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Press Conference in New York City - 06/21/2001

June 27, 2001

New York practitioners held a press conference on June 21 at the Chinese Consulate to reveal the murder of Falun Gong practitioner Li Baifan.

Dr. James Li, a U.S. Citizen living in Pennsylvania, spoke about the recent death of his brother, Li Baifan, at the hands of state police in China. According to Dr. Li, Baifan was killed for refusing to renounce his practice of Falun Gong; he had been held in a labor camp illegally for almost one full year at the time of his death. Li reports that police blocked his family from examining the body as part of an official cover up. Dr. Li discussed his struggle to obtain information about Baifan's death.

Li Baifan's murder marks the first known death of a U.S. citizen's family member in the two-year persecution of Falun Gong, according to the Falun Dafa Information Center.

Several local journalists reported on the event. One TV reporter went into the Consulate and asked the man at the front door if there was a press person that could speak with her. The man waved his arm and then closed the door on the reporter. This report aired on channel 63 news later that day.

Dr. James Li Speaks About His Brother Who Was Killed in China

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The Falun Dafa InfoCenter Reports on China's Attempt to Cover Up Wrongful Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners

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Many Falun Dafa Practitioners Gathered Outside the Chinese Consulate to Appeal for Justice