[Minghui Net] [Northeastern China] Dafa Practitioners in Northeastern China Distribute Several Thousand Flyers Revealing the Truth about the "Self-Immolation" On February 7, 2001, Dafa practitioners from a city in Northeastern China distributed several thousand flyers to people's homes that revealed the truth about the suspicious self-immolation incident, which occurred recently at Tiananmen Square. This has helped people to understand the deceitful methods by which Jiang Zemin and his accomplices slander Falun Dafa. [China] People in Mainland China Are Not Easily Fooled By reading the foreign media reports regarding the self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square, we can see that many serious questions surround the entire event. But in Mainland China, where the news media is tightly controlled, it is possible that many people will be deceived by news reports fabricated by the government. Two days ago, I called my relatives in China, and my brother-in-law said, "The self-immolation incident is obviously fake. Is it not extremely coincidental that news reporters happened to be at the scene just at the right time? No one in my work unit believes this." My relatives also told me that many students in the middle school don't believe it either. My 77-year-old mother said that these people fabricate many things to slander Falun Gong, but the more they do it, the more mistakes they make. After the phone call, I was quite pleased--people in China are not easily fooled. [Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Falun Gong Practitioners Who Went to Beijing to Appeal Have Been Secretly Transferred to Xinjiang Autonomous Region! Recent news indicates that all the detention centers and prisons in Beijing were overflowing because so many Dafa practitioners that went to Beijing to appeal or to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa did not reveal their names and home addresses. Therefore, taking a malicious approach, the police secretly transferred these people to the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Dafa practitioners were probably sent to labor camps like criminals. The Xinjiang Autonomous Region is located in a remote area and the environment there is very harsh. This fact, added to the cruelty and inhumanity of the local guards, spells serious danger for these practitioners. We hope people around the world will come to their assistance. [Guangdong Province] A Deaf-Mute Dafa Practitioner Is Sentenced to Forced-Labor Twenty-four year old Huang Zhenyu, from Xiapu, Fujian Province, went to Beijing to appeal on December 21, 2000. Since then he has not been heard from and his whereabouts are unknown. Twenty-two year old Huang Zhenzhou (Zhenyu's brother), who was legally half deaf-mute, also practiced Dafa and worked at odd jobs in Foshan city. In September 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested and detained at the Beijing Liaison Office of Fujian Province. They sent him back for detention in Xiapu, where his father bailed him out for 3,200 Yuan (the average monthly salary in a Chinese city is 700 Yuan). On November 24, 2000, he was detained on criminal charges for distributing Falun Gong literature on the streets of Foshan City. His relatives did not learn until January that he had been sentenced to 18 months at the Sanshui City Labor Camp. They are not allowed to visit. [China] My Experience of Being Force-Fed in A Detention Center After being illegally confined in a detention center for delivering Teacher's new article "Beyond the Limits of Forbearance" to fellow practitioners, I went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention of Dafa practitioners. They threatened to suspend my daughter's classes and discharge her from school, but I kept a righteous mind all along. "Using my life to validate Dafa is good." In the end, they decided to force-feed me. From 1:00 to 3:00 PM on January 10, 2001, the 6th day of my hunger strike, four female prisoners, two doctors (one male and one female), plus two directors, one police officer, one guard, and one public procurator, started force-feeding me. Though called force-feeding, it is actually a method used to torture Dafa practitioners to death. Holding down my arms and legs, they pried open my mouth and inserted a tube into my stomach. They did not pour in any food, but instead used the tube to jab at my stomach, over and over again. At the same time, they cursed me and said, "We want to make you suffer pain and feel sick, and then we'll see if you still go on a hunger strike." This went on for a long time. At the time, I thought they were so cruel to use such a method to torture Dafa practitioners. In order to survive and expose their crime, I accepted their demand to eat. They took out the tube and forced me to eat corn porridge. Then, they carried me back to the prison cell, and I had only one breath left. Two female inmates were ordered to keep watch over me. Dafa