I am a government employee at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and a Falun Gong practitioner. On August 3, 2001, the Cultural Diversity Committee held a Team Building event titled "A Taste of the World." In preparation for this event a request went out for volunteers to staff various booths representing different cultures from around the world. I immediately volunteered for the China booth, even though I am not Chinese. I thought, "What a great opportunity to introduce Falun Gong to my coworkers!"
I was planning on asking local practitioners to help but was told that this event was only for employees of DFAS and no outside people would be allowed. However, within one week I received clarification. Captain Carman, U.S.N., told us that what he meant in saying that outsiders would not be allowed was that employees could not invite guests. He said, "We do not know everything by ourselves. Anyone who can come and help with displaying the various cultures is welcome."
Thank you Captain Carman and DFAS.
It was a simple event. There were nine booths representing various cultures from around the world. Each booth provided a sample of food, various static displays and either a game or dance. Of course we performed Falun Gong exercises at the China booth.
There were about 175 people who attended. After we performed the exercises, several people who were watching applauded. Most of them had heard of Falun Gong through the media but had never seen the exercises before. We were able to clarify the truth to several people who talked to us that day.
In San Diego there are about 100 practitioners and 2 million residents. That's a ratio of about 20,000 to 1. Here we have a great opportunity to spread the truth of the Fa! It's a big job and I'm so thankful for all the opportunities that seem to be everywhere.
Follow up on the DFAS event: Because of the cultural event at DFAS I had an opportunity to talk with a Chinese person in San Diego about Falun Gong. She also helped me send an e-mail to one of her friends inside China. It seems as though the opportunities to clarify the truth are seeking me instead of me having to look for them.
I'd like to end this short article by appealing to other practitioners who are not active in clarifying the truth. It's really easy and does not take too much time. Just write a short letter or attend a local Hong Fa event. You may actually be responsible for helping someone acquire the Fa and salvation. I think it's an issue of benevolence (shan) to sacrifice (ren) a little time to help another human to find the truth (zhen).
Category: Parades & Other Community Events