Dear people of America, the government of America, U.S. Congress, and the President of the United States:
The situation is critical. We must urgently call upon you at this time. The
repressive regime of Chinese president Jiang Zemin in China has already
persecuted Falun Gong for two years now. Tens of thousands of good, peaceful
Falun Gong practitioners have been forced to endure the tremendous pain of
brutal torture, incarceration, and murder simply because they wish to keep their
From the occasional pieces of information that have slipped through the dark
curtain of China's information blockade, the world has seen how a whole series
of tragedies have occurred in recent months. Countless goodhearted and innocent
lives are in the gravest mortal danger! Below are just a few of the most recent
- July
: ten Chinese citizens were tortured to death because of their
faith while in detention in Heilongjiang province.
- July 4
: a man in Jilin province who was diligent in his practice of
Falun Dafa endured tremendous torture and abuse in police custody and passed
- June 28
: a 31 year-old schoolteacher was tortured to death in
Sichuan province because she was determined to practice Falun Dafa.
- June 20
: in Hubei province, four Chinese citizens who were Falun
Gong practitioners were beaten and killed. One of them, after being beaten
to the point of death, was dragged to the local town square by the frenzied
police and burned alive. The police then announced to the crowd that this
was "self-immolation!" Two of the other Dafa practitioners were
tied to the back of a motorcycle and cruelly dragged down the road at high
- June 12
: Zhang Shenfan, a disabled man who relied on a cane to walk,
was beaten to death by police because of his faith.
- June 6
: two women from Shandong province were violently beaten to
- June
: in the tragedy of the Wanjia Labor Reeducation Camp in
Heilongjiang province, it has been confirmed that 15 women were tortured to
death in the labor camp because they held firm to their faith in Falun Gong
and many more are receiving emergency treatment. The authorities lied,
claiming it was suicide.
- June
: a woman who was a Falun Gong practitioner was violently beaten
on a Beijing street and raped. Her whole body was covered in bruises and
wounds. The onlookers were outraged but dared not say anything.
- At the end of May
: in Taiyuan city in Shanxi province, a 70 year-old
woman was persecuted to death for practicing Falun Gong. Before she died,
she endured solitary confinement for extended periods of time. She was beaten
until her face was swollen and bruised, deprived of sleep and forced
to march until daylight, set upon by dogs, and tortured in other ways.
- In May
, after her son was tortured to death, a mother was also
tortured and killed because of her faith in Falun Gong. Her husband and
another son are still being held in prison.
... ... and many, many more lives are in grave danger! Even greater
persecution has already begun.
The cruel persecution in China only makes us cherish even more the
freedom of speech and freedom of belief enjoyed by the people of this
nation. It only makes us hold in higher esteem the integrity and dignity of
those in the history of humankind who won these freedoms with their blood
and their lives. This is why we are urgently appealing to you:
- Please reach out a helping hand to urgently rescue the Falun Gong
practitioners who are in mortal danger in China!
- Please reach out a helping hand to help ensure that those children who
practice Falun Gong and have lost their parents can go to a place where
they can be safe. Help them regain their right to a proper education.
- Please reach out a helping hand to help place the Chinese citizens who
have been disabled from torture, just because they tried to gain their
freedom to practice, into reliable hospitals so that they can receive the
emergency treatment and care that they need!
- Please reach out a helping hand to demand that the elderly women,
pregnant mothers, and young women all be released and be allowed to return
home so that they may be reunited with their anguished and suffering
- Please reach out a helping hand to write letters demanding that Jiang
Zemin's criminal gang immediately release all of the Falun Dafa
practitioners in China who are defending the dignity of humanity.
- Please reach out a helping hand to help U.S. permanent resident Dr. Teng
Chunyan to return to the land of freedom that is America!
- Please reach out a helping hand to help the families of those who have
been tortured to death because of their courageous and determined fight
for freedom so that these innocent people will not be unfairly
incriminated under a system of "guilt by association."
- Please reach out a helping hand to break through Jiang Zemin's
information blockade and relay the true facts about the situation into
- Please reach out a helping hand to ask for the support of the
international community so that they may urgently and independently
investigate the truth behind the Falun Gong issue and prosecute the evil!
- Please reach out a helping hand and help the Chinese people to break
free of the criminal oppression of Jiang Zemin's tyranny so that the
people may choose a healthy way of life and enjoy fundamental human rights
and the freedom of belief!
Anything and everything that you are willing to do -- be it writing a letter
to the Chinese government, making a phone call to the Chinese embassy, signing a
petition to express sympathy for and willingness to rescue the Falun Gong
practitioners in China, asking your representative to take concrete measures to
help the Chinese people to stop the torture and killing, organizing a speech or
a forum in libraries, schools, and other associations so as to allow more of
your friends, family, and associates to know the truth of Falun Gong, urgently
calling upon the international community to stop China from recklessly torturing
and killing their own citizens -- using any way that you can think of will
greatly help the people who urgently need to be rescued!
Your help will change the tragic fate of countless people. Your kindness will
stop Jiang Zemin's violence and brutality. Your stepping forward is not only for
the people of China but also to protect the principles of human decency and
goodness that our very existence relies upon, and it is the way to true and
lasting peace.
For Truth, for a reasonable and healthy society in the future, for the sake
of goodhearted people like yourself everywhere, for those who are still bearing
endless hardships for the dignity and decency of humanity, and for all those who
embody great compassion and great forbearance, please reach out a helping hand!