On November 22, 2000, in order to find a way out of the blockade set up by the police, more than 40 practitioners from Changchun[Jilin Province] and outside the city rented a sleeper bus and were getting ready to go to Beijing to make an appeal. When the bus reached the Inspection Station between Tangshan and Yutian (city) in Hebei Province, the bus was intercepted by a black sedan [police car]. The inspectors from the Transportation Bureau and some policemen got out of the car. They asked the practitioners on the bus to show their identification cards. Then, they asked the practitioners to curse Teacher Li and Falun Dafa. Nobody followed the order. The officials then made a comment saying: "You are all Falun Gong practitioners, aren't you? Follow us." They sent three policemen onto the bus, and ordered the bus driver to follow their car. While the bus was moving, 19-year-old female practitioner Zhao Jing, who began practicing Dafa in March-April 2000, jumped out of the window on the right side of the bus. The bus stopped within a couple of minutes and the policemen asked, "Where is this young lady from?" The practitioners on the bus were from different places, by chance all got on the same bus and really did not know each other. The policemen ordered the practitioners to get off the bus and slapped them. The practitioners were told by the police that Zhao Jing was fine, she had just twisted her angle slightly. Then the remaining passengers/practitioners on the bus were transferred to a detention center of Yutian City's Security Bureau. Each of the practitioners was interrogated, about where they came from. None of the practitioners said a word. The policemen then began using different kinds of punishment to torture the practitioners. Particularly, each of male practitioners had been tortured for several hours. Some of the policemen used needles to pierce practitioner's finger-tips and philtrum [the acupuncture point above man's upper lip]. Some used razor blades to cut open practitioners' fingers to "drain blood" and did not allow bandages to be put on the wounds. Some of the evils used a high-voltage electric baton to beat the practitioners. Usually, three or four policemen took turns beating male practitioners. Practitioners kept the Fa in their minds and were all very strong and endured the torture. That same night, one policeman came to ask the practitioners where that young girl, who jumped out of the bus, came from, and lied and said she was only wounded slightly. On the 2nd night, another policeman came again to ask where she came from, and said she was severely injured and needed to be hospitalized. Some practitioners went out with him. During the 3rd night, the police came to say that the girl died, from jumping out of the bus window and asked five practitioners to stay behind as witnesses. The rest of the practitioners were all escorted back to Changchun. Most of them were sent to a detention center. Later, the five practitioners who were kept behind were also sent to the detention center. During the 1st night, many practitioners heard the sounds of someone being beaten, women weeping and a wolfhoundbarking. They deduced that Zhao Jing was caught after she had jumped out of the bus window and was being heldcaptive in the same prison. Based on the above-mentioned accounts, it is presumed that Zhao Jing was beaten to death. During the imprisonment in Yutian, all the practitioners had been searched twice. Their rings, earrings and watches were all illegally taken from them. The total amount of cash that was found on the practitioners is estimated to be more than 15,000 to 20,000 Yuan [US$2,100 to 3,000]. The police robbed the practitioners of this money and did not issue any receipts. There is another incident worthy of praise, yet very sad. A 60-year-old practitioner, Ms. Chang, took all of her children, three daughters and one son, with her to make an appeal. According to the policy of the Police Security Bureau, the more Falun Gong practitioners that a policeman arrests, the more cash reward he/she will receive. In order to get more money, policeman Guo and the others in the Mengjiatun Police Station transferred Ms. Chang to Tiebei Detention Center, and sent all of her four children to a labor camp. Three girls, Sun Lan, Sun Xia and Sun Chusi, are imprisoned in Heizuizi Labor Re-education Camp. Her son, Sun Gang, only 25 years old, was sent to Weizigou Labor Re-education Camp. The only person left in the family is her husband, Mr. Sun, who is close to 60 and is at home alone. He has fallen badly ill, due to this excessive distress. His present health condition is unknown. Practitioner in China December 28, 2000
Zhao Jing-Female Practitioner from Jilin Beaten to Death by the Police of Yutian, Hebei Province

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