(Clearwisdom.net) I am an aficionado of Chinese calligraphy. Even though I have been making Dafa banners using this talent since I obtained the Fa, I had not thought about how to better use it to introduce Dafa to people [Hongfa]. One day I was invited to demonstrate Chinese calligraphy in a Hongfa activity during a local Christmas party. I suddenly realized that I should combine my skills with calligraphy with Hongfa [introducing Dafa], rather than simply demonstrate the calligraphy itself. So I immediately started on an A4 paper [international letter size which is close to the American 81/2 x 11 inch paper], and wrote "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in chinese characters, then translated the names of interested westerners into Chinese and wrote them on the same paper. The result turned out to be unexpectedly excellent. Many people lined up, waiting for their names to be translated, while other practitioners who spoke English better took the chance to clarify the truth to the people waiting in line and hand them truth-clarifying materials. Also, among them many would ask the meaning of the Chinese words "Zhen Shan Ren"[Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance], many were very happy to sign the petition to support Falun Gong and call for stopping the persecution.
During the Hongfa activity during "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Week" in Hobart City, Tasmania last week, this method was also quite effective. During the two days of Hongfa activity in a mid-sized shopping center, more than 600 pages of calligraphy written with "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and "Falun Dafa" in both English and Chinese, Dafa websites and the logo of lotus flower were handed out when practitioners were demonstrating the exercises. When there were practitioners who speak English well standing nearby to clarify the truth and hand out the materials, the results were even better. During this time, most people waiting in line signed the petition letter to support Falun Gong. But we should be aware of not having an attachment to making the others feel as if we were asking for something in exchange. Also in order to make the activity more interesting, we briefly explained to them the meaning of the Chinese translation of their names.
A4 printing paper is recommended for this activity. The words "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and "Falun Dafa" in both English and Chinese, Dafa websites and the logo of lotus flower could be printed from computers first. The logo of the specific Hongfa activity and names can also be added if necessary. The corner of the paper should be left with a blank area to be filled out with the names of those who ask for the calligraphy work. But the whole printed area should be concise, less than a quarter of the whole page so that there is enough space for the calligraphy.
Attached are 2 photos of the activity in a shopping center for practitioners' reference. Please kindly point out anything improper.
Category: Perspective