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Philadelphia Inquirer: Faith & its repercussions (Excerpt)

Dec. 17, 2002

Posted on Mon, Dec. 16, 2002


Thank you for the photo on the Falun Gong event over the Thanksgiving weekend.

My family had similar experiences. My father, who's a 50-year Communist Party member and a retired high-ranking official in the army, was detained for half a year for practicing Falun Gong. He's still under surveillance at home. His passport was suspended and he could not come to the U.S. to visit me. I miss him. I just hope that this injustice in China will come to an end soon. I believe your report is an important contribution to raising awareness on this brutal persecution of citizens of conscience in China.

Special thanks to the photographer, Jim MacMillan, for taking the photo in the cold.

Professor Shiyu Zhou, Rutgers University
