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A Survey of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Who Persevere in Their Belief

Jan. 6, 2001


  1. Jiang Zemin's Evil Suppression and Persecution against Falun Gong Infringes Upon Many Parties and Involve All Classes of the Society. It Is an Action with a Broad Impact, and Not One Merely Targeting Certain People.
  2. There Is Irrefutable Evidence That Jiang Zemin Has Abused His Power in His Suppression and Persecution of Falun Gong, Seriously Sabotaging the Implementation of Law.
  3. Jiang Zemin's Brutal Suppression of Falun Gong Brings the Social Harm and the Damage of the Social Morality of Mankind to an Extreme.
  4. The High Level Standard of Falun Gong Practitioners and the Falun Dafa Cultivation Practice.
  5. Summary: To All Kindhearted People in China and All Over the World.

To record the special history of this period and to enable all kind people to be better informed about the truth of the suppression of Falun Gong in China, we conducted this "survey of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who persevere in their belief in cultivation" under extremely difficult conditions. This survey covers mostly the Beijing area. We collected the experiences of some Falun Gong practitioners over the past year in the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire. Due to the well-known objective factors, this survey had to be conducted in a short time in a way that would be as safe as possible. Nevertheless, we received 5832 responses of which 136 were annuled, resulting in 5696 valid responses for the first stage of this survey (the survey is continuing at present). During this survey, some Falun Gong practitioners were illegally detained for their participation. Here, we would like to express the respect from the bottom of our hearts for those Falun Gong practitioners who stepped forward to speak out the truth to the people. We summarize the results from this survey as follows:

  1. Jiang Zemin's Evil Suppression of and Persecution Against Falun Gong Infringe Upon Many Parties and Involve All Classes of the Society. It is an Action with a Broad Impact, and Not One Merely Targeting Certain People.

1) Jiang Zemin's Evil Suppression of and Persecution Against Falun Gong Infringe Upon Many Parties and Involve All Classes of the Society.

The subjects of our survey are Falun Gong practitioners who continue to persevere in their cultivation despite the over-one-year-long suppression in Mainland China. The distributions of the gender, age and social class of the valid 5696 respondents are as follows: female: 4133, 73% of the total; male: 1563, 27% of the total (see Table 1). Middle and prime aged (between 36 and 55 years old): 2850, 50% of the total; seniors over 55 years old: 1581, 28% of the total; between 16 and 35 years old: 1180, 21% of the total; children under 16 years old: 83, 1% of the total (see Table 2). Intellectuals, including college students: 1029, 18% of the total; civil servants: 427, 7% of the total; elite of the society: 230, 4% of the total; residents from the countryside: 1961, 34% of the total; the other 2106 people are other professionals or from other classes (including workers); they comprise the remaining 37% of the total (see Table 3). These data show that, more than one year after Jiang Zemin abjectly usurped the state power to suppress and persecute Falun Gong, there are still men and women, old and young who persevere in their belief and practice Falun Gong without fear of the power, and they are distributed over a wide range of social classes. Among them, the largest proportion are middle and prime aged people who hold influential positions in their jobs (50%), and there is also a substantial portion (29%, 1686 people) consisting of civil servants, intellectuals and the elite of the society. Hence, Falun Gong practitioners are not just from some "inferior colonies" that are resentful to the reality and society because of their poor literacy, superstition, rough life, frustration, or having been laid off, as depicted by some media in China. Thus, Jiang Zemin's evil suppression and persecution of Falun Gong in fact has infringed upon many parties of the Chinese society.

2) Jiang Zemin's Evil Suppression and Persecution of Falun Gong is an Action with a Broad Impact, and Not One Merely Targeting Certain People.

The results of the survey show that 5414 of the total 5696 people suffered various kinds of persecutions, making up 95% of the total. Among them, at least 4814 were illegally detained and had their personal freedom restrained, merely because they persevered in their belief in Falun Gong cultivation and exercised their legal rights as citizens (only 882 people did not have such an experience), which makes up 85% of the total (see Table 4 and 6); 4186 were forcibly brain-washed under the name of "thought transformation" (only 1510 people did not have such an experience), which comprises 73% of the total (see Table 11); 4326 people had their relatives, friends, teachers and seniors, work unit leaders implicated (only 1370 people did not have such an experience), which includes 76% of the total (see Table 12). This shows that Jiang Zemin's evil suppression and persecution of Falun Gong has implicated a much broader social scope than that solely of Falun Gong practitioners (which is itself already a very broad sector of the population). The brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China is not in the least their individual misfortunes caused by a few law-enforcement personnel's inferior personal quality, neither is it due to some personal reasons of Falun Gong practitioners themselves: it is in fact a universal violation of the law and a crime, a widespread infringement ?dictated by an abuse of power by Jiang Zemin - upon the Chinese citizens who persevere in their belief in cultivation.

