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Canadian MPs to Join Falun Gong Candlelight Vigil on Hill on the Eve of Prime Minister's Trip to China (Media Advisory)

Oct. 17, 2001

Immediate Release, October 16, 2001

Ottawa --This Wednesday evening, on the eve of Prime Minister's departure to China, MPs are expected to join the Falun Gong candle light vigil in memory of 300 practitioners who have been persecuted to death in Jiang Zemin regime's brutal crack down of Falun Gong in China.

Supporters will form a large "SOS," "FALUN DAFA" with candle lights on the lawn to send the message: "SOS! Urgent rescue of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China."

This is part of the one week long appeal activities on the Hill. Supporters are also appealing to Prime Minister Jean Chretien to persuade China to stop state-sponsored terrorism against Falun Gong practitioners during his trip to China.

Candlelight Vigil

Date & Time: 6:30pm -- 9:00pm, October 17,2001

Place: Parliament Hill, Ottawa

Two Women Appeal to PM to Help Free Imprisoned Husbands in China

Ottawa --Canadian Citizen Jingyu Li and Permanent resident Li Zhang are appealing to Prime Minister to help free their husbands imprisoned in China.

MPs will join Jingyu Li, Li Zhang and Falun Gong supporters to hold a press conference on the Hill on Thursday:

Press Conference

Date & Time: October 18, 2001, 10:30am -- 11:00am

Place: Charles Lynch Conference Room,

130-S Center Block, Parliament Building, Ottawa

Background Information

In a statement made by the IED at UN Sub-Commission on Human Rights Promotion and Protection, an organization that has followed the topic of terrorism and human rights for many years, it says: "State terrorism in the form of government terror against its own people -- what she calls 'terrorism from above' -- produces far more gross violations of human rights than any other form of terrorism. ...When a regime resorts to State terrorism, the international community can expect to be overwhelmed with cases under the international mechanisms and swamped with persons seeking asylum from that regime. Such is the case in China with the regime's violent assault on practitioners of Falun Gong."

"The government, in exercise of the right to reply, attempted to justify its State terrorism against the group by calling it an '[slanderous term omitted]' that has caused deaths and the break-up of families. In our investigation, the only deaths have been at the hands of the Chinese authorities; families have been broken up because family members have been killed by the regime; people have been broken down, not by Falun Gong, but by extreme torture, incarceration in mental hospitals with brutal treatment, hard labour in labour camps and other such practices."
