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Hong Kong 2001 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference is Around the Corner

Jan. 3, 2001

[Minghui News from Hong Kong] Hong Kong 2001 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference will be held from January 13 to 14. The spokesperson of the Conference Preparation Team says that the conference shall be entitled "Validate Dafa, Clarify the Truth, Suffocate the Evil and Welcome the Dafa-rectified Universe." In addition to the experience sharing in the morning and the afternoon of January 14 (Sunday), there will be other activities including Falun Dafa group practice, promotion, dissemination of materials about the truth of Falun Dafa, pictorial exhibition on the streets, peaceful parade and appealing, small group experience sharing, etc. We believe that this conference should be special and important in the process of "assisting our Teacher in rectifying the Fa." The participation of practitioners in other regions, who are able to make it, is welcome.

Contact Information:

Email: falunhk@netvigator.com

Fax: (852) 2388-1818;

Xu-Zhang Qixian; 9879-9879;

Chen Yongguang: 9634-8516;

Jian Hongzhang: 9876-3530.

The Conference Preparation Team prefers that those who will participate contact their local assistant center, assistants, or Falun Dafa practitioners' association. Participants who are unable to make hotel arrangements should contact Ms. Chen, a practitioner in Hong Kong, as soon as possible at (852) 8100-5033, or email at juliana@hkwww.com).

We will announce the detailed information about the conference later and post it on the Falun Dafa Hong Kong website: http://home.netvigator.com/~falunhk and http://falundafa.org.hk