[ClearWisdom.Net] 3/19/01, Geneva, Switzerland
Falun Gong practitioners performed group exercises this morning in front of the United Nations in Geneva. Many reporters were present to film the approximately 1,000 practitioners who were demonstrating the 5 sets of Falun Gong exercises. Although rain was predicted the weather remained good throughout the morning practice.
At the same time, a press conference was held in a nearby restaurant. Many reporters representing the international media attended the press conference that informed the public about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Some people claiming to be from the Chinese media tried to force their way into the press conference. When they were told that the conference was for invitation only and were asked to leave, they tried to disrupt the press conference and started shouting. Eventually they left the area when their plan did not work.
Later in the afternoon, practitioners demonstrated the exercises in 5 different locations and passed out materials clarifying the truth about the persecution against Falun Gong in China.
In the evening, Amnesty International and the Swiss Falun Dafa Association hosted a presentation to inform the public about the persecution in China at the University Mail in Geneva. The presentation began with members from University Chapter of Amnesty explained the situation with Falun Gong in China. A practitioner, who was a doctor, read a statement documenting the widespread psychiatric abuse against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Then Ms. Cuiying Zhang and Prof. Zhang Kunlun both read their personal statements of the torture they experienced while being detained in China. Their powerful accounts moved the audience and members of the panel to tears.
Outside of the information forum, there was a photo exhibition documenting the torture of Falun Gong practitioners. This exhibit will be displayed during the entire week for students at the university and the public to view.
More events in a variety of formats are planned to continue to inform the public and UN representatives about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Group 1: The morning practice in front of the United Nations
Practitioners perform Falun Dafa exercises near the United Nations.
A large Falun Dafa banner in French
Falun Dafa information posters have attracted many passersby
Group2: The press conference
A practitioner addresses the journalists at the press conference
Practitioners tell the abuses they had experienced in the detention centers in China
A practitioner reports on psychiatric abuse against Falun Gong practitioners in China
The audience in the press conference
Interview after the press conference
Category: Rallies & Protests