Berlin, 3/7/2002
Dear Mr. Ambassador:
Once again Chinese and German Falun Gong practitioners are assembled outside the embassy of your country to demonstrate for the freedom of Falun Gong in China.
According to reliable sources, on orders of your Chief Executive Officer and highest placed Party member, Mr. Jiang Zemin, the plight of Falun Gong practitioners in the People's Republic of China is worsening dramatically. As we have gathered, Falun Gong is now supposed to be totally destroyed. The order has been given to shoot Falun Gong practitioners in broad daylight, out in the open. Many people are to be executed.
The judgment of history will never fathom these groundless acts of persecution against innocent people; these acts cannot escape justice and scrutiny. All those involved in this undertaking are heaping immeasurable debts on themselves. Please, your Excellency, help, with all possible powers at your command, to see to it that this heritage of persecution will not add the deeds of murder and execution to the pages of history.
Falun gong practitioners merely want to live by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. What could possibly be bad about that? Whom might it hurt?
In this free country of Germany you have access to all information. You are aware that Falun Gong is welcome in all the world and people enjoy the freedom to practice it.
We appeal to you to intervene with the government in your country to bring about the recall of the oder to shoot, for a repeal of the execution order and to free all Falun Gong practitioners in China.
We are counting on your support. Thank you.
German Falun Dafa Association
Category: Perspective