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Latest News from China - 02/15/2001

Feb. 21, 2001

[Minghui Net] [China] Dafa Materials Distributed to the Entire Country Before the Chinese Spring Festival, uniformed police officers plainclothesmen, and hired thugs were all over the place in Beijing. It was hard for Dafa practitioners to walk to Tiananmen, since plainclothes police interrogated everyone they ran into and tailed anyone who seemed suspicious. They arrested and beat people at will, and this was most serious in Tiananmen Square. Yet Dafa practitioners continuously delivered truth-clarifying materials to tens of thousands of households. It was reported that in Beijing, policemen as well as those were just money hungry, were mobilized to report Dafa practitioners to the authorities. The informer would receive 500 Yuan for each Dafa practitioner he turned in (the average monthly salary in urban areas in China is about 500 Yuan, 8 Yuan is about US$1). The perverse forces have thus taken away many practitioners. Meanwhile, after discussion among practitioners from all over the country who had gathered in Beijing, a consensus was reached that "practitioners across the entire country should all get connected as a whole." Thus, tens of thousands of practitioners walked to other large and medium-sized cities, to the countryside, military barracks, schools, and factories. Through contacting and sharing experiences with local practitioners, they learned a great deal. Across the country, many more practitioners have now stepped forward to distribute leaflets that clarify the truth and reveal the viciousness of Jiang Zemin and his followers. [Beijing] Group Truth Clarification by Beijing Practitioners Within 20 days of New Year's Day, there were at least two coordinated campaigns in Beijing to hang out banners and post truth-clarifying leaflets. Banners hung in some places that proved very difficult to reach, putting the police at their wit's end. Some police officers said openly, "We can't imagine how it got hung up there!" Some police vehicles were sprayed with large signs reading, "The Fa rectifies the human world" and "Falun Dafa Is Good". [Zibo City, Shandong Province] List of Dafa Practitioners Recently Sentenced to Forced Labor Wang Xiuhong, a 59 year old Dafa practitioner from the Zhangdian District of Zibo City, is a retiree from Wangxin Steel Factory of Zhangdian District. The Public Security Bureau of Zibo City illegally detained her on criminal charges on December 30, 2000 for attending Falun Gong gatherings, providing residence for other Falun Gong practitioners, and distributing truth clarifying materials. Her legal status was changed to "living under surveillance" on January 30, 2001. On February 4, 2001, she was sentenced to 3 years of forced labor, and is currently held in the Wangcun Labor Camp. Li Cong is a 22-year-old Dafa practitioner from Huantai County in Zibo City. Around December 17, 2000, the Public Security Bureau of Zibo City illegally detained her on criminal charges of printing Falun Gong materials. She was illegally sentenced to 3 years of forced labor in February 2001, and is currently held in the Wangcun Labor Camp. [Shangdong Province] Telling the Truth at the Traditional Temple Fair The ninth day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar is the day for traditional temple fairs. Practitioners in a certain area of Shandong Province set up speakers to clarify the truth about Dafa at bus stops, detention centers, and Party schools where Dafa practitioners were being detained. This action forcefully restrained the perverse persecution of Dafa. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Police and Plainclothesmen Illegally Search for Truth Clarifying Materials on Buses Since the "self-immolation" incident, vicious people, fearful that Dafa practitioners will tell the truth to the general public, have escalated their efforts to destroy truth-clarifying materials. Recently, workers in Changchun often had their shuttle buses intercepted, with uniformed and plainclothes police officers boarding to conduct searches . Dafa practitioners: please pay attention to your safety. [Chongli County, Hebei Province] Brief Records of Persecution of Dafa Practitioners by Shi Jinyu and Li Yue

  1. Practitioners who had gone to Beijing to appeal were detained for 15 days for violation of security regulations, and they must write letters of guarantee as well as pay a fine of 7,000 Yuan (about USD850; an average monthly income of a worker is only USD60). Practitioners who went to Beijing to appeal and were detained and fined: Hou Youhua, Qiao Shang'e, Qiao Shangtao, Liu Jianhua, Liu Jianmin, Guan Suqin, Guan Sulin, Lu Guizhi, Liang Suhua.
