24th October 2001
The United Kingdom Foreign & Commonwealth Office has published its Human Rights Annual Report for the Year 2001. Some excerpts from the report are as follows:
"The overall human rights situation in China continues to be a matter of serious concern. The continued detention and harassment of democracy activists, religious practitioners and Falun Gong adherents runs contrary to international human rights norms. Religious belief, freedoms of association, expression and of media are routinely restricted. ...
"The crackdown on followers and leaders of the Falun Gong movement in China continues. There are credible reports of many thousands of adherents detained without trial for 're-education.' Some may be held in psychiatric institutions. Former FCO Minister of State John Battle expressed concern at the treatment of Falun Gong adherents with the Chinese Ambassador in London and in contacts with Chinese Ministers. ...
"We welcome the fact that Falun Gong, which was banned in mainland China in 1999, remains free to operate in Hong Kong. ...
"We continue to follow issues of concern in Hong Kong. We have followed the debate over Falun Gong in Hong Kong closely, and we hope that Falun Gong practitioners will continue to be allowed to operate freely in Hong Kong ..."
Reported from the UK
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/1485.html
Category: April 25 Events