The escalating persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China has aroused the concern of Amnesty International in Austria. In the summer of 2001, they drafted a petition letter to Chinese President Jiang and started to collect signatures.
The petition letter states, "... The large-scale persecution against Falun Gong practitioners was launched in Mainland China in July 1999. In order to force the practitioners to give up practicing Falun Gong, [the Chinese authorities] have imprisoned them. They have sent practitioners to forced labor camps or mental hospitals. The Falun Gong practitioners suffered inhumane torture. Since Falun Gong was banned, at least ninety-three practitioners were tortured to death. And the number is still increasing. ..."
The petition requested:
- Stop torturing or mistreating those people who hold different opinions. Stop imposing psychological treatments on them.
- Stop the cruel persecution against Falun Gong and other religious followers.
- Release Teng Chunyan, Zhao Ming, and all the other innocent Falun Gong practitioners.
In just a few months, many people came to know the cruel persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. They signed the petitioner letter to show their support. At the ending date of the signature collection in early December 2001, more than ten thousand people had signed the petition. The petition letter and signatures were sent to the Chinese Embassy in Austria. The Chinese Embassy was requested to forward the letter to the Chinese leaders.
We see that kind-hearted people around the world are concerned about the persecution against Falun Gong. This cruel and unacceptable persecution is bound to end in complete failure.