[ChongQing] Practitioners' Food Was Laced with Heroin It has been confirmed that the Xishanping Male Labor Camp of Chongqing was found to have been adding heroin to the food of practitioners in order to undermine their determination in cultivation of Falun Dafa. This underhanded and despicable act has even caused indignation within the police department. Therefore, we implore any government and human rights organization, also all kind-hearted people to extend support and help to stop this crime against humanity. Telephone number of the above labor camp: 011-86-23-68271290 [Harbin] Police Department of Harbin City Conspires to Arrest Practitioners On a Large Scale From multiple news sources, a few days after the president of China visited Harbin city, the municipal police department initiated a secret plan to arrest those who they think are the key members of Falun Gong, beginning at the end of August or in early September. Approximately 2000 practitioners were on the arrest list. Furthermore, jails were prepared for their detainment, and hospital workers from hospitals were transferred in an emergency to the mental hospital located in Jiangbei of Harbin. Those determined practitioners who are being detained in the Wanjia Labor Camp of Harbin would be transferred to this mental hospital in the near future for further persecution. It is hoped in the process of clarifying the truth, all practitioners would exercise caution and flexibility to avoid easy arrest! (Some practitioners have left home to avoid being detained while still spreading the truth of Falun Dafa) [Harbin] Practitioners Were Followed by Spies After Visiting Detained Practitioners The reception area of the Second Detention Center of Harbin city has been under surveillance by government agents. Any free practitioner who visited a detained practitioner who is considered to be unfaltering, would be followed by spies, and would then be sent to detention centers or labor camps immediately. Please raise awareness, be cautious, and not let the persecuting force take any advantage of practitioners. [Beijing] Mistreatment of Practitioners at Tongzhou Detention Center Persists Huang Yanfeng, a female practitioner from Beijing's Chaoyang district is being detained without legal procedure at Tongzhou Detention Center. On the morning of July 14th, she and 4 other mid-aged practitioners refused to recite jail rules, and were consequently slashed by other inmates with shoes. Furthermore, when they tried to recite Falun Dafa articles, other inmate would tightly bind their mouths with strips of cloths and blood came out. On the afternoon of the 14th, they were shackled and cuffed for starting a hunger strike in protest of illegal detainment. When she appealed to the director at the detention center, not only was her mouth bound again, the jail disciplinary personnel jammed her foot in her mouth. Then, male inmates forced her onto the ground and tried to force-feed her. Afterwards, they force-fed her for two more days while she remained shackled. Her back shackle was taken off on the 17th and her leg shackle was unlocked on the 19th when she was transferred to a detention center in Tianjin city. Afternoon of July 14th, Tongzhou practitioner Hu Shufang was forced to wear back and leg shackles out of revenge of the center director because the relative of Ms. Hu tried to sue the center for their physical abuses against detained Falun Dafa practitioners. The director said it's a futile effort by the relatives because all the letters have been forwarded to him by the province courthouse, and he had burned them all. Morning of July 15th, Tongzhou female practitioner Zhan Lianqing and 7 other practitioners were given standing-punishment because they continued to practice. The oldest one was 63 years old and youngest one was 22. A male inmate lifted her off the ground by dragging her hair. He also smashed her head against the wall, forcing her to stop practicing. Although the whole ordeal lasted for 6 hours, all practitioners withstood it well. On the afternoon of July 14th, Hainan practitioner, Zhang Wenli, was handcuffed and shackled together with another practitioner, Zen Yunkai, from Guangzhou City for practicing Falun Gong. Then on July 15th, another handcuff was added to each of them because they continued to practice; so one of their hands is cuffed with one of their legs. They remained cuffed like this till the 17th when Ms. Zen lost conscious due to a hunger strike. That night when Zen lost conscious again, she was finally taken to the hospital. On the 18th, both of them were force-fed. On the morning of July 14th, two practitioners by the number of 709 and 710 were beaten by inmates for not reciting the jail rules. Later that afternoon, they were force-fed by male inmates after they went on a hunger strike. During the 5 and a half days at Tongzhou detention center, 709 was force fed 3 times, and 710 was force fed 4 times. On July 18th, because too many practitioners were being force-fed, the male inmates lost track of who has been force-fed and who has not. After 709 just got through her the ordeal, she was dragged out to receive more force-feeding. When she protested about the mistreatment, both of her hands were cuffed to one of her legs so that she cannot stand up. At night, 709 underwent more torture by two inmates when they poured cold water down her head and dripped water into her nose and mouth. She was forced to either stoop or bend down because her inability to stand up. Throughout all this, she didn't make a sound trying not to disturb others' sleep. The torturers stopped eventually when the jail head was unable to stand it any more. [Chongqing] Be Alert of Spies A spy named Huang and his followers, who have been disturbing practitioners at Chongqing, Guaizhou, Chendu and Luzhou areas, are currently at Sichuan Leshan area causing further disturbance to the local practitioners. The actions of these spies are exactly like how Teacher describes. They act like clowns under the guise of practitioners while trying to undermine true practitioners from the inside. As a matter of fact, Spy Huang went to the police department immediately after arriving in Leshan, and then started to chaotically disturb local practitioners. Please be aware of this situation and exercise caution! Actually it's not hard to distinguish spies. As of right now, it's extremely difficult for practitioners to gather and have discussion sessions. Then how can these people easily achieve that? We should use rationality to analyze events from different viewpoints, and this shows the true wisdom of Falun Dafa practitioners.
Latest News from China - 08/29/2000

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