Today we gather here and every one of us can feel that the whole conference hall is peaceful and sacred. This is indeed a piece of pure land!
Regular training or meditation cannot possibly achieve this. We can see that every genuine Falun Gong practitioner here is spiritually and physically healthy . You all look young, vibrant, peaceful and compassionate. This is a natural outcome from the genuine internal transformation which occurs in the practice of Falun Dafa.
There's an elderly gentleman from Hualian, Taiwan, who is over eighty years old. Although he started practicing Falun Gong only three months ago, he's become energetic and vigorous and his voice loud and clear. He once said emotionally and confidently, " In each and every Falun Dafa book, from beginning to the end, there is not one word that is not good. Everything in the books teaches people how to become a good, compassionate person. Falun Dafa offers great benefit to every person, every country and society because it helps improve people's hearts towards benevolence." He also said, " Jiang Zemin is so evil. He turns right into wrong, changes white into black, spreads slander and plays dirty tricks. He labeled a righteous appeal to the Central Government as a group attack. He leads his forces to crack down on Falun Gong practitioners with savage violence, stomping all over their human rights. Furthermore, he extends his malignant influence to foreign countries. He utilizes nationwide resources to launch worldwide campaigns spreading lies and fabricates allegations in an attempt to deceive the good and honest people and governments in different countries. He also stirs up conflicts, creates rifts among friends and destroys social order all over the world. Every one of us must step forward to expose Jiang's evil deeds and crimes..."
Today I am here to call on all the kindhearted people in the world as well as all the good-willed governments to band together to stop Jiang Zemin's offenses and to protect the fundamental human rights of the people in the world.
A veteran journalist from a famous overseas newspaper who is specially assigned to report the news in mainland China, once told me in private that every Chinese government official knows that Falun Gong is good. But only Jiang Zemin and a few other wicked politicians can't put up with the upright and morally disciplined Falun Dafa practitioners.. All the officials and ordinary people in the country are forced to criticize Falun Gong in unison and lie against their own will.
Let me tell you something about Jiang's crimes.
- A professor from Jiayi Normal College in Taiwan went to Beijing for his vacation during the New Year's holidays. When he arrived at Tiananmen Square, he wasn't allowed to enter the square unless he followed the government instructions to verbally attack Falun Gong and its founder Master Li! Although he had never learned Falun Gong, he felt it was unimaginable and ridiculous for the Chinese government to force an innocent tourist to do such an immoral thing. After his return, he was very disturbed and mentioned it to students in his class. He commented that one could not find another government in the world that would do such a low down thing.
- Jiang Zemin personally denounced Falun Gong as an anti-government organization. But over the past 19 months the whole world has witnessed that there wasn't even one Falun Gong practitioner who spoke out against the government. They merely used their constitutional rights to go to Beijing to appeal. But police and secret service agents surrounding the Bureau of Appeal disallowed their peaceful appeals. Practitioners were then forced to go to Tiananmen Square to voice their opinion and reveal the truth. But sadly, no sooner had the practitioners started practicing meditation then they were violently taken into police custody. With great compassion and forbearance still in their hearts, all they wanted to do was to tell the public that Falun Dafa is righteous. It teaches people to become compassionate and it even has no political aspirations, let alone against any government. But again Jiang Zemin keeps pouring out lies to defraud all the people in China.
- Anyone who has read Falun Dafa books knows that a real Falun Gong practitioner definitely will not commit suicide because Master Li clearly states that killing, let alone suicide, is a big sin. But Jiang Zemin first spread a rumor fabricating news report saying that many practitioners would gather in Xiangshan (a Mountain on the west side of Beijing) to commit group suicide. Worse yet, at Chinese New Year's Eve, his gang of deceivers directed and brutally performed an incident of self-immolation so as to frame Falun Gong. The day before yesterday (Feb. 16), it was reported again that someone had committed suicide by burning himself to death. Jiang Zemin told his followers that even if practitioners were beaten to death, they could be reported as suicide. He will use all his power and insidious means to produce such things as burning oneself to death.
We express our sincere condolence to the victims, no matter who they were, whether they are still alive or already silenced and dead, etc. All these debts will be directly attributed to Jiang Zemin and truth will prevail in the coming future.
- From late September to early October last year, I was in Thailand doing the practice, studying Falun Dafa books, and sharing experiences with other practitioners. The Chinese embassy tried every means to interfere with the local government. It ordered Thailand's secret police to disrupt our practices and activities of spreading Falun Dafa. We gave materials and information packets to Thai police and told them the true story of Falun Gong. Even though the local police investigation didn't find any problems with Falun Gong practitioners and reported as such, still the Chinese embassy wouldn't stop their fraudulent activities against Falun Gong. Later the police at the provincial level arrived and also found that Falun Gong was blameless. At last came the immigration officers who said that they were carrying out their orders of investigation. After giving them the materials and telling them the truth, I said to them, " We are not going to do any political thing and we won't commit any crime. We are here only to help your people to get better physical health and raise morality." They regretfully said, "I'm sorry, but I have to obey the order (to deport you)." On the last day at the airport, the immigration officers were also ordered to give us a thorough special inspection. We had the righteous thought and all passed that inspection with dignity, proudly wearing the yellow T-shirt with the words "China, Stop persecuting Falun Gong!". We also gave them Dafa materials. The immigration officer was obviously touched. He stopped his work and came to our waiting room asking us to teach him how to do a Falun Gong exercise before boarding the plane! At last the Chinese embassy exhausted their disgraceful ways. They called the Falun Gong contact person in Thailand, "It's all right that you practice in the park, but why do you have to show those pictures of arresting and beating people up?"
