8 September 2000
The Hon Alexander Downer Minister for Foreign Affairs
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Dear Minister,
Re: Oppression and human rights abuse of Falun gong practitioners in China
I write on behalf of the Falun Fo Xue Association of Australia, 49/47 Neridah Street, Chatswood, NSW who are deeply concerned about China's continuous, violent persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
They inform me that
More that 40 000 Falun Gong practitioners have been sent to labour camps without trial
Hundreds have been sentenced to long imprisonment
And at least 42 practitioners have been tortured to death because they refused to give up the practice
I am aware that the Australian Government has raised this issue with China on a number of occasions and I urge you to put pressure on the Chinese government to end the human rights abuses of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Your sincerely
Clover Moore
Member for Bligh
21 August 2000
Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners
49/47 Neridah Street
Chatswood NSW 2067
Dear Falun Dafa,
Senator Harris thanks you for your letter regarding China's persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners, for the video and reading material.
Persecution for any reason, on any level is unacceptable; tyranny of any name, race or culture should not be tolerated.
Unfortunately, Senator Harris feels that he must return them to you and is regretfully, unable to address this problem in the Australian Parliament.
Your sincerely,
Cressida Pettit
Secretary for Senator Harris
30th August 2000
Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners
49/47 Neridah Street
Chatswood NSW 2067
To the Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners
Thank you for your letter of 14th August 2000 concerning the treatment of Falun Dafa members both here in Australia and in China.
As you may know, the Federal Government agrees that the ban by the Chinese Government on Falun Gong raises questions about freedom of association and speech and have made their concerns known to the Chinese Government. I support the right of Falun Dafa practitioners to freely practice in China and encourage the Australian Government to continue to make representations concerning this issue.
The Federal Government is aware of the allegation that a Chinese official asked that the Falun Dafa in Australia not be allowed to participate in the Doonside Village Festival. If such a request did in fact occur it would be highly inappropriate. The Blacktown City Council would of course be free to refuse such a request.
I thank you for writing to me about this matter. Please feel free to write with any future concerns.
Your sincerely
Federal Member for Bradfield
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | Member for Moncrieff |
Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners
49/47 Neridah Street
Dear Ms XXX
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of 14 August 2000 about China's treatment of Falun Dafa practitioners.
The Government agrees that the ban by the Chinese Government on Falungong raises questions about freedom of association and speech.
On 25 November 1999, in a speech given to the Australia-China Business Council, Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister (Alexander Downer) expressed the Government's concerns about maltreatment of supporters of the Falungong movement in China, and the continuing crackdown on the group. This is a breach of fundamental rights to assembly and free expression.
Mr Downer also made the Government's position clear when he met his Chinese counterpart Mr Tang Jiaxuan in Beijing on 23 April 2000.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Embassy in Beijing have registered, on numerous occasions, and at senior levels, the Government's concern about the treatment of Falungong practitioners.
The Australian delegation reiterated our position during the fourth round of the bilateral human rights dialogue, held in Canberra from 15-16 August 2000.
We also believe that the Chinese Government's treatment is in contravention of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which China has signed. We have informed the Chinese of our views in this regard on many occasions and will continue to do so. We have also expressed to the Chinese our view that they should proceed to ratify the covenant as soon as possible, and with a minimum of reservations.
The Government takes no position on the doctrine or practices of Falungong, but I note that the reports I have seen indicate that it is a peaceful movement that does not incite violence or hatred.
We will continue to discuss in detail our human rights concerns with the Chinese, including during our annual bilateral human rights dialogue.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me.
Yours sincerely
(Kathy Sullivan)
3 September 2000
Affairs and Trade
4 September 2000
Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners
49/47 Neridah Street
Dear Falungong Practitioners
Thank you for your letter of 14 August 2000 addressed to the Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs, the Hon. Dr David Kemp MP, concerning Falungong. I have been asked to reply on his behalf.
Let me assure you that the Government's position on China's treatment of Falungong remains unchanged. We have expressed the view to the Chinese that their actions raise concerns about the right to freedom of expression and assembly within China. We will continue to express our concerns on appropriate occasions. Most recently, the Australian delegation to the fourth round of our bilateral human rights dialogue with China, held in Australia from 15-16 August, expressed these views in unequivocal terms.
Thank you for bringing your views to the attention of the Government.
Yours sincerely
David O'Leary
Assistant Secretary
East Asia Branch
5 September 2000
Chairman of Falun Fo Xue
Association Australia
49/47 Neridah Street
Dear Mr. XXX
Re: China's severe violation of Falun Gong practitioners' Human Rights in China and constant harassment on Falun Dafa practitioners in Australia
Thank you for your letter of 29 August 2000 and video tape, regarding the situation you face as Falun Gong practitioners in Australia.
I would suggest that if you have not done so at this stage that you forward your concerns to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission at 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney seeking their investigation of the situation. You may also wish to phone them on the Complaints Information Line on 1300 656 419.
I understand that your Association is seeking to participate in the Olympic activities being undertaken in Parramatta and that in fact your practitioners have regular activities in the mall. I am pleased that this appears to be without the sorts of situations you have outlined in your correspondence and trust that this will continue to be the case in our LGA. However, there are organisations such as Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission established specifically to ensure that human rights are not violated in Australia and I trust that this organisation will address you concerns.
Meanwhile, thank you for your letter and I trust that your actions through the formal Commission will be fruitful.
Yours sincerely
Councillor David Borger
Category: Voices of Support Worldwide