[Clearwisdom.net] The international Fahui in Hong Kong was grandly held on the 13th and 14th of January, 2001, the New Century. Being in a special environment with challenging political and geographical factors, Hong Kong overcame various difficulties to successfully accomplish this grand undertaking of "Assisting Teacher In the World," and left a magnificent accomplishment in the progression of this unprecedented Fa-rectification. On the morning of the 13th, approximately one thousand practitioners from 23 countries practiced the exercises together at Victoria Park. The Asian Pacific International Conference had just ended, yet practitioners from various countries, without any hesitation, continued their travels and went to Hong Kong to validate Dafa. The solemn music of Dafa resounded across the skies, and all practitioners were lined up to do the exercises together and to form the Chinese characters for the supreme principles of the universe that shake the human heart Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance. In the afternoon, we held a peaceful parade to appeal for Falun Gong in the busy streets of Hong Kong. With all of the one thousand practitioners coming together in Hong Kong in one place, we felt closely connected with the sincere and pure hearts of the 100 million practitioners around the world. This great feeling seemed to concentrate itself into a powerful force and radiance, and attracted the people and cars passing by. The parade peacefully and solemnly progressed. Practitioners dressed in white clothes or golden yellow shirts held wreaths of flowers, photos of victims, banners, slogans, Dafa balloons and Dafa flags. There were no noise and no complaints of tiredness. The scene of our gathering was rather touching. I was walking in the parade, carrying a serious appearance and using my most righteous mind to stride out each of my steps well. The next day, the conference began and everything proceeded smoothly. The meeting was solemn and harmonious. Congratulatory statements were continuously being read. The hearts of practitioners are linked together. During the time of Fahui, every practitioner attentively listened to each other's cultivation experiences. The experiences of the practitioners in China protecting Dafa with their lives, and the practitioners outside China promoting Dafa and validating Dafa by exposing the evil helped me to understand the insufficiency in my cultivation. These determined practitioners have actively passed the difficult tribulations while I was always passively reacting to all the tests and tribulations which Shifu [Master] has pointed out. Yet can I urge myself to do better? Can't I enable myself to create a much more pure and powerful radiance? In this Hong Kong Fahui, I looked at every Dafa particle and they were just like what Shifu has said in Lecture at the Great Lakes Conference in North America: "No matter what you do, you aren't thinking that you're doing something for Dafa, about how you should do things for Dafa, or 'how can I do things well for this Fa.' Instead, you are placing yourselves within Dafa. Like a particle of Dafa, [you feel that] no matter what it is, you should just do it." Looking back, I was a little hesitant to attend the Fahui in Hong Kong at the beginning. I had a report assignment due soon and I was only selfishly considering myself. I also tried to make up an excuse, thinking that there were activities to promote Dafa in Taipei too and it did not make any difference where you promote Dafa. If a practitioner can be steadfast, unmoved, pure and holy as a genuine Dafa particle in any place, then it will be the same wherever you promote Dafa. However, I felt sorry that my mind moved and I now realize those aspects that I need to further cultivate. We are not an "everyday person" any more, and we are not just a "practitioner". Within Shifu's immense compassion, all the "oneself" seem so trivial. Shifu said in Genuine Cultivation: "Whether you can abandon the everyday person's mindset is a fatal test on your way to becoming a truly extraordinary being." I still held on to my selfishness. How could I live up to what Dafa has given to us? At this great moment of Fa rectification, we should position ourselves at the macro viewpoint of Dafa, and let go of ourselves to the maximal extent. It is not our objective to just reach completion, rather validating Dafa is the eternal meaning of the life and existence of a Dafa particle. "The immeasurable and innumerable Buddhas, Taos, and Gods in the cosmos and the living beings in even larger cosmic bodies are all watching everything on this tiny speck of dust in the cosmos. Dafa has perfected and harmonized everything in the cosmos. The mighty virtue is majestic and everlasting." [from Towards Consummation] Let's take the path we should follow and act in an aboveboard and majestic way to validate all the things that are happening now. January 15, 2001
The Glory in the New Century - Notes from Hong Kong Fahui

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