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Latest News from China - 09/14/2001

Sept. 20, 2001


1. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Heizuizi Labor Camp Brutally Tortures Practitioner Li Guiling

Practitioner Li Guiling was sent to a brainwashing class in March 2001 for steadfastly practicing Falun Dafa. Seeing that she wouldn't give up practicing, the police sent her to the Heizuizi Labor Camp, where she firmly refused to write a guarantee to give up Falun Dafa. The guard in Team One of Group Six, Zhang Tao, took her to the office and gave her an injection despite her strong protest. After the injection, Sun Mingyan, the guard in Team Three laughed cruelly, "We have finally destroyed your cultivation energy."

In order to further torture Li Guiling, guards Li Tong, Zhang Tao, Zhu Dan, Sun Mingyan, and Liu Ying surrounded her to punch and kick her. They also used electric batons to shock her. Furthermore, they tied her up with thick canvas cloth [possibly a restraint jacket] and handcuffed her to the bed.

The relentless torture has caused Li Guiling to become extremely slow in her thoughts and speech. Still, the guards wouldn't let her go, saying she was pretending. They continued to torture her, trying to convince her to put her fingerprint on the paper denouncing Dafa.

2. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Practitioners in the Xiguoyuan Detention Center Start a Hunger Strike to Mourn Fellow Practitioners

The Xiguoyuan Detention Center tortured practitioner Liu Lanxiang to death in April 2001 and Zhang Fengyun in August. After Zhang Fengyun's death, the officials tried to block the news from leaking out by canceling all outdoor activities for the inmates. They even sent meals to individual cells instead of letting the inmates eat together. Still, the terrible news spread from Group 14, where the death took place, to Team 15. On August 18, the practitioners in Team 15 proposed three requests: 1. Hold a funeral for Liu Lanxiang and Zhang Fengyun. 2. Eliminate the rule that forbids practitioners from talking to each other. 3. Release all of the practitioners. Along with these requests, the practitioners started a hunger strike.

A correction: In April 2001, practitioner Liu Lanxiang from Minqin County, Gansu Province was held at the Xiguoyuan Detention Center, where she was beaten to death. After her death, the guards who committed the crime transferred her body to the No.2 Detention Center in Hualinshan for no apparent reason. When Clearwisdom reported the incident, the Hualinshan Detention was cited as the site thought to be where the crime was comitted. In fact, the actual site was later discovered to be the Xiguoyuan Detention Center upon receiving more detailed information.

3. [Beijing] An Update on Zhao Ming's Situation

According to some practitioners who were detained in the Tuanhe Labor Camp in Beijing, Tsinghua University graduate Zhao Ming has been steadfast in his belief of Dafa. Facing the persuasion of practitioners who have gone stray and countless inhuman tortures, he is as unwavering as ever. The practitioners said that Zhao Ming is very thin and seldom speaks. Under the instructions of the guards, four inmates have been assigned to watching him. Zhao Ming is often forced to stand for long periods of time and denied sleep. They sometimes force him to sit in a water basin or stuff him under a bed. He was once beaten to the point where he could not stand up.

Gong Chengxi, a graduate of the class of ྜྷ in the Political Management Department of the China Political Science and Law University, was arrested in November 2000 while clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. He is currently being detained in the Tuanhe Labor Camp.

4. [Jilin Province] News from the Jiutai Labor Camp

In the early morning hours of May 30, 2001, the practitioners set up some loud speakers outside the walls of the Jiutai Labor Camp, broadcasting many programs from World Falun Dafa Radio. In the early morning hours of September 5, the practitioners broadcast Teacher's article "Suggestion", greatly encouraging the practitioners being held in the labor camp and suffocating the evil.

In order to force practitioners to give up practicing, the labor camp denies them sleep, forces them to stand for long periods of time, threatens them, and shocks them with electric batons. Some practitioners were forced to stand for seven straight days. The practitioners being tortured include Wang Yin, Zhang Zhenshu, Zhou Yelin, Gong Qiumin, and Yu Shuqing. The labor camp routinely extends the practitioners' sentences at will in order to persecute them further. Eleven female practitioners' sentences were extended. Some of the practitioners whose sentences were extended by three months are Zheng Xiaoming, Wang Yin, Huo Runzhi, Wang Ying, Gong Qiumin, Zou Hongmei, and Wang Xingshan. Those whose sentences were extended two months are Hao Zhifang and Li Yanping. Piao Lianhua and another practitioner whose name is unknown had their sentences extended by one month.

5. [Beijing] Professor of Philosophy You Zhaohe at the Chinese Political Science and Law University Forced to Flee from His Home

Professor of Philosophy You Zhaohe often introduces Falun Dafa to his students in class. After July 20, 1999, when the Chinese government banned Falun Dafa, he went to Tiananmen Square to appeal. When he returned, the university tried to pressure him into giving up Falun Gong. In July 2000, policemen came to his home and took him to the Haidian District Detention Center. When Professor You reproached the guards, they viciously beat him up.