- Jiang Zemin's crackdown on Falun Gong is an evil crime of exterminating traditional Chinese culture and ethics established in ancient times. It deprives people of their basic freedom of choosing a way of life, creates severe conflict between practitioners and ordinary people and leads those who don't know the truth to the wrong direction. Numerous policemen degenerated to become hatchet men, robbers, scoundrels and hooligans. Doctors in hospitals were turned into professional killers. Schools became places to spread slanderous ideas. Every person in China was forced to sign an endorsement for the evil accomplices. No one can escape from Jiang's fiendish hands that are destroying the great Chinese civilization. Some intellectuals and professors have even been sent to mental facilities where they are forced to receive injections that contain overdoses of drugs. Unfortunately, the great prospective future of China with its great culture, as well as traditions and human decency inherited by billions of people generation after generation, are all to be ruined along with the crackdown on Falun Gong.
- Jiang Zemin's onslaught on Falun Gong is the most cruel, most hideous, most inhuman persecution known to mankind. It is not only a severe violation of the International Human Rights Treaty, but also a blatant provocation to and disregard of the human ethics of our society in this new millenium. He is spreading his evil influences to every corner of the world, destroying the rational and civil environment that we live in. If his wicked crimes are not stopped and his iniquitous influences allowed to permeate the rest of the world, then in addition to the total destruction of China ultimately peace of the entire world will be threatened. Based on a news report, after the City of Santees, California issued the proclamation honoring Falun Dafa, the Chinese Consulate personnel rushed over to demand that the mayor cancel the proclamation. The mayor solemnly declared: "I do not need the Chinese government to tell me how to exercise my duty as the mayor. I am resolutely carrying out the spirit of independence established by our founding Fathers." Therefore, it is everybody's immediate, undeniable obligation and responsibility to stop Jiang Zemin's large-scale persecution on Falun Gong! Here we appeal to all the governments and people with compassion:
Many people in Mainland China only know that Falun Gong is banned, but have no knowledge that the government has been cracking down on Falun Gong so brutally. Since the government censors all outside news sources, the people's only source of information is state-controlled propaganda. When we made phone calls to the prison police who beat and mistreat practitioners, persuading them not to do such bad things again, they were very flabbergasted. "How did you find this out?" Because everything they did was supposed to be in secret. They were tacitly encouraged by the government, "If a practitioner is beaten to death, tell the public that he committed suicide." The families of the victims were not allowed to inspect the body, or to investigate the real cause of the death of their loved ones. All they got was the cremated ashes of their dearly departed. In other countries such as Singapore, Australia, etc, wherever there is a Chinese embassy, they will use political and economic influence to force the other government to follow suit. What a flagrantly vicious act! Fortunately there are still some kindhearted governments and people who can distinguish right from wrong. Once they learn what Falun Gong really is, they solemnly refuse China's request and ignore its threats. Especially in the United States, Canada, and Europe, the governments highly praise Falun Gong and its founder Master Li. Master Li said he would bring them the best in the future. And that is their fortune and good fortune to all their citizens as well.
Please offer your support, help us to stop Jiang Zemin --- This is how to protect the most basic human rights and ethics and assert essential human dignity.
Please offer your support, help us to stop Jiang Zemin --- This is how to persevere human decency and justice, respect freedom of belief and the pursuit of freedom.
Please offer your support, help us to stop Jiang Zemin --- This is how to preserve worldwide justice, safeguarding world peace from the intrusion of his wicked establishment.
Please offer your support, help us to stop Jiang Zemin --- This is how to clearly demonstrate our opposition to the existence of inhuman, uncivilized crimes, as well as our support for human compassion.
Please offer your support, help us to stop Jiang Zemin --- This is how to proactively maintain our social, spiritual and ethical environment where we live.
Please offer your support, help us to stop Jiang Zemin --- This is how to secure the fundamental right that is appropriate for humanity, our way of existence.
Please offer your support, help us to stop Jiang Zemin --- This is how to promote a new, better ethical standard for mankind. This is also the fundamental struggle to secure a lawful and rational existence of all the people in the world.
Generous people and governments of this world, for our today and our tomorrow, for justice among man, for the compassion and decency within us, for our basic living conditions, for the future existence of everybody in this world, for God's blessing which we live by, for ourselves and for all compassionate people under the sun, please let us join together and participate in the magnificent and historical act to advocate human justice, which will eradicate evil throughout the world! Let us send the crime laden Jiang Zemin to face the justice of history, let fundamental ethics governed by Truth, Compassion and Forbearance illuminate every corner of this world!
Category: Experience Sharing Conferences