Sir, - In recent days another horrific report has come through from China of five Falun Gong members being brutally tortured to death in Chinese prisons. This brings the total number of Falun Gong deaths in custody up to 258 since the persecution began two years ago.
One victim, Mr Li Changjun, 33, a masters' degree graduate from Wuhan, was so badly tortured that his body was almost unrecognisable. His mother said his back looked "as if it was burned and cooked". Given that President Jiang Zemin has personally ordered the "total eradication" of Falun Gong, and given China's hierarchical responsibility system, he is directly to blame for the savagery of these dreadful crimes against humanity.
Slobodan Milosevic is currently appearing before the Hague Tribunal for murders committed under his orders. When will it be Jiang Zemin's turn to answer for his crimes? - Yours, etc.,
ANTHONY O'BRIEN, Tibet Support Group Ireland, Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4.
Category: Falun Dafa in the Media