Express-News Staff Writer
Falun Dafa is just one of several new programs set to debut in area community centers as a result of improvements either under way or just completed.
Renovations at six centers on the South and East sides mean that area residents will enjoy new neighborhood gymnasiums, project rooms and programs - such as Falun Dafa, a Chinese practice of spirituality and meditation.
Esther Rodriguez, program director at Southside Lions Community Center, said she plans to offer area residents new programs such as Falun Dafa, cooking and cheerleading classes when renovations of her center's multipurpose room are completed.
"I am excited about it because the building is chipping. (The new space) is going to allow us to do more things," Rodriguez said.
The Southside Lions project is expected to cost approximately $630,000, much of which will go to correct foundation problems. Most of the funds for the project will come from federal Community Development Block Grants. Construction is set to begin around April and end in November.
Rodriguez is preparing to close down her programs and move classes, such as ceramics and karate, to the Joe Ward Community Center on the Northwest Side during the interim.
Category: Falun Dafa in the Media