Dear fellow practitioner,
How are you?
I'm now sending you the six-page color leaflet in Turkish that we used for Fa-rectification and promotion in Turkey. It has been printed and distributed for two months now, and the effect has been great. People started having an initial understanding of Falun Dafa right away. Many people called to inquire about Fa study and exercises. Some people already had a good understanding of Dafa over half a year ago. One person gave up the Yoga they had been practicing for five years and adhered to Dafa with determination.

Zhuan Falun is in the process of being translated and 90 percent of it has been finished. A person read the translated draft of Zhuan Falun and said that he understood many principles of cultivation and broke through a lot of obstacles he couldn't break through before, and he is now cultivating diligently. At the beginning, he could hardly sit in the lotus position, but now he can manage it. Some people were touched by the spirit of Dafa and its principles and wanted to learn Dafa; some enlightened substantially after studying the Fa for a while. One practitioner said that one day she had seen a huge door close and she felt heartache and despair. That was about half month after Teacher's "The Chill of Autumn's Winds" had been published.
Every day, practitioners walk in the street and pass out Dafa leaflets for two or three hours, regardless of wind, snow or sunshine, and we feel more and more energetic. We are so happy when we hear people say, "Falun Dafa" after they take the leaflets. Turkish people have started obtaining the Fa. The Turkish people and the government know the truth of Dafa.
An editor in chief and photographer of Ankara Magazine went to a park to interview practitioners and posted the photos of practitioners doing exercises in their magazine. We can see that Turkish people can proactively help us promote the Fa, and that human nature originally is pure and righteous.
On the occasion of the traditional Chinese New Year coming, please express our greetings to our great Teacher. Enclosed are the photos of Turkish practitioners doing exercises in the park in the Autumn of 2001.
A Turkish practitioner
February 4, 2002 in Ankara