After Professor You was released from the detention center, the university as well as the police pressed him to attend the brainwashing class. Professor You was forced to flee from his home, and his current whereabouts are unknown.

6. [Anhui Province] Dafa Radio Broadcast Heard Over the Skies of a City in Anhui

At around 8 pm on September 2, the voice of Falun Dafa Radio echoed in the skies of a city in Anhui Province. It was an act of Fa-rectification, opposing the slanderous exhibition against Dafa recently held in that city. It attracted many passers-by and had a very good effect.

7. [Beijing] Exposing the Deeds of Local Policemen

I went to Tiananmen Square on December 15, 2000 to appeal for Dafa and was detained in the Xuanwu District Detention Center, where I started a hunger strike in protest. Several policemen tied me up and force-fed me by inserting a tube into my stomach through my nose. As a result of their actions, I suffered injuries to my nose and stomach. When I struggled, they took a syringe, the kind that is used on horses, to inject water into my mouth. When I didn't comply with their demands, they punched and kicked me. This torture lasted for more than ten days.

Seeing that I wouldn't give in, they sent me to the police station in Anping County, Hebei Province. The police chief there was named Hu. They denied me sleep for several days and nights, but I still did not give in. They then handcuffed me to a cement pillar outside, where my feet were standing on ice.

Later, the police chief ordered his men to release me from the cement pillar. Just then, some policemen came over with electric batons and said, "After the freezing, why don't you have some electric shock. This will be very stimulating." Later more than ten thugs took turns whipping me with a leather belt and kicking me. When they were exhausted from the beating, they asked me why I still insisted on practicing Falun Gong. I said, "Falun Dafa is the righteous way. I will not betray my Teacher. I am a Dafa practitioner. I will not give up practicing even if you beat me to death."

I then asked them, "Why do you treat us practitioners like this?" They said, "If we don't, we will lose our jobs. To tell you the truth, Jiang Zemin has given explicit orders. We won't be responsible if we beat practitioners to death. We will simply announce that you have committed suicide."

One practitioner's body was covered with black marks left by electric batons. The guards even stripped her clothes off to beat her and then left her out in cold. Afterwards, they took her to a pit that they had dug and brought a black police dog with them. They asked her, "Which would you prefer, to be buried alive or fed to the dog?" Faced with this threat, the practitioner still had no fear.

A 17-year-old female practitioner was sent to Huairou County in Beijing. A huge policeman beat and kicked her, knocking her to the ground and stomping on her body. After he was tired from beating her, the guard said, "If you don't tell me what I want to know, I will rape you."

These people, following the directions of Jiang Zemin, behave like beasts and are committing many crimes in China. We have to expose their vicious conduct to the world.

8. [Fuyang City, Anhui Province] The Railway Bureau Places Practitioners Under House Arrest

The Bengbu Branch of the Railway Bureau in Anhui Province placed three practitioners under house arrest, asking laid off employees to monitor them. The practitioners have not been allowed to leave the staff dormitory to go back home for months now.

9. [Shanghai] Suggestion for Practitioners to Send Forth Righteous Thoughts to Eliminate the Brainwashing Classes

According to sources, the 610 Office in Shanghai plans to take practitioners by force to the brainwashing class in Qingfu. They have so far held three such classes. Practitioners in Shanghai, please send forth righteous thoughts together to thwart the evil.

10. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Female Practitioner Sun Lanping Arrested

Female practitioner Sun Yanping was arrested on June 23 in the Gongxingdun area when she was distributing truth-clarifying materials. She is being held at the Dashaping Detention Center. On August 8, she was sentenced to the Pingantai Labor Camp for one and a half years.

11. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] the Situation of Zhang Chunmin and His Wife

Practitioner Zhang Chunmin and his wife Wang Dongmei were forced to flee from home with their child to avoid persecution from the police station on Shigang Street. They have not been able to go back to their home since August 2000.

Near the end of July 2001, the Qiaodong Police Substation worked with the Shengli North Street Police Station to detained them (their child is being taken care of by relatives). Wang Dongmei is being held at the Shijiazhuang No.2 Detention Center, but Zhang Chunmin's whereabouts are unknown. It's been over a month since this happened, and the situation is becoming dire.

12. [Mainland China] "I Found You At Last!"

A female practitioner was posting truth-clarifying literature on the second floor of a building when she saw a lady coming up. The lady realized what she was doing and said in surprise, "Oh, I have been looking for you people. I like reading the Falun Dafa materials very much. Please bring us some more." Greatly moved, the practitioner said, "Thank you for your support!"