3) Clumsy Lies That Collapse by Themselves.

The data from the survey also show that 781 people were illegally detained just for doing exercises at home, whereas 639 people were illegally detained solely due to normal social interactions with fellow practitioners (see Table 4). However, at a large-scale press conference held during the Spring Festival of 2000, when a foreign reporter asked the representative of the Chinese Government, director general of the Religion Bureau Ye Xiaowen that, since the Chinese government only disallowed practicing Falun Gong in public, whether it would interfere with those practitioners who practice Falun Gong at home. Ye replied that the Chinese government would not interfere because it is the practitioner's own business if he practices at home. The facts disclosed by our survey show that this is an utter lie. It is just a tiny portion of the lies that Jiang Zemin has invented to both cover up the truth of his suppression and persecution of Falun Gong and to deceive the people. For example, at the World Human Rights Meeting in April 2000, the representative of the Chinese Government, Liu Jing, who, under the command of Jiang Zemin, actually told the people around the world that the human rights situation in China is the best in Chinese history; that the Chinese government had most perfectly fulfilled both love and duty in dealing with Falun Gong practitioners; that the Chinese government "has not illegally detained or beat one single" Falun Gong practitioner...However, the clumsy lies of the repressors collapse on their own in the face of facts, exposing that not only are they cruel and venomous, but also deceptive and double-dealing as well.

II. There Is Irrefutable Evidence That Jiang Zemin Has Abused His Power in His Suppression and Persecution of Falun Gong, Seriously Sabotaging the Implementation of Law.

Our survey data furthermore attested to Jiang Zemin's evil nature and his monstrous illegal crimes. The arrival of Falun Dafa has touched everything in this world that is not righteous or not righteous enough. Out of his jealousy and nameless fear toward "Truth, Compassion and Tolerance", and with an extremely selfish mentality, Jiang Zemin insanely suppressed and persecuted the kind and righteous people. The survey shows that since Jiang Zemin's initiation of the persecution over a year ago, he has adopted the fascist means of "economically ruining, politically slandering, psychologically wrecking, and physically torturing and destroying" to suppress Falun Gong practitioners; he has rampantly tromped the various legal rights of the practitioners, such as their basic rights to subsistence and life, seriously and illegally infringed upon the practitioners in personal, economical and psychological aspects, and has violated the legal rights of seniors, women and children. The survey data of the degree and ratio of various infringements are as follows:

Infringement upon personal rights

What Jiang Zemin fears most is that people would know the truth, and thus, to prevent them from knowing it, on the one hand he mobilized the propaganda machine to spread lies to deceive the people, on the other hand, he snuffed out the expression of public opinion; he has prohibited Falun Gong practitioners from making any appeals, and without exception, he has illegally detained or restrained the personal freedom of those practitioners who legally and peacefully exercised their civil right, guaranteed by law, to practice Falun Gong.

1) Illegal detention of citizens who exercised their legal rights

Of the 5696 practitioners who participated in this survey, 4633 had been illegally detained (only 1063 people did not have such an experience), making up 81% of the total (see Table 4). Among them, 1982 people were illegally detained more than twice, 1368 people were illegally detained more than five times, comprising 72% of the total practitioners who were illegally detained (see Table 5). For example: 3737 practitioners were illegally detained for going to appeal legally and peacefully, which is 66% of the total; 900 practitioners were illegally detained for exchanging cultivation experiences with fellow practitioners; 574 practitioners detained for reporting the truth of Falun Gong to the government by mail in a reasonable and legal way; 774 practitioners detained for printing and distributing materials clarifying the truth of Falun Gong; 288 practitioners detained for attending legal audits of "public" trials of arrested Falun Gong practitioners; 1143 practitioners detained for practicing exercises outdoors; those who practice at home are not exempt either: 781 practitioners were illegally detained for practicing the exercises at home; another 639 practitioners were detained because they were had normal social meetings with fellow practitioners (see Table 4).

2) Illegally restricting citizens' personal freedom

Among the participants of the survey, 3087 people were illegally detained, which makes up 54% of the total. 2181 (38%) people were summoned for interrogation. Out of suspicion and in an attempt at prevention, the government sent out large amounts of spies to monitor the daily lives of innocent citizens. 45% of the participants (2563 people) were illegally followed, monitored, or placed under surveillance (See table 6).

