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US Congressman Charles Gonzales' Support Letter for "RescueWalk to DC" in July

Sept. 30, 2001

July 17, 2001

To Whom It May Concern:

This weekend, American practitioners of Falun Gong, a Chinese spirituality and exercise regimen will descend upon the Washington, DC area from cities across the nation in protest of, and as a show of support for, persecuted followers in China.

Falun Gong is an exercise regimen that includes meditation and moral teachings to guide practitioners to better physical well-being, emotional tranquility and a better understanding of the purpose of life. Its teachings espouse the virtues of compassion, forbearance, and truthfulness.

As Americans, I believe we should recognize Falun Gong's followers' rights of freedom of speech and religion. Our history supports that such basic freedoms constitute the greatest strength of a nation. China should recognize this essential tenet of responsible government and desist from persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.



Charles Gonzales

Member of Congress
