Thursday, November 1, 2001
We are happy to announce the establishment of the Austrian Falun Dafa Association. This auspicious event took place on October 23, 2001.
Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional Chinese cultivation way. "Cultivation" is a term deeply rooted in Chinese history and culture, which implies cultivating one's mind and body. Falun Dafa is based on the three principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance and includes five gentle, physical exercises.
Why was the association established and what are its aims?
It was established because of special circumstances, which necessitated this move. For over two years now, Falun Dafa practitioners in China have been persecuted and these persecutions are taking on ever more drastic forms and are becoming more brutal. We, the Austrian Falun Dafa practitioners, have watched with great concern these goings-on in China and have become witnesses to a state-organized, systematic suppression and persecution of good-hearted people who are being hunted, tortured and sometimes killed for their peaceful convictions. Some of us have not only been witnesses but also victims of this persecution, because some of us living in Austria have been incarcerated in China. This Chinese persecution knows no bounds. Even Falun Dafa practitioners living abroad are being threatened, pressured, accosted and at least suffer damage to their reputation from the government propaganda and lies which are spread abroad. The Chinese government disrupts business connections of practitioners abroad and sometimes severs them altogether. An example of the latter is the case of Alfredo Fava Minor. This Italian gentleman, a Falun Dafa practitioner, is owner of a joint venture business firm in Shanghai. As he attempted to enter China to visit his business, police caught him at the airport in Shanghai on October 8, 2001 and, in spite of his valid visas and entry papers, was deported. He was told that his name is on a "black list" and he would forever be barred from entering China. He had to abandon his home there and leave all his possessions behind.
We noticed further that the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are giving people strength -- inside and outside of China -- to hold on to their human dignity, no matter the hardships, and to persevere in the hope for peace. Many practitioners in China as well as abroad, for instance in Austria, are attempting to inform the public about these circumstances in China; to tell what Falun Dafa really stands for; to dispel the lies and correct the defamations about the practice. The Austrian Falun Dafa Association was established to inform the Austrian people and to make it easier for them to learn more about Falun Dafa and its persecution.
A Thank-You
At the formation of the Austrian Falun Dafa Association, thank you from our hearts to those of you who are helping to bring to an end the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners -- the medical profession, politicians, organizations and people from all walks of life.
Many thanks for your consideration.
Martin Schrott, Engineer
Spokesperson for the Upper-Austrian Falun Dafa Association
Category: April 25 Events