On September 3, I was studying the Fa with fellow practitioners who came to New York for the Fahui (the experience sharing conference) when the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and it was my American friend Tom. He told me to turn on the TV and watch the interview with the Chinese President on 60 minutes. I was just in time to hear the reporter ask the President why he would suppress a non-violent meditation group like Falun Gong. Upon hearing his reply, I was shocked to hear the leader of such a powerful nation make up such lies to distort the truth! It rendered me speechless!
Right after watching the interview, Tom called again. Before I could speak, he said angrily, "I cannot imagine what a liar the Chinese President is! He was lying all the way. I know a minister who went to preach in China, and was jailed. He was tortured really badly. When they released him, he was hardly recognizable as a human being!"
I waited for Tom to express his anger before I found my chance to speak. "Tom, you know that his response for the Falun Gong questions..." Before I could finish, Tom said, "Jian, you don't need to explain. Even those who don't know Falun Gong will know that he was lying from his expression and his words. Besides, I have read the books from Falun Gong; I know you guys. The whole "end of the world" thing was made up by the Chinese President ." I said, "right! You cannot find anything about our Teacher being the reincarnation of Sakyamuni or Jesus from his books! In fact, it was the Teacher who said that things like the end of the world do not exist."
"There is no question about the Chinese President making it up! It is silly that he doesn't know he is making a fool out of himself in front of the people." Said Tom.
And it does happen that the leader of a nation can deny the facts, deny the voices of hundreds of millions, and use the nation's infrastructure and machinery to physically and mentally abuse hundreds of millions of innocent souls for his own selfish gain. He has brought such a disaster upon the people and the country. His lies not only exposed his own evil, they also contaminated the dignity of the Chinese culture and its people. I truly wish that all innocent people could stand forward and try to prevent this catastrophe, for the benefit of the people and of civilized societies.
Jian, 9/5/2000
Category: Perspective