3) Failure to notify the practitioners' family members or work units in accordance with legal procedures

The police abused their functions and powers, breaking the law while claiming to enforce it, and openly disturbed the implementation of the ?Code of Criminal Procedure ? Among the 3087 Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained, there are 1300 (42%), whose family members or work units were not notified (Table 12).

4) Personal injuries

What Jiang Zemin has done to treat the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners is more cruel and brutal than any other tyranny throughout Chinese history. Among the 4633 illegally imprisoned practitioners, 338 (7.3%) were shocked by electric batons; 1233 (27%) were brutally beaten; 609 (13%) were more savagely beaten; 492 (11%) received very dangerous and violent force-feeding because they had been on hunger strikes, 1349(29%) were handcuffed, shackled or tied; 1595 (34%) were subjected to physical punishment; 1875 (40%) received personal humiliation (table 7). To sum up, 73% of the total number of illegally detained people were maltreated in various manners.

5) Sending mentally healthy people to mental hospitals and administering psychiatric medicines to them

184 people were sent to mental hospitals at least once. 109 people were forced to take or to be injected with psychiatric medicine that damages their central nervous systems. (Table 6 and table 7)

Economic Infringements

1) Illegally searching and ransacking practitioners' homes

Out of 5696 people, there are 2406 (42%) people, whose homes were illegally ransacked. Among these 2406 people, 1328 (55%) were not shown search warrants in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law; 788 (33%) were not given lists of the searched articles in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law; There are 1328 (55%), whose Falun Gong books, which have legal ISBN numbers and are their personal property, were taken away; 303(13%) were robbed of other personal belongings unrelated to Falun Gong. (Table 8)

2) Confiscating household items and deprivation of production materials

There are 132 people, whose household items were ransacked, 30 people's production materials, including land, livestock, and farming equipment were confiscated. (Table 9)

3) Fines

707 people were fined more than one thousand Yuan RMB due simply to their perseverance in practicing their beliefs. 507 people were fined less than 1000 Yuan RMB. (Table 9)

4) Cutting off income resources and career futures

516 (9%) people were dismissed from work or school. There are 105 people, whose houses were confiscated or who were deprived of the right to be assigned apartments; 321 people were 'laid off' (actually, expelled in a disguised form); 398 people received salary reductions or did not receive their usual raises; 283 people were forced to leave posts in their specific fields. (Table 10)

Mental Harrassment

1) Forced brainwashing in the name of "thought transformation"

This is a kind of mental violation that has been very common and has involved many people. Out of the 5696, 3758 (66%) were forced to write statements of repentance, guarantee letters and so-called letters of "exposing critics"; 2172 (38%) were forced to watch TV or read materials defaming Falun Gong. (Table 11) Almost everyone was frequently asked to talk with the leaders of work units or people of their neighborhood committees, who forcibly 'transformed' them.

2) Personal threats

During the process of "forced transformation", there are 384 people, whose identification cards and temporary residence cards were illegally taken away, and 1218 were threatened to be sent to labor-education camps, to lose their jobs, or to be deprived of their rights to residence or housing. (Table 11)

3) Mind-control and infringements upon freedom of belief

Various illegal and brutal means, including deprivation of public employment, restriction of citizens' personal freedoms, detention, brutal persecution, labor-education, prison sentences, and torture to the extent of causing handicap or even death etc., have all become forms of forced transformation to further drive those non-transformed Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their faith of Falun Dafa. All of these forms are a denial of citizens' freedom of belief granted by the constitution. It is necessary to point out that while we were conducting this survey, the Beijing Public Security Bureau, together with some work units and neighborhood committees, sent Falun Gong practitioners, who still persevered in their belief, directly to the Tuanhe labor-education camp in the Beijng suburbs for forced transformation. Those who still cannot be transformed will be directly sent to labor-education camps or persecuted by other brutal means. For example, one practitioner from a central government unit was sent to Tuanhe for forced transformation, yet he still persevered in his belief, and was thus then sent to a labor-education camp. After this event, the public security officers came to go through the incomplete formalities at the labor-education committee. The purpose of brainwashing people in the name of forced transformation and depriving citizens of their freedom of belief can be only one?deliberately twisting the facts in order to reach absolute agreement with Jiang's administration. This is an obvious and typical mind-control, which is an important characteristic of evil cults. Jiang persecutes Falun Gong with the excuse of "banning an evil cult". However, this important characteristic itself has exposed his evil nature.

