was cancelled. 3. Li Zhenqun (female, about 40 years old), Luo Hong (female, she has been reported on Minghui Net as a breast-feeding mother in Sichuan) were arrested on October 18 in Shiqi Huilong Temple. They have been cuffed and detained in Xinglong County for two days. It is said they have been transferred to Guanghan, but their whereabouts are unknown. 4. There was a big illegal home-search of all practitioners in Deyang City on the night of October 18. 5. Chen Jie from Qingbaijiang was arrested from her work unit because her leader reported to the local police that she distributed Dafa materials. Now she is in Qingbaijiang Detention Center. 6. Liu Liqiong from Qingbaijiang was transferred to an attached animal station from a government office for practicing Falun Gong. Her salary was also reduced from one thousand Yuan to basic living fee (about 200 Yuan). She was arrested when she was distributing Dafa materials in Chengxiang on Octorber 15, and now she is jailed in Qingbaijiang Detention Center. 7. Liu Lihui from Qingbaijiang has been detained for 15 days after she was sent back from appealing in Beijing on July 18. She was forcefully sent to the "Transformation Class" and forced to pay 300 RMB Yuan. Her workplace fined her 30,000 RMB Yuan (about $4,000, average wage for 5 years) and fired her. Her husband was forced to divorce her. Now she has nothing left, where can she go? 8. One practitioner obtained the Fa not long ago. She was a cancer patient and she was too weak to walk before practicing Falun Gong. Once she attended an experience sharing conference, other practitioners asked her if she dared to distribute Dafa materials. She answered: "I dare even if I will die!" She did it on that day. It was unbelievable that she looked like a totally different person the next day, energetic and in good health. 9. Four practitioners from Jintang County went to Beijing to appeal in October 1999. They were sent back and have been detained since then until this April. One of them was not released until May 16 of this year because his relatives did not submit money to the detention center. 10. On June 22, the police ransacked a practitioner's bookstore without any legal procedure or charge. Practitioners who upheld justice were handcuffed, beaten and detained. After a15 day detention, they were transferred to "criminal detention" without any reason. They started a hunger strike and were released on July 14. Three days later the police secretly issued a wanted circular. 11. On June 24, Li Wenhua was deceived by the Huaikou police station and was detained. She was released more than ten days later because she went on a hunger strike. On July 23, she was again forcefully sent to the detention center and was locked up until the end of August. In early September, Li Wenhua was arrested when she was telling the truth about Falun Gong to kind-hearted people in Baiguo County and was sentenced secretly to one and half year without any legal procedure. 12. On June 25, practitioners from Jintang County had an experience sharing at the Hantan Bridge Stadium. Some practitioners arrived early in the morning. Suddenly, many policemen and police cars surrounded them. Practitioners who arrived later were blocked outside. Fifty-eight practitioners were sent to Jintang Detention Center by bus, including a 90-year-old grandpa and young kids. They were all interrogated one by one. The relatives of many practitioners were forced to pay a large amount of money. [Pengzhou, Sichuan Province] The crimes of Sanyi town government, Pengzhou, Sichuan Province In June 2000, the officials of Sanyi town, Pengzhou City, tricked several practitioners into leaving homes to go to the town government. More than 95% of the officials there beat practitioners violently, some used feet and fists, some used cigarette ends to burn practitioners, and some used tree branches, bamboo poles, leather belts and other objects to torture practitioners. Later on, practitioners were fined several thousand or ten thousand Yuan. Without payment nobody was allowed to be released. The government's purpose was to collect money. Some relatives of practitioners had to go everywhere to borrow money to bail out practitioners. At last, there were still some practitioners whose relatives could not get enough money. They are Jiang Fuming, Tan Yanfang, Chen Rong and Fang Xiangzhen. They had to do hard labor work during the daytime and suffer beatings and the torture of being forced in a position of kneeling at night. This situation lasted two months. In addition, the local government used "Cultural Revolution" style methods and tactics to abuse practitioners, confiscating their homes and parading them through the street with a big sign boards strapped to the front of their chests. They took all the valuable possessions in practitioners?homes that could be exchanged for money. Local people who witnessed these brutal actions were very angry but dared not speak out. After seeing her son being detained for 2 months, the mother of a practitioner took out her whole lifetime savings, 1,500 Yuan, to pay for her son's release. Now, three practitioners are still jailed in the town government, and they will not be released without money. The following is the local government information. Pengzhou Development District Management Committee Address: Tianfuzhong Rd, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province Director: Liu Jizhang Tel: 86-28-3701798, 86-28-3705797 Fax: 86-28-3700314 Pengzhou City Government Office of Foreign Affairs Deputy Director: Wang Yongsong Tel: 86-28-3871089 Fax: 86-28-3872345 86-28-3700314 E-mail:faopmpg@mail.sc.cninfo.net http://www.scpengzhou.com/zs-1.htm Sichuan Province Procuratorate Chief Procurator: Han Zhongxin Address: 51 Section 2, Renminzhong Rd, Chengdu, Sichuan Province 610031 Tel. for accusation: 86-23-6752000 Web site: www.sc.jcy.gov.cn On-line comments: http://www.sc.jcy.gov.cn/liuyanbo/gbook.asp On-line appeal: http://www.sc.jcy.gov.cn/shensu/home.htm
News from China - 11/01/2000

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