What Does Falun Dafa Have To Do With You and Me?

Lets first start by adding a few more questions. Unsettling ones like, "Why am I here? Who am I? How am I connected to the universe?" Most of us, at one time or another, have asked ourselves these same questions. Falun Dave gives a clear and direct answer.

The purpose of our life is to return to our true nature - our true self. Our true nature is also a reflection of the essential nature of the universe itself, namely Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. But we are not aware of this. Its as if we are lost in a maze, without a clear understanding and lacking a method to adopt so we can return to our true nature and live the fullness of life.

Falun Dafa is a cultivation practice with two parts. One part deals with cultivating, improving assimilating to the essential nature of the universe by being more truthful in our thoughts and feelings, being kind and compassionate toward others, and showing forbearance and tolerance to the hardships and sufferings that we inevitably face in life. By improving our mind-heart nature, our moral character, we assimilate more and more to the universe and to our essential nature Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

The other part of the practice involves a series of five gentle movements, which enhance our physical body giving great health benefits. The movements are easy to learn and effortless, yet very powerful. Falun Dafa improves our body, mind, and spirit; brings us out of the maze and into living our true nature. Doesnt everyone desire this?


Why is China Torturing the Practitioners?

For a Western, someone living in America, its very difficult, perhaps impossible, to understand why the Chinese government is brutally persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. And even once understood, its emotionally difficult to look at the pictures below that show the brutal treatment and torture inflicted on Falun Dafa practitioners.

Before the China crackdown in July 1999, the government praised Falun Dafa for bringing better health to many Chinese thereby lowering the medical costs incurred by the government. Also it became more and more apparent that there were a large number of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. Best accounts claim up to 70 million. This is remarkable in two respects. First the teacher of Falun Dafa, Li Hongzhi, actively taught Falun Dafa in China for only two years from 1994 to 1996. Without any formal organization or active promotion Falun Dafa spread rapidly, bringing benefits to both society and to practitioners.

Secondly, the number of people practicing Falun Dafa is substantially higher than the number of people belonging to the Chinese Communist Party. Most Westerns put two and two together and on some level conclude that the Chinese government is very fearful and fighting for its survival. At the same time its important to understand that Falun Dafa practitioners are not trying to overthrow their government. They simply want the human right to practice their belief - a practice that improves their lives.

Despite the unprecedented suppression by the Chinese government, Falun Dafa practitioners continue to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. No matter where they are, they endure silently and bear no hatred but show the strength of compassion towards everyone. In some jails, their great tolerance and enormous kindness have even moved many hardened criminals to tears. Thus, many of the prisoners have abandoned their bad ways to practice Falun Dafa themselves.

Each day good hearted, compassionate Falun Dafa practitioners, who want to practice what they believe in, publicly come out and are beaten, arrested, fined, imprisoned, held in mental hospitals, forced into "re-education programs," and even tortured to the point of death.

These evil actions by the Chinese government must be made public. The international community needs to see and know about the horrible injustices. The more people see this, the more they will understand the evil and tell others. Once the people of the world clearly know the truth about the Chinese government, the quicker the situation will change for the better.

Today Falun Dafa practitioners show their courage by coming out and by trying to tell other Chinese citizens the truth of Falun Dafa. Their task is vastly difficult because all means of public communication in China is totally controlled by the government. Yet even in the face of seemingly huge obstacles they come out and speak the truth in hopes that the world at large will see the truth for what it is. By bringing the truth into the bright light of the midday sun, into the minds and hearts of good-natured people everywhere the quicker the tragedy will stop. On the last page of this paper are some suggestions for people who want to voice their concern.


Voice Your Support?

Your understanding and compassion to Falun Dafa practitioners has already started your support.

To voice you support for human rights and for the Falun Dafa practitioners, here are some suggestions:

  • Let people know the true facts on what is going on in China and the persecution of innocent Falun Dafa practitioners.
  • Voice you support to your representatives and senators.
  • Voice you support to:

Bill Clinton :á president@whitehouse.gov

Al Gore: townhall@algore2000.com

George W. Bush: contact@georgewbush.com

  • Voice you support to Falun Dafa to Chinese Embassy:

Tel: (202) 328-2587 Fax: (202) 588-0046

Email: webmaster@china-embassy.org

2300 Connecticut Ave.
NW, Washington, DC 20008


Category: Perspective