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Practitioners in Queensland, Australia Hold Parade to Commemorate World Human Rights Day

Dec. 23, 2000

December 10th was World Human Rights Day. Practitioners in Brisbane in Queensland, Australia, got together to commemorate World Human Rights Day, and voice support for practitioners in China, as well as to denounce activities against righteousness by the supporters of Jiang Zemin. In order to even more effectively reveal to the world the monstrous crimes committed by the gang of Jiang Zemin over the last year in treading on human rights, over 50 practitioners from all areas of Queensland conducted a series of activities to clarify the truth from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

At 9:00 pm, practitioners went to the new Farmland Park and started the weekly large-scale group practice. Around noon, practitioners began a Human Rights Day parade in South Shore Park in Brisbane, the capital of Queensland. In the parade, two western practitioners led the way holding a huge sign, "Falun Dafa is Good," followed by ten 5 to 12 year old practitioners holding photos of practitioners that have died during the state sanctioned persecution. Practitioners wore yellow T-shirts, "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong." They also wore little white flowers, and held "Falun Dafa" balloons. Practitioners carried two large wreaths, some held signs, and others held small flags bearing the words "Zhen-Shan-Ren".

At 6 p.m., some practitioners went to St. Mary Church to distribute Dafa pamphlets to guests who attended the memorial ceremony sponsored by Amnesty International. These pamphlets contained information about the persecutions in China. After receiving these materials, the attendees expressed their thoughts, sympathy, and support.

It is worth mentioning that these activities received great support from the South Shore Park. According to their regulations, our activities should have been accessed a fee of over a thousand Australian dollars; however, the fee was later reduced to $300 dollars. In the end, a staff member in the park called us and said, "We have looked through your pamphlet, and everyone in the office is studying your material. What you have done is extremely right, and you don't need to pay a penny."

Throughout the entire day's activities, practitioners sensed that day in which Dafa will rectify the human world is certainly approaching.

Practitioners in Queensland, Australia

10 December 2000