[China] A Captain Armed Policeman Detained in Hospital for Printing
Falun Gong Fliers
Chan Jiming, male, 34 years old, a captain officer in the Communication Station of the
Armed Police Headquarter. He got detained by his workplace on June 9 of 1999 for printing
fliers of Falun Gong. He was sent to the 261 Hospital of the Liberation Army after 3
months of detention. His current condition is unknown.
[Xinjiang] An aged practitioner charged with "disturbing social
orders" for resting at home
At around 11pm of July 19, 2000, the 4 officers from the Laojunmiao Police Station of
Xishan, Urumqi City broke into the home of an aged practitioner in his 70s and took him to
the detention center. He was given 15 days of administrative detention for the so-called
accusation of "disturbing the social orders".
This practitioner suffered all kinds of illnesses including cerebral arteriosclerosis
before he practiced Falun Dafa. He had been ill in bed for over 3 months since July of
1998. He recovered quickly from his illnesses after he learned Falun Dafa on October 19 of
1998. His case was well known to his neighborhood. Since July of 1999, the public security
section of his former workplace started to talk to him frequently. He always told them,
"My life would be in danger if I stop practicing Falun Dafa."
When he was arrested, he asked the police: "How can an old man like me 'disturb
social order' by just staying at home?" The police could find an answer.
[Chongqing] Practitioners sentenced with forced-labor for distributing fliers of Falun
Practitioner Li Hongfu, an employee from the Fuxing Robbery-proof-door Factory, Dadukou
District of Chongqing City, was given one year of forced-labor for distributing fliers of
Falun Dafa;
Practitioner Ms Xia Jiazuo, a former contact person of Falun Gong in the Yongchuan
District of Chongqing, was given one year of forced-labor for practicing Falun Gong on the
Tiananmen Square to defend the righteousness of her faith.
Practitioners Ms. Guo Xizhen, Ms. Liu Shiying and 4 other female practitioners were
sentenced with forced-labor for distributing Falun Dafa fliers and appealing for Falun
Gong etc. They were sent to the Maojiashan Women Labor Camp a few days ago.
[Chongqing] Practitioners detained in the Chongqing Labor Camps were demanded to write
"three letters" in order to get released
Up to now, over 100 practitioners have been detained in the Xishanping Male Labor Camp.
The practitioners have continued to practice Falun Gong and tell the truth of Falun Gong
to the police officers using all opportunities.
The labor camp made a new rule by following the instructions from higher authorities. In
order to get released, a practitioner must write three letters, i.e., a letter of pledge,
a letter of recantation and a letter of repentance. A practitioner would not be released
until he or she agreed to do that. Even if one agreed to write the "three
letters", one would still need to serve at least half of the sentence.
An official whose surname is Yang said, "For those who refuse to write the 'three
letters', they would not be released even after their detention time is due. They would be
detained until they write the letters. The central committee (of the communist party)
ordered us to severely punish those who refuse to be transformed."
The Xishanping Male Labor Camp Tel: 011-86-23-68272131, 011-86-23-68271290.
[Jiangxi Province]
Zhang Jin, male, 32 years old, an employee from the 713 Factory of Jiujiang City, was
taken away by the Lushan Police Department from his workplace on July 14. Many other
practitioners also got detained on the same day. He was later transferred to the Jiujiang
City Detention Center and has been detained since then.
According to the practitioners who got released, Zhang Jin had suffered tortures by the
The Lushan Police Department Tel: 011-86-792-8251045, ext 2603 for the Chief Police.
News from China - 08/30/2000

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