Infringements upon the legal rights of the elderly, women and children

The elderly, women and children are protected by law and are generally respected and protected by people in every country around the world. However, the data of the survey show that among the 5414 people who were subjected to persecution, 3918 (72%) are women, and 1457 (27%) are senior citizens over 55. For his personal interest, Jiang Zemin abused his position and power to bully the weak people at the risk of their legal rights or even the deaths of the elderly, women and children.

Note: Our survey mainly focuses on the general persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, excluding those who have been jailed or sent to labor camps, and it mainly targets the Capital City of Beijing, which has relatively perfect sense of legal system and policies. Our survey can hardly cover more of the brutal persecution against the numerous Falun Gong practitioners in other cities or areas who have also been illegally detained, jailed or sent to labor camps.

According to the incomplete statistics, during the past year, there have been about 5,000 people imprisoned; 10,000 sent to labor-education camps without due procedure; 500 people were secretly tried and given illegal prison terms, the longest being 18 years; many mentally healthy people were sent to mental hospitals, given shots or forced to receive injections or medicines with damaging effects on their central nervous systems, and became slow-minded. Over 40 various kinds of torture have been applied to Falun Gong practitioners; Zhao Jinhua, Chen Zixiu, and 107 (Note: as of Jan. 4, 2001 / translator) other practitioners were persecuted to death. Their family members or relatives, and people who knew the truth about their death or who felt sympathy for them were all sent to labor camps. (For the detailed cases, please access http://clearwisdom.net). Furthermore, the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China is still continuing and is even escalating.

These countless examples and our survey results show this fact: The inhumane persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China over the past year has caused tremendous harm physically, mentally and financially to Falun Gong practitioners, as well as to their families and friends. Furthermore, the crackdown was not debated or even passed through the National People's Congress before being implemented, nor was it based on any formal legal documents, the Party or politics. It is only because Jiang Zemin and a few of his accomplices abused the state powers and carried out power-mongering politics. Their typical totalitarian actions of brazenly violating, abusing and trampling upon the law have seriously disrupted law enforcement and broken many laws, including the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Law, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and many other Chinese laws. They committed crimes including abusing their functions and powers, bending the law for private interests, humiliating and slandering, lodging false accusations, retaliating, illegally detaining, interfering with freedom of communication, extorting confessions by torture, using violence to obtain evidence, falsifying evidence, impairing witnesses, retaliating against witnesses, mistreating detainees, intentionally harming others, both intentional and accidental killings, illegally ransacking, seizing citizens' personal belongings, illegally depriving citizens of their freedom of belief, etc.. Besides this, they have also violated some important international agreements such as the United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Declaration of Civil Rights and Political Rights, Common Agreement Against Torture and Other Cruel, and Inhumane and Humiliating Treatment or Punishment, etc. Their behavior has caused serious international crimes in a massive and systematic violation of the basic human rights, including inhumane and cruel torture. No matter whether in the Chinese or international courts, they should be sent to the defendants' seats and brought to trial. Among them, Jiang Zemin is the arch-criminal, Luo Gan is his main accomplice, the public security system, the procuratorial system and the people's courts are the principal offenders, and some other government functional units, who did not know the truth, and were forced to be involved in it are accessory criminals. Persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China is actually a deliberate group crime, in which Jiang Zemin and his accomplices, including Luo Gan, etc. are the chief plotters, the public security system, the procuratorial system, and people's courts are the principal offenders, and some other government functional units are accessory criminals. (For further legal analysis, please see the special column of laws and regulations on Minghui net http://www.minghui.org) Upright rational thought and the standards of civilization are mostly reflected in the law. Jiang Zemin's despotic criminal behavior is in fact an evil force, which would ruin the righteous principles of human society, and also oppose and strangle the good elements of the world.

III. Jiang Zemin's Brutal Suppression of Falun Gong Brings the Social Harm and the Damage of the Social Morality of Mankind to an Extreme.

The data from our survey verifies the inhuman atrocities and brutality brought about by Jiang Zemin.

Extreme Social Harm

The results of the survey show that Jiang Zemin's persecution against Falun Gong for over a year has damaged social stability and seriously harmed the hearts of the people. The main data of the survey is as follows:

1) Affects people's everyday lives

Out of the 3,380 people who participated in the survey, 59% of those were family members who said they were terrified of the outside world and that their families were suffering from mental and spiritual stress, because of the frequent persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. This has influenced their normal everyday lives. Family members of 406 people have troubles with registering for school, obtaining a job, joining the army, and traveling abroad etc. 107 people were even forced to divorce under the pressure, and their families have been ruined (Table 12). The various facts of implication indicate that the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners has also hurt law-abiding citizens within a larger social scope.

