Two members of the European Parliament (MEP) recently wrote to Zhao Ming, a postgraduate student at Trinity College Dublin, who was arrested when he visited China and was severely tortured at Tuanhe Labour Camp where he is now held.
Neil MacCormick is a Scottish member of the European Parliament and also a professor. In his letter to Zhao Ming on 1 December 2000, Professor MacCormick said: "I was very sorry to learn of your detention by the authorities in the People's Republic of China, as a punishment for being a Falun Gong practitioner. It is distressing beyond words that thousands of people like you are being held in custody and sometimes tortured, because of their peaceful spiritual and exercise practices..."
"May I assure you of my support and solidarity with you and other Falun Gong practitioners and determination to continue to work for freedom of belief in China."
On 30 November, an English MEP, Mr Phillip Whitehead, wrote to Zhao Ming at Tuanhe labour camp: "... It is unbelievable that people are still imprisoned and often tortured for doing what you do and believe in, which would normally be perceived to be spiritual and peaceful. The Chinese Government signed up to the international agreements guaranteeing freedom of religion and belief, but are clearly not honouring their commitment."
"The debate on China's human rights in the European Parliament has been intense recently and the Parliament and the Commission continue to seek solutions to this horrific abuse of human rights."
He added: "I have written to the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China and can assure you that the European Parliament will do everything possible to work towards freedom of belief in China."
In November, the Trinity College Dublin held a rally to call for the release of Zhao Ming. The rally, which was attended by 300 staff and students of the College was the largest in the college this year, surpassing that for student grants, which is normally a major issue for the students.
Amnesty International is strongly supportive of the campaign to free Zhao Ming and has produced a special information sheet on the ordeal suffered by Zhao Ming accompanied by a petition/letter writing action.
Category: Voices of Support Worldwide