  2. Practitioners detained under criminal charges suffer from inhumane persecution. According to local public security officers, each practitioner being detained has to pay a fine of 10,000 Yuan. Practitioners who can't pay will be sentenced to imprisonment. Practitioners detained on criminal charges include: Liang Xiutao, Liang Xiulian, Li Haijun, Zhang Fenghua (father and daughter), Guo Dong (father and daughter), and others, 12 in all.
  3. In order to gain the favor of his superiors, Li Yue, chief of Gaojiaying Village in Chongli County, deceived a few dozen ordinary villagers who had once practiced Falun Gong but had never been to Beijing into attending a "study session". Each of them was forced to pay 500 Yuan (about annual income of the average farm family in China).
List of vicious people: Chief of Chongli County Public Security Bureau of Hebei Province: Shi Jinyue. Chief of Gaojiaying Village in Chongli County: Li Yue.
[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Partial List of Practitioners being Persecuted in Hankou District, Wuhan City Forty-two year old Yaohui has been illegally detained, put under surveillance, and sent to "Transformation Class" several times since July 20, 1999. Since she has always followed the standards of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance," never yielded to the evil, never said anything against Dafa and Teacher, and because she has pointed out the government's unfairness to Dafa many times and resisted all transformation attempts, she was sentenced to one-year of forced labor "re-education" in the Hewan Labor Camp. Tang Bixiu, 63 years old, is a retired senior engineer at the Changjiang Academy of Sciences. Since July of 1999, she's been to Beijing to appeal twice in order to tell people about the power of Falun Dafa to turn people to benevolence. She illustrates this power by relating her own experiences of teaching her daughter. However, she was illegally detained in a "Transformation Class" at the Jiangan District Detention Center. Thirty one year old Wang Li had her uterus removed due to cancer. She had studied many Qigong methods of healing illnesses, but ever since learning Falun Dafa, she has benefited so much both physically and spiritually that she can work and live normally. She said that it was Falun Dafa that saved her. She went to appeal in Beijing with some practitioners after July 22, 1999 and was arrested at Tiananmen Square. She was sent to the "Transformation Class" in Jianan District on September 13. She attended Xidu Fa Conference on January 22, 2000 and was illegally detained for several days. In March of 2000, she was sent to the "Transformation Class" again where she was sentenced to one year of forced labor reeducation for refusing to watch a video slandering Dafa and Teacher. Near the end of 2000, her father wrote an appeal letter entitled "Please Save My Daughter," in which he described the great changes that occurred to her physically and spiritually after practicing Falun Dafa. He also described her current situation -- being forced to work more than 10 hours a day in the Detention Center, and how she has become all skin and bones due to insufficient food. Her father asked that his daughter be released with a verdict of "not guilty." Since this appeal letter was published on Minghui Net, Wang Li's father and her boyfriend have been harassed many times by the provincial, municipal and local Public Security Bureaus. They were also deprived of their right to visit Wang Li. At present, Wang Li's situation is unknown. Zhang Dongfan, female, was sent to the "Transformation Class" in Jianan District on September 13. On March 1, 2000, she was illegally arrested and sent to the "Transformation Center" in the Jinglong Hotel. Later she was sentenced to one and one half years of forced labor "reeducation." Li Junxia, 41 years old, was illegally detained on July 20, 1999. Under severe duress, she said something derogatory about Dafa and Teacher against her will. Her words were quoted by television stations and newspapers and were used by the evil forces to slander Teacher with lies that he had accumulated a fortune. After several months of illegal detention, Li Junxia was released and returned to her job at a bank, but was still watched over. Li Junxia deeply regretted her error, and felt unworthy of Teacher's benevolence and salvation. Later, she actively rejoined the stream of Fa-rectification. When she was exchanging experiences with practitioners in November of 2000, she was illegally detained, and was sentenced to one and one half years of forced labor for insisting on cultivation practice. Zhu Caiqin, around 45 years old, went to appeal in July of 1999, and was sent to the "Transformation Class" on September 13th. She was later released after her husband had a car accident. By the end of 1999, she went to practice at the Jiefang Park Practice Site many times, and later she went to appeal again in Beijing. She was illegally detained once more in a "Transformation Class." The "610 Office" in Jiangan District intimidated her daughter into choosing whether