2) Disturbs people in the workplace

The family members or work units of 1300 participants were not given any notice or any other information about the arrest or the whereabouts of the detained practitioners. This accounts for 42% of the illegally detained practitioners (Table 12). It leads to the sudden dissapearence of Falun Gong practitioners from the workplace environment, which has directly disrupted the work and production quality, and the teaching and scientific research quality of their work units. Jiang Zemin and the news media controlled by him have repeatedly declared that ?a small number of stubborn Falun Gong practitioners disturb society ? However, this data presents to the people of the world that social harm is in fact caused by Jiang Zemin's brutal persecution during the past yearí hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners of various social strata have been forcibly fired from their jobs. Their families are left in ruin and practitioners are left to roam the streets to avoid being arrested. Their safety and even their lives are in danger.

Since the persecution covers a very broad range, Jiang Zemin has employed a large police force, has mobilized military, and has employed people from street administrative offices, resident committees, and the work units of Falun Gong practitioners to illegally monitor them. He gathered hatchet men to persecute the kind and law-abiding Falun Gong practitioners, while leaving the real evil people at large. He has blocked and changed the only way for ordinary citizens to appeal to the government and prisons, the appealing office, completely severing the any close relationships between the government and the people. Moreover, Jiang Zemin has also abused judiciary punishment, has implicated the government at all levels and the masses, and has driven many Falun Gong practitioners, along with their family members, relatives, friends, school teachers and work unit leaders to the opposite side of the government, greatly intensifying social tension. Private telephones conversations have been illegally monitored, and private mail has been confiscated. Homes have been ransacked, and the legal rights and interests of citizens have become a mere scrap of paper. He has forced some people to give up practicing Falun Gong and as a result, these people have to continue to suffer from diseases, which in turn creates plenty of medical expenses. Some have even died after they were forced to give up their practice. It has directly harmed people's health. Disregarding the difficult situation of unemployment and the loss occurring in the enterprises, he directed enormous financial resources to construct jails and purchase detective equipment to be used against Falun Gong practitioners. This has severely disrupted the nation's economic construction. He has manipulated the news media into fabricating false news so as to cover up the facts with vicious lies, blockaded Falun Dafa web sites and radio stations, confusing the public, which has now seriously misled public opinion. He has turned Tiananmen Square, a focal point for the whole world into a place of advocating brutality and violence, and has repeatedly beaten peaceful, kind and bare-handed Falun Gong practitioners. This severely undermines China's human rights constitutions, and has damaged the open and tolerant image that the Chinese government has made great efforts to create. On diplomatic visits to foreign countries, Jiang Zemin personally distributed booklets attacking and slandering Falun Dafa to the leaders of foreign countries, including the US president Clinton. He instigated Chinese embassies in foreign countries to violate local laws, hiring rogues and hatchet men, and using all kinds of contemptible means to threaten and harass Falun Gong practitioners overseas. It has damaged the foreign relationships with those countries and has isolated China from the international community. It thus becomes clear that Jiang Zemin, who persecutes Falun Gong practitioners, is the arch-criminal of making extreme social disorder. His evil acts of Fascist autocratic rule of feudalism have damaged the hard-earned situation of stability and unity at home, and have seriously harmed the society.

