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Summary of Other Articles and News - 09/30/2002

Oct. 3, 2002


Focus on Current Affairs

According to a report from Central News Agency on September 28, Chinese authorities claimed that the state-run SINOSAT satellite's signals had been recently hacked into and accused Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners of being responsible . They claimed they found the signal had come from Taipei. In response to this, Chang Ching-his, director of the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association, expressed he did not think that Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners had anything to do with the incident. Some people said that this might be another false case fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party to make excuses for their persecution of Falun Gong.

On October 18, 2001, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affaires fraudulently claimed that traces of the virus anthracnose was found in mail received from Falun Gong members. Later, experts pointed out the fact that the virus anthracnose can only be obtained by very few specialists in today's world. Being unable to deceive the international community, Chinese authorities had no choice but admit they were wrong.

Make the Best Use of Time to Clarify the Facts to the Precious Chinese People

The general manager of my cousin's company was informed by phone that a lady from the company went to Beijing to unfurl a Falun Dafa banner and he was requested to immediately go to Beijing to take his employee back. Upon hearing this, the general manager laughed loudly: "There must be some misunderstanding, it is absolutely impossible, because she does not practice Falun Gong." At that, the Beijing side flew into a rage: "What misunderstanding? She herself said that she is a Falun Gong practitioner. How could this be wrong?" The general manager thus brought her back from Beijing. All of the staff of the company laughed and said, "It's really hard to estimate how many people are practicing Falun Gong! We never heard that she practices Falun Gong, but she even went to Beijing to unfurl a banner! Now the city government once again commands all workplaces to find out exactly how many people are secretly practicing Falun Gong. How would one know! No one is able to tell exactly how many people are practicing Falun Gong."

News from China

After we started to cultivate Dafa, the diseases in my liver, kidney, heart, stomach, and gallbladder and my wife's nephritis completely disappeared. We came to understand the true meaning of life. Such a cultivation system that brings numerous benefits and no harm to the country, however, was brutally persecuted by Jiang's gang of political scoundrels. The universal principle follows that doing good deeds is met with good rewards, and being evil is met with evil returns. The truth will finally become known to all.

The Truth of the Persecution

I was kidnapped when I went to Tiananmen to appeal for Falun Dafa. The evil police sexually harassed me. Because I practiced Dafa exercises while in detention, I was forced to stay outside in the freezing cold many times. On June 28, 2002, about sixty practitioners were paraded through the streets before the public. Then we were sent to brainwashing class. At the brainwashing class, I was beaten mercilessly, punished physically and exposed to the burning sun on several occasions. However, the torture and beatings were unable to shake my firm belief. Later I was released. After I returned home, however, I was constantly harassed by police almost every other day.