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The Public Security Bureau Establishes An Office in Shijiazhuang City with Private Jails Where Abducted Dafa Practitioners Are Tortured

March 10, 2002 |   By Falun Dafa Practitioners in China


On the evening of September 28th, 2001, Zang Shengye, the Mayor of Shijiazhuang City, led 30-50 police armed with loaded guns into a house at Kaida Development on 300 Gongnong Avenue. When these officers charged into the house, they slapped and punched everyone there. All five Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested, Zhang Shijun, Yang Xiaojie, Liu Runling (female), Zhao Lishan, Lan Qizhi. The police ransacked their home and took their valuables.

On September 29th, police from Dongli Station were hiding near the homes of Zhang Lingjiang, and Shi Yan's to arrest these Falun Dafa practitioners.

On October 3rd, police from Ninganlu Station arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Niu Mingang after breaking into Compartment 16 on a railroad. At the same time, Shijiazhuang City had a massive arrest targeting "important personnel."

As of now, 8 Falun Dafa practitioners have been abducted and tortured in order to get a "confession" from them. Public Security considered this to be the No. 1 case in Hebei Province. The Public Security Bureau established an office in Shijiazhuang to directly hold illegal trials. The police from Political Security Subteam of Shijiazhuang City Station and Qiaoxi Police Sub Division formed a "9.28 Special Case Group" to provide a substitute squad.

Inside sources reported that practitioner Shi Yan received the most severe torture. He was forced to sit on the "Iron Chair" for 2 months, which caused his leg muscles to atrophy. He was locked in the No.1 Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City by the Political Security Sub-Team Police of Shijiazhuang City Station until mid-December 2001. He cannot walk properly today due to the severe degeneration of his leg muscles. [The iron chair is made of iron pipes. The victim's arms and legs are restrained to the iron chair under long duration. See also illustration on http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/1/9/17577.html]

Zhao Lishan, almost 60 years old is Vice-Chief-Editor of Current Figures Magazine of Hebei Province Author's Association. He is a famous author in China, yet, he cannot escape from the cruel torture. One policeman from Xinhua Sub-Station of Shijiazhuang City kicked his chest in a rage. He passed out instantly. He is locked in the No.2 Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City.

Dafa practitioner Zhang Lingjiang was interrogated by Police Director Xiao, Policeman Yu Chengxiao from Dongli Station and 6 other police from Qiaoxi Sub-Station during an illegal trial in a hotel room. They tortured him one month to force a "confession" from him. They also forced his family to pay $2000 Yuan for the hotel bill [Average monthly pay of an urban worker is 500 Yuan] without issuing a receipt. Police and the Neighborhood Administration Office forced his 12-year-old daughter, Zhang Lu, to help search for him and his wife in their relative's homes. Zhang Lingjian is in illegal custody in the No. 1 Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City. His daughter and her youngest aunt has been harassed and threatened by the police.

Dafa practitioner, Niu Mingang, was also brutally tortured. We heard that the police from the Xinhua Sub-Station and the City Station felt helpless against Niu Mingang's determination. They sent him to the "Province Brainwashing Class." However, nothing can shake a Dafa disciple's rock-solid faith. The police locked him in the No.2 Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City until mid-December 2001. His legs are now still swollen and he cannot walk properly. He was forced to leave 2 of his young children, 2 elderly parents, and his wife without any source of income. His family mourns with tears every day for his suffering and for his absence.

Dafa practitioner, Zhang Shijun is in illegal custody in the No. 2 Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City. His parents are left at home now. One of the police who tortured him is Zhao Changqing from Dongdajie Sub-Station of Shijiazhuang City.

Dafa practitioner Liu Runling (female) is in illegal custody in the No. 2 Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City. Her husband, Yang Xiaojie, is in illegal custody in the Dongfenglu Detention Center of Shijiazhuang City. Yang Xiaojie was confined to the iron chair for 7 days and nights. Their poor daughter and 2 elderly parents are left at home.