Degeneration of morality and the ruin of mankind in terms of its original nature

The crackdown on Falun Gong in China not only violates the constitution and defies justice, but also ruins morality and mankind, which completely goes against the universal principles and the historical progressive trend. In order to send out a warrant around the world to arrest the Falun Gong founder, Li Hongzhi, who has spread this Dafa and offered salvation out of his great compassion, thus gaining great respect from the whole world. Jiang Zemin, out of his degenerated thoughts of greed for money and desire for lust, has forged groundless evidence against Li Hongzhi, and has fabricated false charges such as ?Li Hongzhi collects money, bought a luxurious mansion, changed his date of birth, calls himself 'a reincarnation of Bodhisattva and Jesus', advocates the end of the world", etc. He pieced together 1400 death cases, resulted from feudal superstition campaigns, to defame Falun Dafa with all kinds of malignant incidents such as suicide, killing, and mental disorder etc. It has obviously brought disorder to the country and the people, yet he flaunts that he had made the decision for the benefit of the country and the people. He obviously ignored and violated the laws, yet he claims to ?administer the country according to the Constitution ? This has obviously been condemned in the international community, yet he declares that he ?has already achieved a decisive victory ?. Jiang Zemin labeled the orthodox Fa as ?evil cult ?and banned it in an attempt to thoroughly root it out. He suppressed hundreds of millions practitioners for their sacred pursuit of elevation of morality and the truth of the universe, and he slandered Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, which teaches people to be good and purifies their mind. Jiang Zemin instigated police, government officials at various levels, leaders of enterprises, resident committees and practitioners' relatives to execute prejudice and hatred of the orthodox Fa, undermined the orthodox thoughts in the hearts of numerous kind people, and take away their opportunity to be saved by Dafa by raising their morality. He also incited people to become scornful of the lofty moral level, and exclude the good people who insist on the truth in an attempt to make mankind lose its sense of spiritual obligation that maintains morality. H He has forced the masses to accept lies, and to blindly participate in spreading of these lies. Moreover, Jiang Zemin energetically encouraged the persecution perfected during the Cultural Revolution, raised the ire of masses and sowed disorder, and tensed the relationships of people. It has seriously ruined the social mode. He used vile people to adopt the most evil, most vicious, and most indecent means to deal with Falun Gong practitioners who, out of goodwill, explain the facts to the government and the people. He used cruel torture, including shocking vital parts with high voltage for extended periods, sticking bamboo sticks beneath finger nails, suffocation with smoke, burning with fire, inducing a snake and scorpion to bite practitioners, forced feeding with chili pepper and thick salt water, sitting on a ?tiger bench ?a kind of torture intended to break a person's legs), forced sitting in a ?airplane ?stance (a very uncomfortable posture with the body bent and arms raised over the head in the back), dousing the body with ice water in winter, freezing in snow for long periods of time, forced inhalation of human excrement, swallowing vomit, not allowing eating, drinking or use of the restroom, not allowing sleeping, using various kinds of torture, hanging practitioners to beat them, repeatedly beating until unconscious, torturing and beating practitioners to the extent of being injured, handicapped, or even death, forcing pregnant woman to have abortions, acting indecently against female practitioners, stripping female practitioners and then throwing them into male prisons, stuffing the mouths of practitioners with the undergarments of prostitutes, adopting the practice of Nazi concentration camps, sending healthy people to mental hospitals and drug rehabilitation centers, where they were forced to take and be injected with stimulants, drugs and medicine that damage their central nervous systems. It has fully exposed the cruelty and violence of the autocrats. Jiang Zemin also employed terrorist means, which are condemned and prohibited in the international community, sending special action forces to scheme and to murder the Falun Dafa founder and practitioners. To sum up, what he has done has ruined the social morality that people have been following for thousands of years. He encourages cruelty, arouses demon-nature, and indulges the inhuman brutality ?brutal beings who persecute the innocent and good. He has ruined the good will of mankind in terms of its original nature in an attempt to draw people to the abyss of reversing good and evil, and making evil in power. It is a betrayal and crime against all mankind.

IV. The High Level Standard of Falun Gong Practitioners and the Falun Dafa Cultivation Practice.

When asked in the questionnaires about ?whether you still hope to resolve Falun Gong issue in a peaceful manner?, 99.8% participants still replied ?yes ? During the past year, even when facing various unfair and brutal treatments, Falun Gong practitioners still keep their faith in the orthodox law of the universe as always, and earnestly practice "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". They are truthful because no matter what inhuman treatment are awaiting them or what cruel viciousness they are facing, they still firmly believe in Falun Dafa, the ultimate universal principle, and keep on clarifying the truth to the people who have been deceived by lies. During the past year, practitioners have kept appealing to the Chinese government, and continue to do so. There are still hundreds of people going to Tiananmen Square to peacefully appeal every day. In this anonymous survey, there are a considerable number of Falun Gong practitioners signing their true names. They are compassionate because some people's righteous thoughts are being fooled by the vicious fabrications and deceitful lies, ignorantly siding with the evil beings, and fating for elimination, now they risked losing all their personal interests even their lives to tell the truth to the people, including their relatives and friends, and helped them change their evil thoughts towards the orthodox law of the universe and return to the honest and upright way. They are tolerant because no matter how vicious others are, they constantly treat those people with a heart of compassion and with the behavior from a high level standard. They, through legal channels, exercise the basic rights that the Constitution and the World Declaration of HHuman Rights endow them with. Moreover, they simultaneously cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Throughout the year, during the peaceful journey of upholding the truth and resisting the evil, out of great compassion and tolerance, they have been enduring the hardships that everyday people cannot. When enduring the worst suffering, they can still try to save people of the world and maintain the normal order of the human society in the universe. What a high standard this is! The Truth goes against the false propaganda of the Chinese media. Falun Gong practitioners are the real factors behind social stability. Why numerous Falun Gong practitioners, despite of their age, talent or social status, can all reach such extraordinarily high standard? The reason is that they cultivate the same high virtues of the great law of the universe, and follow the teachings Li Hongzhi. In the past, they once lived and fought for their own personal interests. After cultivating Falun Dafa, their minds are purified and their morality escalated. They have become enlightened beings, who live for others and for safeguarding the truth of the universe. Falun Dafa practitioners are created by the orthodox law, and are a pure and compassionate force unprecedented in history.

