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How a Distinguished Military Man Was Victimized for Believing in Falun Dafa

March 26, 2001

I want to you the sad story of Professor Yu Changxin so you can learn how the conspiracy to defame Falun Gong began in the Chinese military and led to the destruction of the career of this model citizen.

Immediately after the April 25, 1999, Zhongnanhai appeal, I lost track of Professor Yu Changxin, who had been detained by the Air Force Command Center after having been singled out by Jiang Zemin. Just for this noble and distinguished man, a special two-month long transformation class was held, in order to set an example. But in the class Professor Yu was righteous and continued to cultivate steadily with his heart unmoved by the slander against Dafa. Benevolently, he told everyone, "I am 74 years old and part of the first generation of the Air Force with an award for contributions to the country. As a respected and honored professor, I have taught many of the current leaders and have edited textbooks for the Air Force Officer School. Since I am so much more experienced than any of you, let me ask, how could I be so easily misled by something? Am I unable to determine right from wrong? My personal cultivation experience tells me that practicing Falun Gong is not wrong and that Falun Dafa is a true science."

So at the end of this farce of a "class" they saw that Professor Yu could not be "transformed" and, under a secret court dictated by Jiang Zemin, he was sentenced to 17 years in prison!

Then, in July, I went to Yu's home to see his wife, whom I called Aunt Jiang. She informed me that the command center had purchased three high-tech surveillance machines and was using them to monitor and listen to the conversations of military personnel and their relatives. Also, the center was holding transformation classes and Falun Gong practitioners were required to attend. There, the word is passed down from the highest military echelons that neither military personnel nor their relatives can practice Falun Gong and that every officer and soldier must write a "guarantee" stating that they will not practice or believe in Falun Dafa. Upon hearing this, I knew the persecution had begun early in the military.

Before leaving I asked Aunt Jiang if there were any Dafa materials or literature still in her house. She said that only a few had been confiscated and there still were some available. I asked her to place them into plastic bags. Interestingly, she reminded me to take good care of the Dafa materials, as Professor Yu had told her that in the future such things would be going to a museum. This stirred my heart as I realized that even in this most severe environment, the first thing that these practitioners thought of was the Master, Dafa and the future of Dafa. What a noble heart, like a shining diamond! But sadly, I recently learned from clearwisdom.net that Aunt Jiang had been discharged from the Air Force. They won't even leave an elderly person alone, where is their conscience and human nature?

Furthermore, I learned that after April 25 another veteran red army leader, Li Qihua, who was in his 80s, was detained and forced to write repentance statements and subjected to many extreme hardships. Even now, I don't know if this gentleman is alive or not. I also heard recently that in some places in the military, people were forced to watch a video under heavy guard of the so-called "transformation of Professor Yu!" It is clear that the poor man must have been pressured terribly. Jiang Zemin, as he follows his path to the end, has ruined the lives of many national heroes as well as millions of citizens.

Professor Yu and Aunt Jiang, please take care!

All kind-hearted people please speak out to help the tortured Falun Gong practitioners.

Provided by a practitioner in China

March 20, 2001