Dafa Practitioner Huang Yaoying Dies in Police Custody Huang Yaoying is a 68-year-old female practitioner from Gaochengxin Street, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province, and is a retired weaving company employee. She began to practice Falun Dafa in July 1996. At that time, she was in very poor health with several illnesses. Her health had been greatly improved and her mind had become pure through practicing Falun Dafa. On February 27, 2000, she and several other Dafa practitioners from Gaozhou went to Beijing to appeal and were arrested by Beijing Police. She was escorted back to Gaozhou Police Station and detained there for 15 days. After she was released, the Chengnan Police Station arrested her again only because she could not afford the exorbitant 3,000 Yuan fine assessed by the police station. On the morning of March 25, she was found dead by the policeman on duty, who said he saw her going to the lavatory before dawn; but the autopsy by the legal medical expert indicated that she died at 1:00 AM. When her relatives and friends saw the corpse, she was still wearing handcuffs. The police station did not allow her family to reveal any information. They paid 5,000 Yuan to the family to end the case and destroyed all records. It remains unknown how she died. Some Facts of Persecution in Maoming Region of Guangdong Province The father and son Wu Zhuqiang, Wu Xianjin from Gaozhou City, went to appeal in Beijing twice, but they were sentenced to three years in prison by Gaozhou City Court. Now they are in Gaozhou City No.1 Detention Center. Xu Ensheng, male, 22 years old, from Gaozhou City, went to Beijing to appeal twice. He is said to have been sentenced to prison for several years. Now he is imprisoned in Gaozhou City. Liang Shaolin, femle, an employee of Maoming Petrochemical Corporation, went to appeal in Beijing in October 1999, but was detained for 15 days. Shortly after being released, she was sentenced to 2 years labor re-education. Now she is detained in Sanshui Labor Camp. Huang Yongquan, male, an employee of Maoming Petrochemical Corp, in October 1999, was sent to a labor camp due to his appeal. He was put back into the labor camp again shortly after being bailed out by his relatives. Yang Jie, an employee in Maoming Petrochemical Corporation, was sentenced to one year of labor re-education for practicing Falun Dafa and not writing a "repentance letter." Zhan Guangyan, an employee of Maoming Ethylene Factory, computer engineer, was sentenced to one year of labor re-education and fined 30,000 Yuan for practicing Falun Dafa and appealing to the Chinese Government to stop persecuting Falun Dafa. Liang Wei, male, Meihua County in Maoming City, one year in labor camp for practicing Falun Gong. Zheng Bao, retired cadre from Maoming City, one year in labor camp for practicing Falun Gong. Wu Zhiqi, from Maoming City. He totally recovered from cancer after practicing Falun Dafa. After he wrote a letter to the police department, he was sentenced to one year in labor camp for telling the truth about Falun Gong. Hu Lijun, from Liaoning Province. She was sentenced to 3 years in prison because she wrote and signed an appeal letter while she was visiting relatives in Maoming in early 2000. Zhang Zhenfei, an employee of Ethylene Factory, was sentenced to one year in prison for writing and signing an appeal letter to the public in 2000. Pang Xiaodan, female, 29 years old, from Huazhou City. She was sentenced to 2 years in labor camp as a punishment for going to Beijing to appeal in October 1999. She had been sent to Sanshui Labor Camp. Wang Zhufeng, male, 27 years old, Maoming City. He was detained for 15 days for his appeal in Oct. 1999. He was detained again during the Spring Festival at No. 2 Detention Center for several months, without any verdict. In the summer of this year, he was tortured during his imprisonment, so that his whole body was swollen. The doctor affirmed that he was to live for only 10 days. The local police station was afraid of a "death case of persecution. " They carried him back to his hometown. Falun Dafa miraculously and quickly recovered him to a normal life, but again the police arrested him and sent him to No. 2 Detention Center once more. We don't know his present status. Deng Shaosong, male, 27 years old, Sanmao Railway Station Employee. He was detained and his home was ransacked. All electronics appliances, and goods for his wedding were confiscated. In September, he was detained again. After his release, he was then forced to transfer to Zhaoqing for work, under the supervision of a special guard. He went to Beijing to appeal in October and was arrested and sent back. When the police took him away by force, he fell and injured his head, causing a concussion, and fainted. Instead of rescuing him immediately, the police arrested the practitioners who came to rescue Deng Shaosong. Because of his straitened financial circumstances, he had to leave the hospital while he had not yet recovered from the injury. But against all human compassion, the police took him away again for 15 days of detention. The guards silently agreed to his cruel beatings by the common prisoners and forced him to do hard labor. Wu Liwen, 45 years old, lives in Lintou Town in Dianbai County. He was sentenced to three years in labor camp for appealing in Beijing in October 1999. Wu Yongjian, teacher of Maoming Education Institute, was suspended from his duties and had his home ransacked due to practicing Falun Gong. He was in "in-house" detention for several months in his institute. During the detention period, his wife and relatives could not visit him. He was deprived of his basic human rights and freedom. It is said that he is not allowed to resign and find another job. Chen Lixian, female, a teacher in Meihua Town of Maoming City. She was detained for practicing Falun Dafa and was sentenced to 2 years in labor camp recently without due cause. Her home was ransacked and she was fined 5,000 Yuan. She still remains in detention. Zhang Chongyun, a cadre in Sport Committee of Maoming City. He was a standing committee member of Maoming City People's Congress. He was the member of democracy parties and the vice chairman of Minge Party in Maoming City. He was publicly deemed one of the most honest and selfless people. He was demoted, then fired, and monitored 24 hours a day for nearly 3 months and detained for several times because of practicing Falun Gong. Now he just has 200 Yuan (500 Yuan is an average monthly wage) pension each month to live on. Wu Weiwen, female, 32 years old, a former employee of the Food Company of Dianbai County. She was sentenced to 2 years in labor camp for practicing Falun Gong. She appealed, but the court refused to hear the case. She then was sent to Sanshui Detention Center. As she insisted on appealing, the guards in the detention center often beat her up, and tortured her using various ways. Wu Chengxi, male, 23 years old, from Dianbai County, was detained for 15 days as he went to appeal. Xie Jiangmei, female, 31 years old, from Qijing Town of Dianbai County. She was sentenced to one year in labor camp. Now she was in Sanshui Detention Center. Chen Caixia, female, 23 years old, from Bohe Town in Dianbai County. She was sentenced to one year in labor camp. She is now in Sanshui Labor Camp. Wang Zili, male, 29 years old, from Guanzhu Town in Dianbai County, was sentenced to two year in labor camp due to appeal. Yang Zhifang, female, 52 years old, from Caotian Village, Shuidong Town of Dianbai County, was sentenced to 2 years in labor camp. Now she is in Sanshui Labor Camp. Cui Xiuju, female, 39 years old, from Xiadong Town of Dianbai County, was sentenced for 2 years in labor camp for practicing Falun Gong and appealing. Now she is detained in Dianbai No. 2 Detention Center. Luo Jinkun, male, 25 years old, from Shuidong Town of Dianbai County, was sentenced to one year in labor camp for practicing Falun Gong and appealing. Now he is detained in Dianbai No. 2 Detention Center. Deng Bi, male, 34 years old, from Chencun Town of Dianbai County, was sentenced to 2 years in labor camp due to practicing Falun Gong and appealing. Now he is in Dianbai No.2 Detention Center. Liang Huanan, male, 58 years old, from Mata Town of Dianbai County, was sentenced to one year in labor camp due to practicing Falun Gong. Now he is detained in Dianbai No.2 Detention Center. Li Yuandong, male, 32 years old, a clerk of Coast Supervision Bureau in Maoming City. He was sentenced to one year in labor camp. He is detained in Dianbai No.2 Detention Center. His work unit stopped paying his salary. Pan Peide, male, 46 years old, an employee of Electricity Bureau in Qijing Town of Dianbai County. His salary was lowered by three and a half levels by his work unit due to his determination to practice Falun Gong. Liu Zhenxue, male, 37 years old, a teacher of Qijing Town Middle School in Dianbai County. His work unit stopped paying him his salary due to practicing Falun Gong. Yang Bo, male, 36 years old, a clerk in Mata Town of Dianbai County, was detained in Dianbai County No.2 Detention Center for practicing Falun Gong. His salary was suspended. Li Xiaoming, male, 34 years old, an employee of Maoming Harbor Business Bureau. His salary was suspended because of practicing Falun Gong and appealing. Deng Meizhen, female, 67 years old, a clerk of Erqing Bureau in Dianbai County. Her salary was suspended due to practicing Falun Gong and appealing. Liu Wenying, female, 63 years old, a clerk in Dianbai County Food Company. Her salary was suspended due to practicing Falun Gong and appealing. Che Yuqing, male, 56 years old, an employee of Dianbai County No. 2 Transportation Company. His monthly salary was reduced by 250 Yuan. He was disqualified for salary promotion. Lin Han, male, 51 years old, an employee in Dianbai County No. 2 Transportation Company. He was disqualified for a salary raise. Liang Shoulin, male, 25 years old, a clerk in Dianbai County Longshan Town Court. He is forbidden to go to work and his salary was suspended due to practicing Dafa and appealing. Lin Wu, male, 39 years old, an employee of Guangzhou Ocean Ship Company. His salary was suspended for practicing Falun Gong. He only receives meal "pension" every month. Gao Jinxiang, 37 years old, a cadre of Chencun Town in Dianbai County, was sentenced to one year in labor camp for practicing Falun Gong. In addition, each practitioner was searched by policeman Zhang XX when appealing in Beijing. Some were robbed of 1,000 Yuan. Even the smallest amounts the police took were one or two hundred Yuan. Some practitioners did not have that much cash with them. The evil even went to practitioners' homes asking for money. The evil persecution policy helped the evil police make money from Falun Dafa practitioners. Practitioners in China December 21, 2000
Dafa Practitioner Huang Yaoying Dies in Police Custody, Facts of Persecution in Maoming Region of Guangdong Province

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