to send her to forced labor or to the mental hospital. Her daughter was forced to choose the latter. In the mental hospital, Zhu was inhumanely tortured and forced to take injections of nerve damaging drugs. But with her great benevolence and forbearance, Zhu Caiqin was able to deal with everything. She actively introduced Dafa to the medical staff and patients, and clarified the truth. Whenever her mind was clear and she could move her limbs, she cleaned the hospital. Her behavior moved both doctors and patients. Finally the doctor said, "You don't have any mental problems. You're normal. You can go home now." In July of 2000, she talked with another practitioner on the phone about her plan to go to Beijing for a third time. As a result, she was illegally detained by the local police station, and sent to "Block Transformation Class" in Huangpo for several days. On December 16, 2000, after she succeeded in going to Beijing to appeal for the third time, she was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor "reeducation." Yang Zhenwu, male, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. He is now being detained in Hewan Labor Camp. A list of other practitioners being detained: Huang Xiaoying, Li Lan, Li Shihong, Song Wenxiu, Xin Yuelian, Xiang xiumei, Shen Jinyu, Wang Xinshu, Xiao Donglian, Liu Songrong, Gao Ping, Zhang Yuchun, Qu Dongju, Zhang Aiming, Zhou Nan, Chen Yumei, Hu Huimingm Hou Mila, Zong Ming and her son, Gao Xia A list of practitioners being detained in Jiangan District: Lu Qiqi, You Xiantao, Nu xianrui, Li Hongyan, Li Xiaojian, Gao Chunxiang, Liu Yunchao, Wen Ruchun, Xiao Shufang, Zhou Wenbo etc. more than 100 people. The No. 6 Section of Hewan Labor Camp in Wuhan City Report Phone: 27-85601054 Complaint Phone: 27-85878807---2060, 2157 Vice director: Yao Aijun Instructor: Yin Nengxian Office clerk: Liu Hui, Hou Qiong Telephone: 27-85878758---2072丆2071 [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Who Provided Meeting Room for Dalian Fa-Conference Is Arrested At about 4:30PM on February 11, the police sub-station on Xinhai Street in Dalian city conducted an illegal search of the house of the practitioner who provided the meeting room for a recent Fa-conference. He was illegally detained for 15 days. On February 12, the police conducted a second search, this time confiscating a notebook computer and a printer. It is said that computer users are being targeted and arrested. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Guangzhou Practitioners Kidnapped and Missing Guangzhou practitioner Xie Shaodong was arrested as he was eating a meal at his father-in-law's house on December 17th of last year. Police from the municipal Public Security Bureau searched the scene thoroughly and then hurried to Xie Shaodong's home for yet another search--and still they did not find the proof they needed. However, they took away his personal computer, cash, and savings account , which amounted to tens of thousands of Yuan. So far, they have not found any evidence that he has broken the law. There is news from inside the Public Security Bureau that they will try extorting a confession by torture. Xie's family members are very much worried about it, and hope that caring people will show their concern. Three retired teachers from South China University of Science and Engineering in Guangzhou have been missing for nearly two months. Family members inquired about their whereabouts to all of the local police stations and substations, but couldn't find them. However, the local police station in Wushan District told the Security Section of the University that there were six Dafa practitioners missing in the District, revealing that they knew something about the situation of the six practitioners. The family members of these practitioners are very much concerned. [Shenzhen City] News from Shenzhen Dafa practitioners Huang Xian and Zhou Kelong were illegally detained on criminal charges at Longgang Detention Center on February 16, 2000. Rao Fangchun was taken away from her home before the Spring Festival, and her whereabouts are still unknown. Liu Tao went to safeguard Dafa in Beijing on New Year's Day last year. After being arrested and escorted back, Liu was sentenced to 3 years of forced labor "reeducation." [Mainland China] "Snow All Over the Country--Just Missing 'Rehabilitation'" (The pronunciation of "Snowing all over" in Chinese is a pun, also meaning "rehabilitation" /by the translator) Not long ago, several friends of mine (non-practitioners) were chatting, talking of the endless natural and man made calamities that have recently occurred in the country, and of how Jiang Zemin illegally persecutes Falun Gong and causes resentment from both Heaven and the common people. They especially talked about the abnormal weather recently across the whole country--widespread snow falling continuously in broad areas even after the Spring Festival, with many places suffering from serious snow-related disasters. One of them suddenly blurted out, "You see, there's snow all over the country--just missing rehabilitation." February 15, 2001