V. Summary: To All Kindhearted People in China and All Over the World

All the citizens of the world are invited to come and learn the truth about Falun Gong- to learn the great benevolent compassion of the founder, Li Hongzhi, and of the genuine existence of the universal principles of the Fa (the Law); to know the truth about the evil crimes committed by Jiang Zemin and his accomplices in this campaign of suppression; to know the events that take place by your very side. The life and death competition between good and evil, which is not unrelated to you, as you are a member of the society, and there is also "Zhen-Shan-Ren" (Truth-Benevolence-Tolerance) in your life. Please extend your moral support to the general public who practice Falun Gong. With a pure and benevolent mind you will see that because of Mr. Li Hongzhi's teaching of the righteous Fa in the human world, a large number of Dafa practitioners have been created in this important time period, who are able to tell the righteous from the evil, who have the wisdom to discern good and bad, and who stay away from evil and non-righteous. As a matter of fact, the fierceness of the evil is superficial and weak. The kind and righteous thoughts are what is most powerful, and what the evil fears most. When the day arrives when, all the kindhearted people will wake up, and it won't be long for all the evils to be eradicated.

Investigators for A Survey of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Who Persevere in Their Belief

December 2000

Appendix 1. Explanation on A Survey of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Who Persevere in Their Belief

Some of the persecutions that Falun Gong practitioners have experienced in this period of over a year for persevering in their beliefs have been reflected in Records of Evil People and Evil Acts. But as a matter of fact, the persecutions practitioners went through took place in a broad range. These evil acts not only violate international law, they are also a violation of China's own rules and regulations. These acts blatantly tramp upon the basic rights of living for a citizen. Due to the suppression of information and control of the media by the evil forces of Jiang Zemin and others, many kindhearted people mistakenly think that these are individual misfortunes caused by the poor quality of a handful of law enforcement officers or individuals themselves. This is the reason why we conducted this Survey on Situations of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted for Persevering in Their Beliefs in order to present to the world more accurately and more completely the truth of the broad range of persecution that has taken place against Falun Gong practitioners. This will invalidate lies and misrepresentations such as "a handful stubborn followers disrupt the society", "China's human rights situation is better than any time in history", and "the government has shown all its kindness in handling the Falun Gong issue", etc.

In order to successfully conduct this survey and in consideration of the diversity of practitioners' backgrounds, we designed this form of questions and answers. Most questions offer multiple choices as answers to facilitate gathering of data. Due to time constraints, the choices may not be comprehensive, but they do cover most situations of persecutions. Also, due to the continuous nature of the arrival of completed forms, we have stored the results in databases on computers. All data gathered from participants who have filled out this form following the standards are entered into the same database. This way, we are able to present the results most accurately and most comprehensively in the shortest time possible. In filling out the form, we require that all items must be filled out based on facts, and the practitioner should fill out the form personally. If the practitioner cannot do this due to various reasons (such as being in a labor camp), then someone who is most aware of the practitioner's situation would fill out the form on his or her behalf. Each person can fill out the form only once to avoid any duplication. In gathering the completed forms, we discard any forms that have missing items based on the seriousness and caution needed in order to guarantee the accuracy of statistics.

The survey is continious. Practitioners yet to fill out the form, please continue to follow instructions on the form to fill it out and participate. Upon the initiation of this survey, practitioners have warmly responded. The extent of the participation by practitioners, the speed at which the form is being spread, and the care that has been taken in filling out the form are beyond our expectations. Everyone has taken this event as another concrete action in assisting the Teacher in Fa rectification. Through this survey, practitioners also have had an opportunity to exchange experiences and found shortcomings of themselves and improved significantly.