Dafa practitioner Lan Qizhi was abducted and is still missing.

On October 17, 2001, the police charged into an accounting firm and arrested Dafa practitioner Li Xiuxia (female), who is an accountant. On November 30th, 2001, police arrested Dafa practitioner Wu Yongxin, a professor of Hebei Urban Construction School. On December 21st, 2001, police arrested Dafa practitioners: Lu Ran (female, a Shijiazhuang City School graduate), Huang Xiuping (female, an Assistant Engineer of Shijiazhuang City Post Office), and Liu Guojun (an employee of Lientong Subsidiary). Police arrested another Dafa practitioner but he escaped with the help of righteous thoughts. Li Xiuxia, Wu Yongxin and Huang Xiuping are confined in the Provincial Brainwashing Class. Lu Ran and Liu Guojun are still missing. The police have not notified their families about this very urgent matter. According to a male practitioner who escaped the abduction, the police knew their identity when they were arrested. But the police intentionally didn't notify any of their families. We cannot imagine how they will be tortured.

The National Public Security Bureau has set up an office in Shijiazhuang to supervise the Shijiazhuang Political Security Team of Qiaoxi Sub-Division. According to inside sources, the main perpetrators in Shijiazhuang are Ma Wensheng and Deng Fang who are both leaders of the Political Security Team. They visit Qiaoxi Sub-Division daily to scheme more methods to collect "evidence" to justify their torture of Dafa practitioners.

Shijiazhuang Police Qiaoxi Sub-Division and Xinhua Division are mainly responsible for the illegal arrest of Falun Dafa practitioners. Qiaoxi Division is mainly responsible for conducting torture methods and forcing "confessions". People who persecute Dafa practitioners cruelly are awarded merits and bonuses.

During December 2001, Dafa practitioners who were abducted at the end of September were arrested and often illegally interrogated. They endured cruel torture but were never shaken. Even the police admired their solid faith. One official who still has a conscience said, "They suffered a great deal..."

A reliable internal source revealed that there is another secret confinement place where Dafa practitioners from Shijiazhuang City and other regions are imprisoned long-term and tortured in Shijiazhuang City in addition to the detention centers, labor camps, and all brainwashing classes.

We make an urgent call to all human rights organizations and kindhearted international organizations to investigate the atrocities taking place in Shijiazhuang City. We urgently call for all the family members of Dafa practitioners' to take action! Let us all go to the police division to ask for their release! We can no longer let those people get away with such evil.

Evil gang's phone numbers:

Zhang Shiyu, Vice Director of Shijiazhuang City Police Division in charge of persecuting Falun Gong , Office Tel. [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3828].

Director Office of Shijiazhuang City Police Division, Office Tel. [86-311-7026911, Ext. 3001].

Other Vice Director's Office of Shijiazhuang City Police Division,

Tel: [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3352]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3731]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3006]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3859]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3735]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3895]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 382]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3893]; [86-311-7026911 Ext. 3890].

Ma Wensheng, Political Security Team Leader, the main criminal against Falun Dafa in Shijiazhuang City. Office Tel [86-311-6033875].

Deng Fang, Vice Political Security Team Leader, the major criminal against Falun Dafa in Shijiazhuang City.

Wang Xiaofeng, an official on the Political Security Team.

Liu Zhongming, Director of Qiaoxi Police Division of Shijiazhuang City. Office Tel [86-311-7026381].

Zhao Xinjian, Vice Director of Qiaoxi Police Division in Shijiazhuang City in charge of persecuting Falun Gong. Office Tel.[86-311-7026817].

Other Vice Director of Qiaoxi Police Division in Shijiazhuang City, Tel. [86-311-7026919]; [86-311-7026884]; [86-311-7021795]; [86-311-7025613]; [86-311-7024846]; [86-311-7026792].

Translated on March 6, 2002 from edited version of http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2002/3/4/26002.html