H.E. Mr. Jozias van Aartsen, Holland's Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke at the 58th Session of
the Commission on Human Rights (Geneva, 27th March,á 2002). In the speech, he said:
"But the human rights situation in China continues to be a source of greatáconcern to the
Netherlands Government. The application of the death penaltyáhas reached an unprecedented level
since the start of the "strike hard"ácampaign. Followers of Christian churches and
other religious communities,áas well as members of the Falun Gong, continue to be persecuted.
The fightáagainst terrorism is used as a pretext to intensify repression of minoritiesáin Xinjiang and Tibet. On the other hand, Chinese society is
now more openáand engaged with the international community more than ever before.áThis is
underscored by China's successful bid for the Olympic Games. I hopeáand expect that China will
take upon itself the moral obligation that goesáwith it: to fully respect all human
In a Speech at the UN Conference, a Dutch Delegate Expresses his Hope that China Will Honor Its Moral Obligation to Fully Respect Human Rights

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