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The Savage Acts at Nanmusi Female Labor Camp in Sichuan Province

Jan. 5, 2001 |   practitioners in China

Nanmusi Female Labor Camp in Sichuan Province is also known as a "drug" camp, because most of the people detained there are drug addicts. Since November 1999, however, Dafa practitioners have been sent here one after another, now totaling more than 170. This labor camp has 6 sectors , including "No. 5", known for its brutal tactics. The newcomers are "acclimated" here first and then assigned to other sectors. The Dafa practitioners here have suffered all kinds of tortures: they have been beaten severely, jolted with stun batons, whipped, and dragged on the ground. Policemen have even used dirty shoes and feminine pads to stuff in practitioners' mouths. How inhuman and savage these tortures are!

After the practitioners are sent to the other sectors, the tortures continue. The practitioners are forced to squat down while waiting in line for food. Once, when practitioners responded by practicing the exercises while waiting in line, dozens of policemen led by officer Yang rushed in, handcuffed and beat practitioners with stun batons. They can eat only after torture, and hunger strikes are not tolerated. Anyone who goes on a hunger strike is to be beaten, so they are beaten before each meal, each day.

Practitioner Zhou, in the third sector, practiced the sitting meditation. The evil policeman told the drug addicts to throw her into a manure pit and then dumped a bucket of filth on her.

Before practitioner Lai was sent to this labor camp, the wicked policemen at a detention center in Leshan broke his leg. (Leshan is the site of a world-famous figure of the Buddha, it is ironic that the policemen there are so brutal). The environment in the labor camp is so bad that his leg wound did not heal correctly, and he can no longer walk normally.

Practitioner Su was sitting on the ground to rest, when the evil policemen discovered her and pushed her to the ground. They dragged her by her hair for several meters and then handcuffed her to a tree for over ten hours.

Practitioner Tang in the second sector sat in meditation in the yard, and she was found by inmates from the 'control committee' (these members of the committee are selected from the prisoners to assist policemen, most of them with a volatile temperament). They grabbed her hair and dragged her towards a room to torture her, but a policeman stopped them.

Practitioner Wang in the sixth sector was also found by the control committee while meditating, and they beat her with iron shovels. Some prisoners from other sectors shouted, "Don't beat them, they are all nice people!" The policemen were afraid of drawing too much attention and halted this brutal act.

The prisoners from the control committee also tortured practitioner Zhang because she practiced Falun Gong.

On June 20th, 2000, a Falun Gong sector was set up as a branch of the 7th sector. Camp director Wu led dozens of policemen to every sector. The male policemen in the guard team searched for Dafa materials and beat practitioners who resisted even a little with stun batons and handcuffs. At the same time, the guard team was assigned to the seventh sector and given the following orders: practicing Falun Gong is not allowed, studying the Fa is not allowed, and reciting the Fa is not allowed. They forced the practitioners to study the government propaganda, which denigrate not only Falun Gong, but even viciously slander other practitioners, including Mr. Li Chang (a famous practitioner from Beijing).

They know well that their actions are very shameful, and are afraid that they will be exposed. Because of this, none of these materials are allowed to be taken outside of the labor camp. In the meantime, they "persuaded" practitioners to write statements of repentance. Those who refused to write would suffer drills. One example was nonstop walking or turning in circles, causing some practitioners' shoes to be worn out within one week. Another was sitting in "military posture"(a tortuous sitting position), in which no movement at all was allowed. While in this position, they forced practitioners to drink a lot of water but did not permit them to go to bathroom. Those who were unable to keep the posture in this fashion or requested to go to the bathroom would be beaten with stun batons.

Practitioners were also not allowed to take showers, even though the outdoor temperature was over 40C or 104F. They suffered severe sunburn, and their clothes were soaked with sweat. Practitioners had to sit in this fashion from 6:00am 10:00pm. Some practitioners' bodies were full of red pimples and their buttocks had running sores, leaving black scars after healing. Some practitioners got up early in the morning to practice, and they were punished by being forced to do deep knee-bends. In the beginning, they forced practitioners to do this 100 times, and later on, 200, 300, 400, 500, and beyond. If the practitioner refused to do so, she would be beaten to the ground by the policemen, and then dragged to a stage by the control committee to suffer under the sun. It is also quite normal to be shocked with stun batons here; some practitioners' faces and bodies are covered with scars.

While the seventh sector was set up , practitioners strived for the environment of group practice. The policemen tried to shock practitioners, but the electricity shocked the policemen themselves, forcing them wear insulating sleeves. The officer in charge of the seventh sector once installed a new battery in the electric baton and turned it to the maximum, but there was no charge. His demon nature burst out, and he whipped the practitioners with the baton (with no charge), and broke several batons in the process.

The policemen dragged practitioner Li to a small room because she practiced Falun Gong, and they told the control committee to strip off her clothes and press her to the table. Then, four and five people took turns whipping her with sticks. In the meantime, during this torture, they did not allow her to cry and shout, and she was badly mutilated; this torture went on until they were too tired to continue. In the July heat, they forced practitioner Li to wear long sleeve clothes and pants to cover the wounds, and did not allow her to tell anybody. Even the doctors in the labor camp could not hold back tears when examining her. Practitioner You was treated the same way because she practiced, and they hung her up by her handcuffs. The policemen made it a daily habit to abuse and torture practitioners. They required practitioners to finish brushing their teeth and using the bathroom in half a minute every morning. Seven to eight practitioners were only given a small pan of water to brush their teeth and rinse their chamber pot. The end of the morning ritual was always sitting in "military stature" and other drills.

Between July 16th and the 18th four officers from Masanjia Re-education Labor Camp came here to force practitioners into writing statements of repentance. Later on, practitioners read Teacher's new article "Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)" . More than 20 practitioners came to realize the truth and abandoned their prior written statements, and they returned to the cultivation of the righteous Fa.

The following policemen directly tortured Dafa practitioners:

Seventh sector: previous and present officers, Li and Zhang

Guard team: Lead officer Yang

Labor camp telephone: 5212608

Seventh sector telephone: 5212600

Collected by practitioners in China