practitioners in the same cell were moved to tears when they saw how I had been tortured. My stomach, esophagus, and throat were swollen and extremely painful. I quietly recited Dafa and endured. Recovering in just two days, I am so grateful to the Teacher and the great power of Dafa for giving me the strength to survive what would have killed many others. The male doctor who force-fed me has the surname of Liu. He is in his 40s, and his police serial number is 501053. The female guard's surname is Zhang. Another female police officer's surname was Yang. The two older directors of the detention center were also at the scene. The name of the young public procurator is not known. We learned that my case alerted the highest-ranking officials in the city. Afraid that I would expose their crimes, I was detained for 17 days in the detention center, and then was illegally sentenced to 2 years of forced labor at another facility. [Luan County, Hebei Province] Exposing the Viciousness of the Luan County Public Security Bureau in Hebei Province The Public Security Bureau of Luan County in Tangshan City, Hebei Province is extremely vicious. They started by tying up Dafa practitioners--even senior ladies in their 60's were not spared. These officials themselves did not beat Dafa practitioners. Instead, they colluded with the management of the Kairui Hotel of Luan County (an illegal gambling and prostitution facility) and had thugs from the hotel do their dirty work. They sent Dafa practitioners who went to Beijing to the Kaiping Labor Camp for 1 to 4 years of forced labor "re-education." Chief of the Public Security Bureau: Shang Jianguo; Deputy Chief: Du Guorang, in charge of Falun Gong related issues; Home number: 86-315-7129669 Section Chief of the 1st Section: Wang Zhaojun Vicious Policemen: Yuan Yongping, and one with last name Kan; Chief of the Detention Center: Dong Shuang Manager of Kairui Hotel: Qi Lijie [Beijing] News from Tiananmen Square Ferocious Perverse Forces in Tiananmen Square Shortly after 8:00 AM on January 1, 2001, I went to Tiananmen Square with many fellow practitioners to peacefully appeal. In front of the national flagpole, we unfurled a banner, which read, "Falun Dafa is A Righteous Fa (the Law)." Five or six practitioners whom we didn't know came up to help. Just then, a crowd of hired plain-clothes police rushed over to beat us and drag us into police vehicles. Three or four policemen kicked at my chest and limbs. One of them kicked my head with his steel-toed leather boots until I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I found myself lying in a vehicle, with blood all over my head. I could not open my left eye, since it was swollen and misshapen. The vehicle was driven to the Tiananmen Police Branch Station, and the playground was full of arrested Dafa practitioners. Half an hour later, some of us were taken to the Changping Detention Center, and later transported to the Pinggu County Detention Center. A fellow practitioner and I were sent to the Liujiadian Police Sub-Station to be "interrogated." Neither of us cooperated. The other practitioner was stripped down to one piece of underwear and handcuffed to the iron bars of a window for over two hours in a freezing corridor. After 10 o'clock, the other practitioner was sent to a detention center, and police took me by jeep to a mountain in the middle of the wilderness close to the border of Hebei Province and left me there. This was past 11 o'clock at night, and there were no other cars on the road. Assisted by my firm belief in Dafa, I walked over 5 hours back to Pinggu County and caught a Beijing-bound shuttle. Exposing the Evil On December 10, 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square to unfurl a banner: "Restore the Reputation of Master Li Hongzhi." Police dragged me into a vehicle and took me to the Qianmen Sub-Station right away. The basement of the sub-station was already full of Dafa practitioners, so I was taken to the back yard, which was also crowded with practitioners. Police were busy ordering practitioners onto vehicles that would transport them to other detention centers. At that moment, I thought, "We Dafa practitioners who cultivate Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truth-Compassion-Tolerance) are good people, and we did nothing wrong, so we should not cooperate with the police." In the end, there were 20 or so practitioners left, and we held onto each other arm in arm so police could not take us away. Unable to break us apart, the police then went back into the building and returned with three more officers carrying clubs. They beat practitioners one at a time until their arms were broken loose. Eventually, we were loaded onto a bus by force and sent to the Huairou Detention Center. I went on a hunger strike for 8 days (and was force-fed twice) before I was released.
Latest News from China - 02/08/2001

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