At 3:00 PM on Sunday, May 13, 2001, Falun Dafa practitioners sat on the ground at one of the main sightseeing spots -- the front shore of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara statues at the seaside and started to do the fifth set of Falun Dafa exercises. There were a lot of tourists from Mainland China there. There were not many practitioners there that day, but the unusual combination of practitioners in yellow Falun Dafa outfits, over one dozen policemen in plainclothes and more than a dozen journalists attracted many visitors to stop and watch. They in effect helped us enlarge our scale of promoting Dafa. From out of the noise of the crowd an excited shout was suddenly heard, it is Falun Dafa, Falun Gong! They are practicing Falun Gong! From his voice, we could feel his pleasant surprise, sympathy, and powerful support. It might be that there are people with a great pre-destined relationship with Dafa or that there are some touching and unusual stories around him or in his life. His strong reaction clearly exposed the evilness in Mainland China. When looking up from time to time, we saw a lot of tourists taking our pictures and talking about us. Children liked our balloons imprinted with Falun Dafa and Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance). From this special setting, real live stories about Falun Dafa would be surely taken back to Mainland China and hopefully would support and encourage Dafa practitioners in Mainland China. Let's celebrate Falun Dafa Day together and thank our great and compassionate Master Li for teaching Dafa far and wide and painstakingly offering salvation to all beings for the past nine years. Reported by Falun Dafa practitioners from Macao on May 13, 2001
On World Falun Dafa Day, Practitioners from Macao Celebrate the Ninth Anniversary of Master Li's Teaching Dafa

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