[Minghui] Even a brief analysis of the story of Teng Chunyan will allow one to see the intention of the Chinese Government: To continue to escalate the persecution of Falun Gong. Teng was the first permanent US resident who was sentenced. The charge against her was "transporting national secrets to organizations outside the country." This act was in perfect accordance with the order to "strengthen the overseas battle" quoted from Jiang Zemin. Those who do not know about the Falun Gong issue would mistakenly consider Teng Chunyan's story as a "spy" incident. But exactly what "national secrets" did Teng transport? Her trial was performed in secret. The charge in her indictment that was publicized was that she led some foreign reporters into mental hospitals, allowing them know about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The following are actual cases in which Falun Gong practitioners supposedly "receive treatments" in mental hospitals. In Yantai City (Shandong Province), a unit illegally restricted Falun Gong practitioners' personal freedom under the name of "study session." Through bribing the Dean and the Director of the hospital, they forced normal people into a mental hospital. The practitioners refused to take the drugs, and as a result, hospital staff tied their limbs to the bed with bandages and used nasal feed to force the drugs in. During the process, the doctor repeatedly said,"If you sign the guarantee not to appeal in Beijing, we will release you immediately." A Falun Gong practitioner in Huizhou City was detained in a mental hospital for more than a month. While in the hospital, the practitioner was given a whole bottle of a highly effective drug that destroys the central nervous system, and was forced to take a dozen pills twice every day. Each time the doctor came to visit, the practitioner asked the same question: "Do you still want to practice Falun Gong?" The doctor said: "Until your mind is turned around, we will do the injection every day." Examples like these are too numerous to mention. Although the Chinese Government is fully aware that Falun Gong practitioners are mentally normal, they subject them to this kind of treatment. Their extremely inhumane actions can only be called a crime. Decades ago, the Nazis used live humans to conduct tests for drugs. The Nazis were denounced and condemned by people all over the world. The previous Soviet Union used mental hospitals for the detention of political prisoners. Their actions, which lasted for over a decade, caused deep concerns all over the world. Their inhumane policy finally ended in the middle of 1980's. Abraham Halpern, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, New York Medical College, USA, said that the practitioners are increasingly subjected to forced incarceration in mental hospitals in order to brand them "mentally ill and crazy" and to discredit Falun Gong. Earlier this year, police admitted to having incarcerated about 50 followers in Zhokoudian Psychiatric Hospital near Beijing for "re-education" (see Lancet 2000; 355: 495). As estimated by human-rights organizations, at least 600 practitioners who have not been diagnosed with a mental disorder have been involuntarily detained in psychiatric hospitals where they are administered forced injections and other improper medications with an intention to make them renounce their belief. American Psychiatric Association (APA) has written a letter to World Psychiatric Association (WPA), asking them to pay attention to this human rights violation case. Professor Halpern hoped to get joint signatures from more countries in condemning the Chinese government, applying pressure comparable to what was given to the previous Soviet Union. Under the control of Jiang Zemin, the Chinese government has committed a crime in forcing Falun Gong practitioners into mental hospitals. Any reasonable and kind-hearted human being cannot deny this fact. By making their crime a "national secret," Jiang Zemin and his followers have exposed the fact that they have indeed been unjust toward Falun Gong practitioners and that evidence has been exposed reflecting their wrongdoings and sins. The Chinese government has acted criminally toward practitioners. By exposing their crime, Teng Chunyan, as a practitioner, carried out a completely righteous deed. She, herself, has committed no crime; instead, Jiang Zemin and his followers have committed crimes and now owe countless blood debts for which they should pay by being tried and sentenced. Practitioners in New York, 12/18/2000
Teng Chunyan Exposes the Chinese Government

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