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HongFa at "Culture Night" in the City of Vasteras, Sweden

Sept. 30, 2001 |   Practitioners from Sweden

(Clearwisdom.net) On Saturday September 15th, an annual event called "Culture Night" took place in the town of Vasteras, Sweden. It is a popular festivity where a lot of people come out to take part in many cultural events.

In the afternoon, twelve practitioners performed the exercises in the Culture House. Many people were curious and went inside the hall to take a look. A group of people followed the whole program with great interest. They were clearly touched by the stillness and power in the hall. Quite a few of them wanted to start the practice and planned to come to our practice site.

Then we went to the centre of the city to continue doing Hong Fa. For some reason we chose a place outside the main streets where there were the most pedestrians. We were a bit uncertain about the choice of location but decided to start anyway. In comparison there were rather fewer people, but most of them were positive and gladly accepted our information. Some curious coincidences took place here. Practitioners who don't even live in Vasteras met people they hadn't seen for many years. It was then more obvious to us why we had ended up in that place. We felt that maybe their previous relationships had been established in order to meet them again now. Some Chinese people also came by and willingly accepted information in Chinese. One of the practitioners was interviewed by the local paper.

Later that night two of us continued on to the castle of Vasteras, which is visited by a lot of people. One of us performed the exercises and the other one talked to people and distributed flyers. There was a very fine atmosphere. Lots of people were interested and at times there were several rows of people who watched and wanted to have flyers. None of us had experienced such an interest from people before. We distributed a lot of flyers and reached people in a very positive way. A teacher came by and wanted some information. She told us that her students often asked her about Falun Gong. She asked if she could call us to come to her school to inform the students.

We went home that night with a happy heart. Many people are searching and in a time when there is chaos in the world, they are attracted to the peace, serenity, and righteousness of Falun Gong.

