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Practitioners in Canada Congratulate the 2001 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Taiwan

Dec. 26, 2001

(Clearwisdom.net) All practitioners in Canada joyfully heard about the Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Taiwan and sincerely hope for its success.

For the past two years when practitioners in Mainland China were suffering brutal persecution, Falun Dafa grew considerably in Taiwan, from obscurity in the past to widely known now, with hundreds of thousands of practitioners. For the past two years, practitioners in Taiwan left their footprints all over the world, and worked as Dafa particles in truth clarification and offering salvation to people.

At the current moment of Fa-rectification of the human world, after learning of the founding of "Falun Dafa Day in Changchun City," we then heard with joy the opening of the Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Taiwan. Let's cherish Master's benevolence and every single second in Fa-rectification, and create more glory for the coming new historical era.

Falun Dafa Association in Canada