[Hong Kong] Man Sues Jiang Zemin, Still Being Detained After inquiring many times, the family of Zhu Keming (a Hong Kong resident who filed a law suit against Jiang Zemin) (http://www.clearwisdom.net/eng/2000/Oct/21/PAP102100_1.html), found out that he is being transferred to another detention center, but will stay in Fangshan District. Family members are not allowed to visit him. [Changchun city] Veteran practitioners step forward to clarify the truth in Changchun Practitioners in Changchun divided into several groups and have been distributing Dafa materials to every region of the city since Oct 6. They also made pamphlets disclosing Jiang Zemin's crimes and gave them to leaders of administrative departments and work units. After reading the recent two articles, some influential veteran practitioners changed their minds and took the initiative to persuade those who have not stepped forward. Many of these practitioners have now joined the above activities. Seeing that the mass media is widely circulating their insidious rumors, we should clarify the truth in an extensive and broad manner as well. Besides these activities, the article "Jiang Zemin cannot shirk the responsibility for the persecution of Falun Gong" has been posted recently in many villages in Changchun suburbs, and the effect has been very good. [Shandong] Practitioners being pilloried by Shangdong Yanzhou Mineral Resources Bureau Practitioners in Tangcun and Nantun Colliery of Yanzhou Mineral Resources Bureau have become good people both at home and at work after learning Dafa. But since the crackdown last year, these practitioners were forced to have their pictures taken with big boards hanging from their necks. These pictures are now displayed in the streets. The Mineral Resources Bureau even employed the pillorying used during the Cultural Revolution -- parading practitioners (with boards hanging from their necks) through the streets along with their family members. Even the practitioners' relatives are implicated. [Shenzhen city] Shenzhen practitioners wake up from evil lies At present, the Shenzhen Nanshan Police substation is fabricating "repentance articles" with the help from the media. They mix offensive languages toward Dafa with practitioners' cultivation and law-safeguarding experiences. They pose as practitioners by concluding the article with an appeal. The article is full of lies and evilness, but we have awakened from the lies. We truly realized that what the evil force wants to do is to damage practitioners' belief and determination towards Dafa. The moment we woke up, we rejoined the team to safeguard the Fa, to clarify the truth of Dafa to the public. Once this solid decision emerged from our hearts, it became unstoppable. We now know how to behave as qualified Dafa practitioners. [China] Practitioners who are capable of printing Dafa materials, please note To prevent the bad people from taking advantage of the loopholes, you can use all kinds of methods to distribute the materials to other practitioners. For example, you can put a limited number of Dafa materials into each local practitioner's mailbox without meeting with or notifying the practitioner in advance. When the practitioner sees the materials, he/she would automatically distribute the materials to others, without knowing the source of those materials. Hopefully, practitioners from different regions can share their experiences in revealing the truth to the public on the Internet, so that we can more effectively "assist the Teacher in the human world", spread Dafa and offer salvation to the general public. [Hebei] Recently, two practitioners from Shengli Oil Field were sentenced to labor terms Zhang Aiquan, male, was sentenced to 3 years of labor education in Wangcun of Shandong province. Wu Zhenlan, female, was sentenced to 3 years of labor education in Jinan Female Labor Camp of Shandong province. [Beijing] Beijing Section of the China Railway Construction Co. persecutes Dafa practitioners Geng Xinping, 51 years old, is an employee at the warehouse of the Beijing section of the China Railway Construction Co. She went to appeal to the government on October 30th, 1999. Since she was hard-working and performed well at work, her supervisor tried to protect her. However, due to pressure from the Company leadership, she was suspended from her job. On July 12, 2000, she went again to appeal to the government and was consequently fired altogether. She was detained for 3 days at the 13th Bureau of the Beijing Municipal Police Department. Then she was transferred to Zhuozhou of Hebei Province and detained for 7 days. Police in Zhuozhou used to beat practitioners very harshly, but softened a little bit after their conduct was exposed on the Internet. Police believed she was a prominent practitioner and put her in isolated confinement. Her family anxiously traveled around looking for her but did not find a clue as to her whereabouts. Her work unit, however, collaborated with the police in Zhuozhou and demanded a fine of RMB30,000 as a condition for her release. If the fine was not paid, they threatened that Geng would be sentenced to forced labor. Out of such anxiousness, Geng's family paid the fine. The receipt they were given was suspiciously marked as a "Comprehensive Social Security Regulation Fee". Falun Dafa practitioners tried to tell the truth to the government while being responsible to the state and the people. However, what awaits them are detention centers, electric shocks, harsh beatings, and extorted fines labeled "Comprehensive Social Security Regulation Fee." Anyone with a slightest sense of benevolence can easily tell who is evil and who is benevolent. Tel # of the Beijing Company of the China Railway Construction Co. is (011-86) 10-6349-7722 Bureau Chief: Xiong Gengcheng, Tel #: (011-86) 139-010-19395 Party Secretary of the Company: Yang Haiyu HR Chief of the Company: Wang Zhiwei, Tel #: (011-86) 10-6344-9676 [Gansu] The demise of one of Jiang Zemin's deplorable conspirators Gong Guanbi, male, head of the 2nd Plant of the Gansu Provincial Construction Machinery Company, took brutal and harsh measures against Falun Gong practitioners during Jiang Zemin's crackdown on Falun Gong. All employees from the company who stepped forward to validate Dafa were deprived of all salaries, including basic living compensation. Early this October, Gong took advantage of a conference and drove out with his wife and son (21 years old) to have fun. On their way back, the car was involved in an accident and four people including the driver were all killed. Gong's wife escaped the accident because she changed to another car during the trip. Gong's body was severed and his clothes were torn from his body. [Canada] Canadian practitioners came across harassment when distributing materials on the truth of Dafa On October 21, when several of us were distributing the materials exposing the police brutality against Falun Gong practitioners in Tiananmen Square and collecting signatures, we encountered threats from some unidentified people. From their appearance, they looked like they came from Mainland China. One person claimed that he came from Changchun, had a lot of insightful information and tried to make rumors to deceive others. Another person claimed that his neighbor encountered some problems from doing the practice. When we asked for names and addresses, he shifted the topic. Another pointed at the picture taken on Tiananmen Square and said, "This is false. I was on Tiananmen Square that day". When asked why she could be on the spot if that was false, she became speechless. As overseas Dafa promoting activities are further developed, some evil forces in China began planning to interfere in and stop the truth-telling activities. It is suggested that overseas practitioners improve Dafa promoting activities and use legal means to protect the image of Dafa.
Latest News from China - 10/23/2000

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