Dafa practitioners in Mainland China

November 4, 2000

Appendix 2. Tabulations of the Results from A Survey of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Who Persevere in Their Belief

Table 1: Gender and Percentage of the Falun Gong Practitioners Participated in the Survey.

(Total number = 5696)










Table 2: Age Distribution of the Falun Gong Practitioners Participated in the Survey.


Below 16



Above 55











Table 3: Social Status of the Falun Gong Practitioners Participated in the Survey.



Intellectual (including college students)

High-Rank Official & Senior Professional

Rural Residents














Table 4: The Situations in Which Falun Gong Practitioners Are Illegally Detained/Arrested.


Legal & peaceful appeal in person

Printing and distributing materials describing the truth about Falun Gong

Reporting or appealing the situations by correspondence

Auditing an "open" court hearing

Doing exercises outdoors

Doing exercises indoors

Sharing experience with fellow practitioners

Visiting fellow practitioners


None of the above situations























Table 5: Frequency of Illegal Detention/Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioners.


2 or more times

5 or more times







Table 6: Ways Used to Restrict the Freedom of Falun Gong Practitioners




Forcefully sent to a mental hospital

Surveillance (Stalk,

eavesdrop, custody, etc.)

Other illegal detention means

None of the above ways















Table 7: Situations of Persecutions That Falun Gong Practitioners Have Experienced While Under Illegal Custody.

Having received electric shocks

Having been hand-cuffed, shackled, or tied up

Having been injected or fed with psychi-atric drugs

Having been force-fed due to hunger strike

Having been beaten

Having been brutally beaten or struck to a greater extent

Having received physical punish-ment

Having received various humili-ations

Other mis-treat-ment

Having not had any of above treat-ments

338 people, 7.3% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

1349 people, 29% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

109 people, 2.4% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

492 people, 11% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

1233 people, 27% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

609 people, 13% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

1595 people, 34% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

1875 people, 40% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

474 people, 10% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

1241 people, 27% of the total number of people put into illegal custody

Table 8: Situations of Falun Gong Practitioners Who's Homes Have Been Illegally Ransacked.

Homes illegally ransacked

Homes ransacked by police who did not present search warrant

Falun Gong books have been taken away when homes were ransacked

Items not related to Falun Gong cultivation were taken away

No list of the items taken away in ransacking was provided

2406 people, 42% of the total number of people being surveyed

1328 people, 55% of the total number of people whose homes have been illegally ransacked

1328 people, 55% of the total number of people whose homes have been illegally ransacked

303 people, 13% of the total number of people whose homes have been illegally ransacked

788 people, 33% of the total number of people whose homes have been illegally ransacked

Table 9: Situations of Falun Gong Practitioners Who Have Been Fined or Have Had Properties Confiscated for Persevering in Their Beliefs (Average Monthly Income in Cosmopolitan Areas in China is around 600 Yuan or 72 US dollars).

Fined over 1,000 Yuan

Fined below 1,000 Yuan

Properties at home were taken away

Farmland, animals, farming tools or other production materials were confiscated

707 people

507 people

132 people

30 people

Table 10: Situations of Falun Gong Practitioners Who's Legal Rights Have Been Illegally Deprived of.

Dismissed from job or school

Homes confiscated or rights of being allocated houses were deprived

Laid off

Cut in salary or refused salary increase

Transferred away from professional jobs

516 people

105 people

321 people

398 people

283 people

Table 11: Situations of Falun Gong Practitioners Who Have Gone Through "Transformation".

Forced to view videos or materials defaming Falun Gong

Demanded to write "letters of repentance", "statement of guarantee", "report of revealing and criticizing Falun Gong"

Confiscated Identity Cards, Temporary Residence Cards, or other ID's

Threatened to be sent to labor camps, be laid off, be deprived of residence or housing privileges, etc.

Having not had been put through transformation

2172 people, 38% of the total number

3758 people, 66% of the total number

384 people, 7% of the total number

1218 people, 21% of the total number

1510 people, 27% of the total number

Table 12: Situations of Others Being Implicated Due to Falun Gong Practitioners' Persevering in Their Beliefs.

Family members, teachers, or work unit leaders under pressure

Family members were adversely affected in enrollment in schools, job placement, army recruitment, travel abroad, etc.

Family members in constant fear and panic

Forced to divorce

Family members or work unit leaders not notified when practitioner was illegally detained

Having not had any situations listed above

2577 people, 45% of the total number

406 people, 7% of the total number

3380 people, 59% of the total number

107 people, 2% of the total number

1300 people, 42% of the total number

1370 people, 24% of the total number