October, 2001
John Deller's question at News Corp AGM
"Mr Chairman, my name is John Deller and I'm here as a Proxy holder and I have a question related to a speech by James Murdoch at the Milken Institute conference in California last year where the Los Angeles times reported that he called the Falun Gong spiritual movement an [slanderous terms omitted] and that it, "clearly does not have the success of China at heart," and that investing in China required a "strong stomach."
My question is:
Does James and News Corp realize the principles of Falun Gong are Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance and that they can only be dangerous if you feel threatened by these principles and that Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) is a traditional Chinese meditation and cultivation practice.
Mr Chairman, I am also a spokesperson for Falun Dafa in Australia and does James realize that Falun Dafa in no way resembles a cult and that it's freely practiced in over 40 countries around the world, no costs are involved, no donations are accepted, there are no membership lists, all activities are done by volunteers and everyone lives responsible lives in society with jobs and families.
And does James realize he has confused the success of China with the financial and political success of a few individuals and does he realize by making those comments he is effectively supporting the torture and murder of peaceful Chinese citizens who will not relinquish their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance - even though suffering the brutal persecution directed by the Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
Recently the Canadian MP, Mr. Yvon Charbonneau has said the following:
"I consider that this form of terrorism practiced against Falun Gong practitioners in China is no more acceptable than any other form of terrorism".
Thank you"
John Deller's account of what happened
"After the completion of the meeting I met the News Corp Company Secretary Keith Brodie. He was a lovely man and kindly received some information on Falun Dafa and supporting statements from Canadian government members, which he undertook to pass on to the Murdoch executives. Then a little later I met Rupert Murdoch. I thanked him for allowing me to speak in the meeting and commented how in conducting his Chairman's role he had displayed patience and tolerance, which was similar to the principles of Falun Dafa.
As I ascended the stairs to leave the venue I met Lachlan Murdoch in the foyer. He kindly introduced me to three associates standing with him. I understood they were quite important people in the News Corp group. However I did not focus on their names - but focused on their hearts. I could see in their eyes, as in Lachlan, that they had felt the message of Falun Dafa - Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. I commented that I hoped he understood a little more about Falun Dafa. I wonder now, can they allow their hearts to open while balancing the role of making money for News Corp? I believe it is possible. That is an aspect of cultivation.
What do we truly value? How do we reconcile the torture and murder of people in China because they ask for the freedom to believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, with our own actions which at best, by ignoring the persecution, we are allowing it to continue - and at worst, by endorsing the Chinese regime we are directly contributing to it? I hope at least one influential heart within News Corp or another global group can awaken to this. I hope someone can see the inner dividend that flows to a brave heart who can see clearly through the fog - who can speak up with benevolence - who can see truly what self -interest really means.
To awaken to the self within us - that is not the thinking mind, that is not the physical body - that is the self-interest that truly benefits us all - and that is true leadership. The kind, gentle people in China who are brutally tortured for their beliefs and practicing Falun Gong have found that interest in their true self. They will not submit to Jiang Zemin's crazed campaign to control the hearts and minds of the Chinese people.
It is a sad reflection on our times if the current Chinese President can be an arbiter of justice in the eyes of the world and can control the decisions of global corporations. If you are corrupt and your relatives have all benefited from your corruption and the corruption is endemic, through all levels of the government - then you have much to fear when 70 million people throughout the military, the Party, the government, the business community and across all levels of the society - are practicing Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. This was the situation in China.
To some people it may seem odd to live your life by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. I find it odd to live ones life solely by such transient principles as economic rationality and market forces. Of course any principal of good business is prudent to apply in that context. But the situation facing the world today can be a reflection of our moral ineptitude and confusing business principles with the higher principles we need to sustain our peaceful coexistence on this earth. Falun Dafa helps millions of people to find their peaceful heart and the true meaning of life.
The following is part of a practitioner's story from China when they were imprisoned for their belief in Falun Dafa:
"In my jail cell I didn't blame the prisoners for fighting with each other. Instead, I reasoned with them: 'Returning evil actions with evil, people can only learn evil because you release the evil you endured from others to somebody else. But if you return the evil with Goodness, people can learn Goodness and see a bright future. Since the police pretended to be nice to you while they aren't really kind in their hearts, you can feel their evil and it is evil you have learned. That's why forced labor re-education can't change a person's nature. However, Falun Dafa can change a person fundamentally, making him inclined toward Goodness forever, and making him forever yearn for Goodness and look towards Goodness.' After I said this, the prisoners stopped fighting from then on and became more considerate of each other."
I hope more people can understand and speak up for the noble people suffering in China to protect the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
Category: Perspective